Chapter 42

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I dedicate this chapter sweetu10 because they have been a great support will I was writing this story and I thank them for that. Thank you sweetu10 you have been a great supporter.

Merida's Point of View

A great force pushed us backwards away from each other. I crashed my body against the floor. I remember everything how though? I slowly sit while holding my aching head. I blinked a few times then I heard "HICCUP!" I looked over to who shouted his name.

Jack. Jack and all his friends were crowded around his body. "NO NO NO!" I shouted while running towards them. I fell to his lifeless body. Everyone backed away a little. "What have I done?" I cried.

I pulled him into my arms and cuddled him close. I wouldn't let go, I'm not going to let go. He was right, he was right about everything. "He's dead, oh yes you did it Merida, you did it," a girl chuckled with laughter.

I looked up to see Fear. Fear. She did this, she did all of it. "YOU DID THIS; YOU DID ALL OF IT HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" I screamed at her. She smiled evilly. "Correction Merida you did this I just stood here and watched aha," she laughed right at me.

I screamed in anger so loud, that I conjured a huge wave that forced everyone backwards onto the floor. "DON'T THINK THAT WILL STOP ME MERIDA, I STILL HAVE YOU DEEPEST FEAR TO HANG ONTO!" She shouted standing back up. She began to walk away and start her plan.

"NO-!" she stopped what she was doing and placed her hands down and faced me. "No you don't, not anymore," I could sense everyone looking at me with confused faces. "Wanna know why? Here's why because my deepest fear has already come true!"

Fear glared at me began to walk towards me. She conjured one of her fear powers, aiming at me until she screamed down to the floor in pain. I was confused I didn't know what was happening.

I looked to the side to see a girl with curly ginger hair come out of the mist. "You can't hurt her anymore; she no longer fears you or her powers. All because of him," she pointed at Hiccup's lifeless body in my arms. "You're going back where you belong Fear," and with a click of her fingers Fear turned to ash.

She was gone.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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