Daughter Pendragon

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A.N.:// I thought this idea was kinda funny. I posted the original idea on tumblr, then decided to do something with it. Enjoy minimum effort works today.

Ship: OT3: Arthur/ Gwen/ Merlin 
(I didn't proof read and I didn't plan it. It's just a series of interactions I had in mind. Ignore the mistakes, lmao. Consider this a sketch.)

Have fun ^^


It's been three years since Merlin confessed to having magic. Originally, Arthur wanted Merlin to leave, so Arthur could die in peace after the worst betrayal he's ever experienced. It had been right after Camlann, where Arthur had been mortally wounded. Then Merlin saved his life and Arthur had to swallow the fact that Merlin hadn't actually betrayed him THAT much, and Arthur was the dramatic bitch in the family.

The worst part, however - and it was by far the worst thing Arthur had to face, including being stabbed by Mordred and watching his sister and worst enemy be killed by his manservant - was that Arthur was now forced to pay Merlin respect. He had to make an official speech and everything! Never mind lifting the ban on magic. That part was fine actually. The worst part was that he had to openly compliment Merlin for all the good things he's ever done for Arthur and Camelot.

Merlin gave him a list.

It was a very long list.

And Merlin didn't accept a single reward Arthur tried to give him.

So Arthur went and read it all out to the people, even though he was certain Merlin made at least half the shit up. He could get behind Merlin convincing Anhora to give Arthur another chance to redeem that curse that Arthur put upon his people by killing a unicorn. But Arthur refused to believe that Merlin managed to scare Morgana off by turning into an old man. What the actual fuck? And was Arthur seriously to announce that Merlin used his magic to entertain Queen Annis by magicking himself capable of juggling? He didn't have to, but he did it anyway.

Of course there were much more serious things on that list that Merlin was trying to cover up with the useless stuff.

The first time Arthur read through the thing, he had to force himself not to cry as he read the part about Uther's death. How Merlin had tried to abuse his magic only once to convince Arthur that it could be used for good. And that one instance had taken time and preparation for Merlin to insure his own safety. That time ended up being Morgana's chance to turn Merlin's healing spells against Uther, which ended up killing him. Arthur failed at trying not to cry because he remembered Dragoon's face when his spells didn't work. He remembered Gaius' explanation of Dragoon's intentions, and he sure as hell remembered Merlin's grief.

Merlin's grief for Uther had always been misplaced in Arthur's opinion. It had been the grief for the loss his best friend had to endure. This honorable and kind gesture, one that Arthur carried with him wherever he went, the sight of Merlin waiting for him before the throne room while Arthur paid his father his last respects, had now been twisted into the misplaced grief for a genocidal maniac. A maniac who may be Arthur's father, but one who would have killed Merlin for much less than the reasons Merlin had for the reverse. Merlin had enough reason to enjoy Uther's death. Merlin had enough reason to join Morgana. Merlin had enough reason to kill Arthur himself in his sleep, with and without magic. Yet, he didn't.

And this brings us back to Arthur's constant dilemma. The reward. Because words were hardly enough. Words couldn't take away the anxiety Merlin still had around using his magic openly. Words and laws wouldn't wash away years of installed prejudices and wariness of the people in Camelot. Many believed what Arthur did was foolish. That allowing magic back in Camelot was a mistake. Keeping Merlin alive was considered a mistake. Some even thought that Arthur did it out of fear.

And so, Arthur's mind pondered about this in his rooms, while Guinevere was breathing heavily next to him. He was trying to help, so he held her hand and endured the strength of her grip and her screams, but there was only so much a man can do when his wife has gone into labor. Gaius, as the Court Physician, was supervising the birth process, while Merlin and the midwife shared all the work of encouraging and checking if the child and wife were alright. Merlin, being an idiot, also watched over Arthur's empathetic winces because he was just like that. But it seemed that Gwen was in no danger and the birth was going splendidly well.

And so, Arthur's mind wandered again. To his own guilt, his embarrassments and confessed humiliations, because his best friend had done more for the kingdom than he had ever imagined. And he couldn't even make Merlin Court Sorcerer, because Merlin had insisted that Camelot needed a Court Physician more than a Court Sorcerer, since Gaius was about to retire and couldn't afford training someone new at this age. And, to quote Merlin: "I have my hands full enough with taking care of YOU. You have no idea how high maintenance you are!"

