Chapter 9

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I headed straight for the library at full speed. I went straight to my section of the room and asked the teacher at the desk "Hey um miss when you were sorting out my section of the library did you by any chance put a book about a girl named Fear?" she looked up at me and smiled I think this was one teacher that actually liked me "Oh hey there Merida, no I don't think I did sorry. But is it about the myth Fear the girl," I nodded "I would recommened looking in the books to do with nightmares because you never know fears and nightmares in a way relate so I would start there otherwise I would use the internet." I smiled back her and replied "Thanks miss."

I searched the shelves for the book about nightmares. I couldn't find it anywhere. "Looking for this," I turn around and I can see Hiccup holding the nightmare book. "Give it please," he shook his head "Not until you tell me whats going on," I sighed this was going to be hard work so the easiest way of doing this was to tell him everything. Surprisingly he believed em well trusted me anyway and handed the book over. I looked through it but there was nothing in there about her. "Hey Merida I might have something here!" Hiccup called me over while he was on the computer. I skimmed through it and my thoughts were correct.

"This is it Hiccup, I was right. Fear did all that in the parking lot this morning." I started to jump with joy. "Merida Fear is a myth there is no way she could of done all that," great now he was starting to doubt me. "Fine if you think like that but even if she was real is it possible, could she actually do that," I asked him. He looked at me then replied "Yeah I would think so....." This made me brighten up a little. "So even if you took a picture of whats happening she would show up," he nodded. This was perfect. "Can you do me a favour if it happens again take a picture from every angle for me please then give them to me, thanks," he nodded "Oh were gonna be late for next class lets go, I nodded got my bag and we headed for the door.

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