Chapter 39

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Merida's Point of View

It was the best experience in my life. I felt alive, there was no turning back from this. It was the best thing that has happened to me. No more holding back just being free was amazing. Burning everything in sight, destroying everything in my way, just letting all the anger go.

But something was still bugging me. Hiccup. He needs to pay for what he has done to me. He was using me all along. Keeping me away from the world. Thinking I was nothing. Just playing with my feelings. He has to pay for what he has done. By that I mean death.

Just the thought makes me even happier.

"HEY YOU LOOKING FOR US!" I spun around and saw a bunch of teenagers in front of me. Not just any group of teenagers it was them. I scanned though the group and he wasn't there "WHERE IS HE, TOO SCARED TO SHOW HIS FACE!" I shouted back and laughed.

Suddenly a storm of ice came heading my way. Luckily I dodged it. Wait ice, where in the hell did that come from. I look at the direction it came from. It was Jack, Jack since when does he control ice. "Since when can you control ice?" I asked him concerned.

He chuckled then replied "Since forever I guess," I stumbled backwards. After all those times he bullied me he had a secret like mine. How and why would he do that? "After all you put me through and you had a secret of your own, HOW COULD YOU?" my voice rising. Anger started to burn through my veins.

"I'm so sorry okay, I really am, but you have to admit, you were worse than me?" I shot a bug ball of fire at them. They all dodged in different directions. "THIS IS NO TIME TO BE FUNNY MISTER FROST!" I screamed at him.

Now the fight had begun.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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