To be fair, that rant was a lot less terrifying than the earful Arthur had gotten after he told Merlin that Gwen was pregnant. "What do you mean you're having a child? Couldn't you have consulted with me first? I have NO time for this! I need to revise your new laws on magic, I need to take over Gaius' business, I haven't even had time to clean the stables TODAY. How the fuck am I supposed to take care of this child?" To which Arthur had reminded Merlin that this child was Gwen's and Arthur's, not Merlin's. Arthur hasn't recovered from Merlin's expression ever since. "And who do you think is going to dress this child? Change their diapers, wash them, play with them, educate them, while you're sitting at your feasts and make treaties with other kingdoms. How the fuck am I supposed to keep you protected from Assassins, when I have your child in my lap all day?"

To be fair, it was hard to argue that point. But what's happened, happened, and so Arthur was about to be a father and dying from the nerves of the whole thing.


Arthur looked up to meet Merlin's worried glance.

"It will be okay, I promise. Just breathe."

Arthur frowned. "Could you please focus on my wife, please? She's the one who needs you right now."

Merlin grimaced. "You sure? You look like you're going to panic."

Arthur pressed Gwen's hand back. "I've been in battles before. I've seen blood. This is nothing."

Merlin raised an eyebrow while Gwen screamed even louder and Arthur paled at the sound.

Arthur cleared his throat and turned his attention back to Gwen. He knew she wouldn't want him to talk. She looked like she could hardly focus on the ceiling, let alone words, so he awkwardly patted her hand.


She was the most beautiful child Arthur had ever seen. Arthur was in awe.

Gwen smiled drowsily at him, the exhaustion dripping from her in sweats, while Celena, the midwife, cleaned her forehead as often as she could. Arthur had initially been afraid to hold his newborn child, but Gwen had only laughed and told him she didn't have the strength to argue, so she just put the child into his arms. It was amazing and just the right amount of terrifying. Gaius had left about a candlemark ago, as it was the dead of night and both Gwen and the child had been deemed healthy and alright.

Nothing had terrified Arthur more than going through the same thing his father had gone through when Arthur was born. When Arthur had told Gwen this, she just said that Merlin would be a good mom to their child, and an even better wife (*wink*), and that she wasn't worried. If Arthur hadn't known Merlin could keep her alive with his magic through any kind of complications, he would have feared for her sanity right then.

And so, Arthur sat there at night, his wife becoming drowsy and sleepy, while Arthur cooed his daughter with so much love in his heart that he thought he might burst. He barely noticed, when Merlin picked up the little basket of bloody water and the used linens. Only when Merlin said his Good night, did Arthur look up and nod, watching as the heavy door closed shut behind him. It was then, that very moment, that Arthur knew how to repay Merlin. If not in money, clothes, gifts, titles or land, then maybe in a gesture.

"What about Merlin?"

Gwen's eyes blinked open. "What? Did he say something?"

Arthur was staring at the door, then the child. "What if we call her Merlin?"

It took a moment before Gwen did anything. Her eyes opened as she searched for Arthur's own. Her husband didn't dare breathe.

There was a rustling of sheets and a barely concealed groan as Gwen sat up to send Arthur the softest gaze he's ever felt. It made him turn to see it. "That is a wonderful idea."

Arthur stared at his wife. "Really?"

She nodded, a small line of tears gathering in her eyes. "I know how much he means to you. With and without the magic. I know you've been searching for ways to repay him. I think it's beautiful."

Arthur bit his lip. "When he asks, tell him it's so I can see the guard's expressions, when I tell them Merlin needs a change of diapers."

Gwen snorted, then winced. "Now you've definitely convinced me. He's going to hate it." She sighed then. "I must say though, I'm surprised. Didn't we agree on Ygraine if they were a girl, and Tom if they were a boy?"

Arthur's lips twitched a smile. "Maybe next time."

Gwen snorted again. "Like hell I'm going through this twice." She closed her eyes for a moment. "At least not for a while." She sent Arthur a pained smile. "Merlin, huh?" She smiled and looked at her daughter. "She even looks like him."

Arthur swirled to her in a heartbeat, only to catch her laughing out loud.

"I got you, huh? Nah. She looks like me." She paused and added more as an afterthought: "I'll have to teach Merlin how to do her hair properly." Then she went to lay back down. Arthur hurried to hand little Merlin over to her and cover them both with the blankets. Then he lay down beside them and watched as Gwen drifted off to sleep, their daughter laying on her and raising with Gwen's rib cage at every breath she took. It took Arthur hours to follow them to dreamland. He didn't mind watching them for this long though.


