Magic Arthur (AU)

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Arthur ran through the hallways, council papers in his hand. Merlin was sick, so he wasn't able to wake up on time. He was still wearing his night clothes, but he fixed his hair with his hands before rushing out of his room. Not paying attention, he rammed into a servant, sending his papers flying. 

"O-Oh, I'm sorry Sire," the servant murmured, standing up quickly. 

"No harm," Arthur replied. Then, noticing the servant's face. "What's wrong?"

"Y-Your papers, Sire," the servant stammered. "They're floating!"

Arthur's eyes widened as he saw that his council papers were floating in the air in front of the two of them. Arthur gasped and scooted away from the papers just as they fell to the floor.

"W-Was that you?" Arthur asked the servant.

"N-No," the servant answered.

Arthur sighed, picked up the papers, and stood up.

"Don't tell anyone about this, okay?" Arthur ordered.

"Why?" the servant asked in confusion. "Magic is legal now. It's okay for you to have magic."

"It's not that," Arthur replied. "We don't know if it was magic or not. I won't know until I get some help."

The servant nodded, bowed to Arthur, and hurried off. Arthur watched him leave before sighing again, and rushing off to the council meeting. 





Arthur jolted up as Gwen said his name loudly.

"Y-Yes?" Arthur asked, giving his wife a small smile.

"Have you listened to anything they said?" Gwen asked worriedly.

"N-No," Arthur replied, his face turning red with embarrassment. "Can you repeat, Elyan?"

"Morgana and Freya were due back here a day ago, but we received no word from them," Elyan repeated. "We think that they may have been captured, but we are still uncertain."


Just as Arthur yelled, the chandelier that was above them crashed onto the round table, making everyone jump. Arthur paled as he looked at the ruined chandelier, swallowing nervously.

"W-What just happened?" Leon finally asked.

Without saying anything, Arthur hurriedly stood up, and ran out of the room, leaving questions in everyone's mind.


Merlin slowly raised his spoon with a shaking hand, while his other hand held his blanket tightly around him. Just as he was about to eat his soup, the door to his house slammed open, making him drop the soup on his pants. Angered, he looked up to see who had run into his house. His anger was soon replaced with confusion when he saw Arthur standing their, still in his night clothes and with fearful eyes.

"What's wrong, Arthur?" Merlin asked, putting his spoon down and standing up.

"Morgana and Freya might have been captured," Arthur replied, walking towards his sick friend. "I wanted to tell you that we are leaving once I get ready to look for them, and I will bring Freya back safely for you."

"Thanks Arthur," Merlin replied.

Arthur smiled at the warlock, and turned to leave.

"That's not all you wanted to talk to me about, is it?"

Arthur stiffened and turned back to face Merlin, who's eyebrow was raised high. Arthur sighed and slowly shook his head. 

"N-No, it isn't," Arthur replied. "Merlin. I'm scared."

"What for?" Merlin asked, cocking his head.

"I-I think that I might have magic," Arthur replied, stumbling over his words.



"I think that I have magic."

" that why you're scared? Why are you scared because you have magic?"

"I don't know how to control it! I-I need your help."

Merlin sighed. "Arthur, I can't help you right now. I'm sick. My magic doesn't work properly."

Arthur looked at Merlin, exasperated. Merlin sneezed, and multiple butterflies appeared out of thin air and fluttered away. Merlin gave Arthur and apologetic look.

"I'm sorry Arthur," Merlin apologized. "But maybe Mordred can help you."

"Okay, I-I'll have to ask him, maybe," Arthur gave him a small smile before heading out. "Oh, and Merlin?"

"Yes?" Merlin perked up.

"Get better. That's an order from your King."

Merlin rolled his eyes and smiled.



Arthur was snapped out of his daze when Percival called him. Said knight was looking at a ransacked camp with a worried look on his face.

"What is it, Percival?" Arthur asked his friend.

"This was Morgana and Freya's camp," Percival replied, a grim look on his face. "It looks like bandits have been here, and took Morgana and Freya as captives."

"Are we able to follow their trail?" Gwaine piped up. 

Percival nodded, and pointed north. "It's this way."

Arthur nodded and urged his horse forward, the other knights following him.


Soon, they came across the bandits' camp. They were all laughing merrily and playfully punching each other. However, two figures caught Arthur and his knights' eyes. One of the bandits had an arm slung around Freya's shoulders, holding a keg of wine up to her face. Freya looked extremely uncomfortable as the bandit began to play with her long hair. She tried to make him stop, but her hands were bound, so all she did was squirm. This made the bandit only pull Freya closer as he continued to talk to her and play with her hair. Percival had to stop Gwaine from rushing out of their hiding spot, while Leon had to do the same with Lancelot. The second figure they found out was Morgana. One of the bandits, who seemed to be the leader, was talking to her. She just glared at him and tried to fold her arms, but they were also bound. The leader seemed to get enraged at Morgana, and took a threatening step towards her. Morgana then laughed, and her eyes flashed gold. The leader was thrown backwards, hitting a tree in the process. Another bandit that was close to them, hurried over and, in a flash, struck Morgana across the face, making her fall to the ground. 

Arthur, despite both Elyan and Mordred trying to hold him back, ran out of the hiding spot with a battle cry. His knights soon followed after him, shouting with him. The bandits were only surprised for a second before they all ran after Arthur and his knights. Lancelot and Arthur soon snuck away to free Freya and Morgana, who had scooted over to each other when the fight started. While Lancelot untied Freya, Arthur untied Morgana. 

"Arthur, look out!"

Arthur whirled around to see a bandit run towards him. He hurriedly blocked the bandit's attack, his surprise quickly fading away.

"Lancelot! Take Morgana and Freya and get away from here!" Arthur yelled at his knight.


"DO AS I SAY!" Arthur commanded, turning his head. 

Just as he turned his head, the bandit's sword hit his arm, causing a large gash. Arthur cried out in pain, and the bandit flew backwards. As Arthur grasped his arm, Freya, Morgana, and Lancelot all looked at him in surprise.

"GO!" Arthur yelled at them, before turning around to fight the bandit.

Just as the three of his friends ran off, Arthur realized that the bandit was all the way across the field where they were at. Arthur took in a sharp breath before he ran over and helped his fellow knights. Now, he knew that he truly had magic.


When they arrived in Camelot, Arthur arraigned a meeting only with the ones who knew magic. Freya, Mordred, Morgana, Merlin, Gauis, and Gaus' wife, Alice, all filed into the room, worry on their face. Arthur looked at them all, and cleared his throat.

"I have called all of you in here for something important," Arthur began, swallowing nervously. "I have just discovered a few days ago that I have magic."

Freya and Morgana gasped loudly. Mordred and Merlin smiled at each other, nodding their heads. Gauis sighed, and Alice looked happy.

"I had a feeling that you would find out sooner or later," Gauis said.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked, confused.

"Since you were born of magic, you have magic deep within you," Gauis explained. "It would take you longer to realize it, so that's why you're just discovering this now."

"Why would you keep this from me?" Arthur commanded.

"Uther didn't want me to tell you," Gauis explained. "He wanted to forget that you even had magic. That's why he was the way he was."

Arthur nodded, and a small sigh escaped his lips.


Arthur looked up to see Merlin smiling at him.

"If you need any help controlling your magic, just come talk to us," Merlin said. "We will help you."

The others nodded, and Arthur smiled at them.

"Thank you."     

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