Chapter 27

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Hiccup's Point of View

I got into school and met up with Rapunzel and Jack and everyone. "Hiccup what are you gonna do you have to be prepared for what comes at you," Rapunzel said to me. Once I opened my locker a knife and a note fell to the floor. I picked it up and it got snatched out of my hand I look up and it's Merida. "Remember to use this when have the chance (kill Merida and Fear). Thanks Hiccup you just gave me the proof that I needed to see!" She chucked it back at me and I called as she ran away "I DIDN'T DO THIS I WOULD NEVER HURT YOU!" I went and chucked the knife into the bin including the note when I got back to the others Jack said "Um what was that you said about being prepared about what will happen next," we all looked at Rapunzel and she gave a small smile.

I couldn't believe it that's it Fear was telling the truth, the truth about everything. How could he, I trusted him with everything. I got outside the school gates and slid down the wall and burst into tears. I hear a voice and loads of footsteps coming my direction and I knew exactly whose voice it was. Hiccup.

I stood up and looked at him and said "Stay away from and Fear and don't come near us ever again do you hear me!" He started to move forward all of them did but it wasn't him who spoke Jack did "Merida Hiccup didn't do this why would after all he has done for you," I laughed and replied "Exactly what I would like to know Jack why would he?" This time only Hiccup stood forward "Merida I would never do this to you okay I care for you and I wanna help but Fear did this she want's to get rid of us so she can do what she needs to do and your in the middle of it don't you see," he is talking rubbish Fear would never do that but I guess I can ask one last question, "Did you go and see Hope yesterday answer me that?" he stumbled maybe I just got my answer from that "Yes me and Rapunzel did we wanted answers about what was going on and then as we were walking home we had a run in with Fear and she made her sister stay out of the way of what she is planning and because she didn't want us getting hurt she took that deal and never told us and when we went back she still wouldn't tell us."

I am feeling so angry right now I don't know what to say they lied to me again kept things from me put a knife in their locker as a reminder. What sort of friends do they think they are to me. All I can feel inside of me is rage, anger, upset emotions that I can't control inside of me. Suddenly all the rage comes out a create a huge force of wind towards them and they fly backwards against the school gates. They didn't move I went to see if they were hurt, if they would wake up but they wouldn't. I knocked them out. I'm a monster I did that I'm meant to be good not this not this at all. I get and walk away from them slowly I hear the bell go for the end of school and see people making their way towards the gates. I decided to run as fast as I could to get away from the scene that I have caused.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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