Chapter 30

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"Merida there is something I need to tell you and I dunno how to put it, its about the item I have told you too collect for me," Fear said to me. We were sat down in my living room on Monday morning I needed to get to school but Fear insisted on talking to me before I went but I was late already so I asked her "Could this wait till later cause I'm really late for school?" I gave her a wink which meant that I wasn't really heading in that direction, she sighed then nodded I hugged her and went to the door and turned around and said bye and I was gone.

I started to walk to school and as I turned round a corner I bashed straight into someone I looked up and this person was beautiful she has long orange ginger curly hair in a way it kinda looked like springy pasta. She wore this long dress the bottom half was a brighter orange colour and the top was hot pink with this this floral pattern in the middle of it. When I looked at her face she had these deep green eyes that shone like sparkling emeralds. But when I looked deep enough I could see goodness and kindness within her and then suddenly going deeper and deeper I could see her her childhood and next to her was a little girl and they were playing. Not until after a while I realized I knew the girl, the girl playing with her was Fear. I snapped out of what I was seeing and it landed back on the girl in front of me. "Your Hope aren't you?"

"Your Merida aren't you?" I nodded "And you just looked into my eyes very deeply to find out who I am didn't you?" I nodded again. What else was I supposed to do say no when I'm shocked out of my wits. I shouldn't even be talking to her Fear told me she was dangerous and horrible. "Well I didn't mean too it was just that we crashed that was all," whoa were did that come from "There was no need to have such attitude to your voice," she replied. Did I really just say that to her with attitude, didn't feel like it anyway "Well if you wouldn't mind getting out my way I have to be somewhere," I barged past her I turned around and she was staring back at me then when I looked forward again she was in front of me "Really, let me pass," each step I took she got in my way "No I need to speak with me or are you too busy to get something for my sister than really going to school," I looked at her not to deep with curiosity but this time but with rage and anger. "I have no idea what you mean?" she just sighed and looked deep back into mine "That crystal is dangerous, that crystal do you know what it does?" she asked me in the end I nodded and replied "It shows people what will happen in your future but also holds a the power to make you stronger and control what you want."

She just laughed at me and then cried "Is that what she told you WOW. No what that crystal does is make you see what you really wanna see what your heart is telling but one thing she did get correct was that will let you control whatever they wish and do you know what it can also control people as well as powers so if I were you watch your back," then she turned around and walked away left me standing there like an idiot. So I called back "Hope I think you mean that you should watch your back!" and with that she was out of site.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading and vote. Also the part about the crystal if your wondering if you have missed a part in the story don't worry you haven't it was just a part that I have only added in now.

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