The thing is, and Arthur should really have seen this coming, it was hard to tell people. Mostly, because Arthur was meant to present their child to the court. Except for Arthur and Gwen, no one knew their daughter's name yet. Merlin probably assumed that he knew, because he had been the one who suggested naming the child after their parents. Merlin had even suggested that they would call their child, were he to be proclaimed a boy, Uther. To which Arthur had sent him down to clean Gaius' leech tank because he knew Merlin had been procrastinating by helping them with names, and that idea was so horrid that he refused to comment on it. So, Arthur found himself in the position of sitting on the throne, his recovering wife and their child sitting on the throne beside him, while a group of chosen ones were sitting in front of him, awaiting the news.

Arthur cleared his throat and stood up to face his people. Each one was a messenger who would, after this, go and spread the word to the kingdom. Merlin stood aside as always, nodding at Arthur to give him courage. Today it failed at doing so.

"Last night, your Queen gave birth to the Future of Camelot." Arthur swallowed hard around the words, knowing the weight they carried. The claps and excitement in the room and the genuine congratulations made it even harder to continue. "And it is my duty as a father to raise this child to become a worthy Queen. One who carries on our hopes and dreams. She will be heir to the throne. But she will also carry our mistakes and our misgivings. It is no easy burden to be heir to a throne. But she will not have to carry it alone. We will help her every step on the way and I know this kingdom. I know that support doesn't just come from family. I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for the people of Camelot and my friends." Arthur paused and took another deep breath as he forced himself not to look at his wife, or worse, Merlin. "The greatest gift a parent can give their child is the name they will carry for, if they choose to accept it, the rest of their life. It will form the person they are going to be, and it carries the hopes that we put in our child. It is for that reason that my wife and I -" Arthur took another deep breath. "We chose her name as a sign and a reminder of what this kingdom stands for. Of what and who we believe in. It is our hope to convey that everyone and all are welcome in Camelot. That we honor the past. That we believe in the Future. In change. In peace, and in magic." At those words, Arthur turned around to his wife. In the movement he caught Merlin's open stare. His arms crossed, but no longer as tight. He looked as though confusion passed through his mind. Arthur twitched a smile. None of Arthur's or Gwen's parents could represent magic. It only made sense that Merlin had no idea what was coming. It was both amusing and dreadful.

Gwen had raised to her feet and stepped forwards to meet her husband. Then she raised their child in the air for everyone to see. Then she announced: "Let me introduce you to our daughter. Merlin Pendragon."

After that, the crowd burst into chaos.

Arthur dared a glance at his manservant and caught the man frozen in his spot. He looked pale, as if he was about to faint. His arms no longer crossed as they had fallen to his sides. His gaze caught Arthur's and he noticed with a start that Merlin had tears in his eyes. Gaius clapped him on the shoulder but Merlin couldn't seem to move.

Gwen leaned closer to Arthur. "How is he reacting?"

Arthur whispered back. "He's in shock."

Gwen grinned. "Good."


"If he doesn't move, he can't object."

"Right." Arthur had to agree to that. There were reasons why they hadn't told him. This was one of them.


Merlin had been right, Arthur thought bitterly. As king, he had far too little time to take care of his own daughter. He hardly had time for his wife, but for children? He was always exhausted when he came from the courtrooms and then he immediately had to work on the next speech, the next taxes, the next feast preparations and treaties. In the meantime, Merlin was shuffling around in another room, feeding the child, dressing the child, changing the diapers, and so on.

And Arthur grew afraid.

Gwen somehow managed to make time for their child, but Arthur? Arthur hasn't so much as seen his own daughter in a week and he was about to cry. Both from the exhaustion and the longing.

When Merlin appeared that night in Arthur's room, looking exhausted and as if a child had vomited on his shirt, which most likely happened, but also somewhat satisfied, Arthur was ready to give up. "How do I make time for her?" He asked as soon as Merlin had closed the door.

"What?" Merlin blinked at him, then the question dawned on him and he nodded. "Oh." He looked Arthur up and down and he really did look exhausted as well. "She's still awake if you want to go see her. She's a restless little demon."

Arthur's grip on his quill tightened. "Queen Annis will arrive tomorrow and I have to prepare a speech and I can't think of anything, Merlin. I haven't seen her in a week. And after Annis is gone, there will be a joust and after that -" Merlin's gaze made Arthur retreat into himself. "What do you suggest I do?"

