Chapter 24

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Well that should of told him straight and it should make me feel better but it doesn't it makes me feel worse than I already do. I still feel as if he didn't do it that what he's saying is the truth but the only way to really know is to see proof that he wants to kill me and Fear and that way I will get my answer. Of course that's it proof. That is all I need.

I walked around the school to see if I could dodge him but what struck me was that he was no where to be seen neither was Rapunzel. That was easy but the next part wasn't I needed him to show it not me. Looks like I was going to have to wait a little while longer to get the answers that I wanted. In the meantime I decided to go and find Fear and tell her what I had found out all by myself without her help needed.

I headed home hoping she would be there since I could see her during the day now looks like she was getting stronger by the minute. I called out for her all around the house but she as well was no where to be seen. Wait if getting stronger means that I can see her then maybe she could leave the house as well, I mean where would she of got that info from anyway. This was getting on my nerves everyone is going behind my back and now I don't know who to trust. So I decided to sit down and wait for her to get back whenever that would be.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading and sorry its so short.

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