Chapter 21

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I got to school but got there very late, probably because I decided to walk very very slowly, I want answers but then I don't. Maybe because I want to know the truth and then again I don't because it will just upset me more. It doesn't matter I walked into class once the teacher had her back turned. Luckily it was the teacher who was kind to me so hopefully she wouldn't mind. I made my way to the back of the class and found Hiccup sat there in the seat he was always sat in since he became friends with me.

I didn't look at him or even speak to him and when he tried speaking to me I looked out the window and acted as if I was day dreaming. Once the bell rang I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out the class as soon as possible so he couldn't follow me. It came to lunchtime I wanted to eat in my lonely corner where I used to go but I got stopped. Someone pulled my arm back and as I turned around it was Hiccup...

"Are you dodging me?" I sighed what was I supposed to say yeah I am because apparently you are trying to kill me and Fear. "No," that was all I said to him. "Really because it seems like it ever since that blood moon you haven't even spoke to me or anyone in fact," great what was I supposed to do now. "Listen maybe I have been dodging you but I have good reason to," he looked at me confused "okay and whats that reason may I ask?" this was it I brought this on myself so now I have to tell him what i know and find out the truth. If he will give me it that is.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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