Merlin sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Why don't you just... improvise the speech tomorrow? Or, I don't know, include her in the time schedule. I mean, you still make time for me and I'm just your servant." Merlin yawned. "Seriously, I told you this was a bad idea. I haven't even eaten today, let alone taken care of patients. You do know I'm supposed to help Gaius RETIRE, right?"

Arthur stared at him. 'Hold on. JUST a servant?' He cleared his throat. "You're cutting away on your job?"

"That's what it means to be a father, dingus."

"You're not her father!"

Merlin raised an eyebrow. "Well, someone has to be. And you're certainly not being it." Arthur bit on his lip and he could see Merlin soften at his expression. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I know you're forsaking sleep yourself just to catch a glimpse of her."

"She always sleeps." Arthur looked down. "At this rate I won't even ..."

Merlin sighed. "Alright, idiot. Give me the speech. I'll write one for you. I can't promise anything, I haven't slept in 48 hours."

Arthur opened his mouth, then closed it. "What?"

Merlin smiled. "Don't look like that. I've written dozens of speeches for you with less hours of sleep on my back. Just give me that." He reached out with his magic for the unfinished parchment on Arthur's table. The parchment threw itself into the air and landed carefully in Merlin's hands. Merlin looked at it and it seemed like he had trouble focusing on the letters.

"You haven't slept in 48 hours? Merlin, YOU'RE the one who keeps telling me you're protecting the castle from attacks! YOU of all people need your sleep! For god's sake, just let the midwife handle shit. Take a nap, god damn it!"

Merlin blinked at him in surprise. "Are you worried about me?"

Arthur couldn't be more gobsmacked if he'd literally been hit. "Merlin, you're my best friend. You were the best man at my wedding! You've made me rewrite the laws on magic. I named my DAUGHTER after you! All while you keep getting yourself in danger at every opportunity. I worry more about you before breakfast than I do before battle!"

Merlin huffed a small smile. "Well, if you were more worried for yourself, I wouldn't have to put myself in danger so much. But I appreciate the thought. Can I nap in your bed, then? Because I really don't want to go all the way back to Gaius. He'll make me clean the leech tank again instead of letting me sleep. The man has no idea what it means to raise a child, seriously."

Arthur looked at Merlin, the exhaustion written under his deep blue eyes and the clothes that probably hadn't been washed in two days. "Yeah, fine. Go to sleep." Arthur waved at him to just carry on. Then he waited until Merlin handed him back the parchment, only so Arthur could stare at it.

Merlin didn't move. Instead, he stepped from one foot to another. "Was the idea with the name really yours? Gwen wouldn't tell me. She just kept complaining to the guards that Merlin peed her pants. I mean, she's a baby. She doesn't even wear pants." Merlin stared off into the air, then snapped back to Arthur's shell shocked expression. "Oh right. Why don't you include Gwen more in all the planning and speech writing? She loves doing it and I'm sure she could use an intellectual break. You could just ... share the load."

Arthur nodded. "That's... a good idea. I'll suggest it to her." Merlin didn't believe him. All the things would do - had done - for him... and Merlin still doubted him.

"Good." Merlin yawned again and then fell on Arthur's bed, back first, feet dangling off the edge. He was asleep within a second. Arthur glanced at him for a moment, then he stared at the speech one last time and decided that Merlin was right after all. Arthur would just wing it tomorrow. He'd explain it to Annis if he messed up the speech.

He spared another glance at the sleeping servant, then shook his head. He walked over to him and took off Merlin's shoes. He shoved him into the bed properly, put a pillow under his head and put a blanket over him. He would order Merlin to wash all of it tomorrow, but right now the boy should rest.

Then he darted for the door to enjoy a harsh night taking care of his daughter.


It wasn't proper, not really. For a king to insist on taking care of his daughter. Especially to take care of things as mundane as feeding and dressing her. A king should outsource these things to the castle staff. A prince or princess usually had their own nurse, their nanny, even the midwife to take care of them. Arthur remembered that from his own childhood and decided that it was bullshit actually. Arthur wouldn't be another Uther. He would raise his child to be human. He wouldn't force them into believing they had to be perfect for the kingdom. They would never feel forced to be what Arthur expected them to be. They were allowed to have their own opinions. That was the kind of kingdom he wanted to create and he had to start with his children to achieve that.

At this moment, Arthur was struggling with his daughter as she made her very first steps. As beautiful as it was, she did it everywhere. It didn't matter if she was in her crib, on the floor, or somehow close to the stairs. She would walk and she would fall and she would saunter down the stairs, if Arthur wasn't there to catch her. "Merlin, please. Be reasonable. That is dangerous," Arthur cursed to himself as his daughter had nearly managed to hurt herself on one of the stone steps just outside of the castle. He caught her just in time and put her in his arms and sighed as she protested heavily with her tiny fists. He had just wanted her to experience the sun. Instead, she kept walking straight into immovable objects. The other day he had to drag her from the armory, because Merlin ... the adult one... had fallen asleep while keeping watch over her. He had taken his namesake there to clean the swords.

Arthur may not know what it means to be a father, but whatever Merlin was doing was definitely not it.

"I had her protected with my magic!"

That might have calmed Arthur a bit because he knew Merlin's cushion spells. Still. Swords were still pointy and Merlin was so tired all the time that Arthur wasn't sure which of the two would cut themselves first.

This time Arthur was out with Gwen and could see her purse her lips with amusement.



"You've got something on your mind. Spill it." Arthur was only mildly annoyed with her. And only so, because he was tired as hell.

"I just think you make a nice father." Gwen didn't even look at him and rather directed her expression at the sky. Which meant that she was definitely keeping something from him. "It really is nothing. It's just funny how you talk to her like she knows what reason is." Of course she knew that he didn't believe her.

"I think you're still not over the joke that our daughter's name is Merlin."

Gwen's lips twitched at that. "It's so funny, though."

Arthur sighed. "I'm starting to regret it."

Gwen laughed. "Oh please don't be."

"Merlin STILL doesn't understand the significance of this! The other day he said he were 'just a servant'!"

Gwen's expression fell. "He what?"

"I know!"

"He's basically married to us!"

Arthur paused. "I wouldn't go that far."

Gwen gave him the look. Arthur tried to meet that gaze, but then their daughter bit him in the hand. "Wha- ow! Merlin, NO!"

Gwen shook her head. "Look? Even Merlin agrees!"

"This is getting confusing. We should have given her a secondary name."

"We could give her a nickname," Gwen suggested.

"Or Merlin."

Gwen tilted her head in thought. "I like Melly."

"For which one?" Arthur grinned and he watched as his beautiful wife snorted at the joke.

She shook her head. "I mean it Arthur. I know how much you love him."

"I wouldn't call it -"

"It's love, Arthur." Gwen's look was stern and unrelenting. "You've done things for Merlin... You went into a full on battle to save his village from Kanen, remember?"

Arthur puffed out a breath. "So did you and Morgana."

"Yes." Gwen rolled her eyes and blinked at the sun. "But Morgana loved to defy Uther. And I went because I knew they needed weapons. You, however, you were the crown prince. You were risking war with Cendred. You were risking leaving Camelot behind without an heir. You risked punishment from your father. And I know you want to tell me that you would have done this for anyone, but that isn't true. At the time you were desperate to appeal to your father. And you knew that Uther had valid points not to interfere. This could have gone bad. And you were still there for him."

Arthur bit his lip.

Gwen sighed. "Just imagine it. Would you have done the same for George?"

Arthur raised both his brows. "What, no? It's George!"

Gwen nodded with a knowing smile. "See? Different."

"I owed Merlin. I drank poison for me!"

"And you for him." Gwen sighed again and, when Arthur began to struggle holding their daughter, took the child from him. Melly went still in her arms. "Arthur, there is a bond between you that isn't entirely platonic. I can see it. I think everyone sees it."

Arthur turned to her, eyes wide. "What? No no no. That's definitely not what's happening!"

Gwen shook her head. "Arthur, I've known for a long time. I knew that if we got together, I would always get Merlin alongside you. You two are inseparable. The first time we dated, you told me as much."

Arthur shook his head. "I said no such thing!"

"You said that you would like to live on a farm... far away from Camelot. And that you'd take Merlin with you. I know that it was, in a roundabout way, an invitation. I didn't really understand then, but I did when we got caught and you turned down your claim to the throne for me. You would have taken me with you. But you couldn't imagine a future, not even a future with me, without him."

Arthur stared at her. A part of him knew that she was right. He swallowed down the thought. "That's not it. I just don't know how to bond with him. I barely know how to bond with my own daughter. I mean... look at her. If I held her like that, she'd have kicked me already." He pointed at his daughter who had fallen asleep against her mother's chest. Melly's skin was just slightly brighter than her mother's. Were her eyes open, they would be just the same rich brown that Arthur loved in Gwen.

Gwen laughed. "You'll figure it out. She's just a raskall. And by the way, she is totally fine with having two dads."

Arthur growled. "And you with two husbands?" It was meant to sound jealous, or accusing. It came out insecure.

Gwen pursed her lips, her mind clearly going into dangerous territory.

"Never mind. Please don't tell me." If Arthur's heart had stumbled over that thought as well, he didn't mention it. Gwen, of course, had seen right through him.


Merlin had fallen asleep in Arthur's bed with Melly in his arms.

Sometimes Arthur wondered why Merlin was still so exhausted. It made little sense. The laws had been changed. Then Arthur remembered that Merlin was a servant (head servant at that), a court physician, Emrys the protector of magic, and a nurse, apparently. Or, to quote Gwen: the other dad.

Arthur watched as the two Merlins slept. The older Merlin did so often now. It seems, allowing him to nap on the King's bed once had been an invitation for forever. Arthur hadn't commented on it yet and how could he, if Merlin was the only man in the castle who could get Melly to sleep?

Someone knocked on the door to his rooms and Arthur called them in. It was Guinevere. She looked at Arthur and opened her mouth to say 'hello'. Then she saw Merlin and Melly and her lips pressed together in amusement.

Arthur signed her to keep quiet, but she had known so anyway. So, Arthur went to follow her outside. If she wanted to talk, they didn't need to disturb the pair inside.

"Hi," said Arthur and kissed his wife hello.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Hi. Arthur, I wanted to ask you for help. You gave me the border to Annis' kingdom to keep track off. But the records are a bit unclear on whom which territories belong to. And after you gave Mithian some of Camelot's claims, we have a few complaints coming in. They seem to stretch a bit into those uncertain territories with Annis and she's been sending me offers on how to settle the matter."

Arthur nodded, though he sent a wistful glance at the door. "Sure. Of course. Let's do it in the Council rooms. We have more space there."

Gwen nodded at him but followed his glance. "You know..." She smiled, sounding a bit amused still. "You could kiss Merlin goodnight."

Arthur's head twirled around fast. "What?"

Gwen shrugged. "It's good for bonding."

"A kiss... is good for bonding?" Arthur blinked at her.

Gwen schooled her expression into a neutral one. "It's what I've read. Hugs are good, too."

"...Right." Arthur was 90 % sure that she was messing with him.


"Kisses and hugs are absolutely good for bonding."

Arthur's jaw dropped. It's bothered him for weeks. Gwen's suggestion that is. He was perfectly certain that she was messing with him. But now Gaius himself confirmed it. Nowadays he was spending his free time reading in the courtyard or chatting with his old friends at the market. Arthur had mentioned it to him briefly and Gaius.... well. Gaius had confirmed Gwen's theory.

"Surely that can't be true."

"Your majesty, hugs and kisses are important, especially in the early stages. It builds up trust and reassurance for the connection between one party to another."

"But isn't that... something for... relationships?"

Gaius raised his signature eyebrow at him. "There are many types of relationships, my king. This is just one of the forms it can take. I'm not suggesting you use tongue." Gaius laughed awkwardly. "Please don't. A kiss on the forehead is fine."

Arthur flushed beyond his natural blush state. "I... alright. Fine. If you say so. I'll just... kiss Merlin, then." After that, Arthur all but ran from the bench Gaius was sitting on. He didn't see how Gaius' mistake dawned on him.


That very same night, Arthur was pacing in his room. Unsure of what to do. Merlin had been playing with Melly, because Arthur may have to work, but he enjoyed the little distractions in between. By now, Melly was able to walk. And her first word had been 'Melon'. Which Gwen thought was adorable, but Arthur knew she meant to say 'Merlin' and that idea made him insecure. Merlin had later told him that her first name had actually been 'Wen', because Merlin had refused to call Gwen 'Mommy' in front of the child and thus, the child had said her mother's name first.

"You keep calling me 'Dada' in front of her, though," Arthur had commented and then almost instantly regretted it.

Merlin had looked at him with a serious expression and called him 'Daddy' to his face, and Arthur knew he would never recover. "You do this to annoy me."

"And it works." Merlin beamed. As usual. The bastard.

"If you call me that in front of the knights -" Needless to say, Merlin would say it in front of the knights. Which then causes them to have such a laughing fit that Arthur will have to cancel knight training with a red face.

"Why don't you go annoy someone else. I'm finished for today." Arthur got up from his seat and demanded that Merlin handed over the child. Melly was already half asleep but Arthur insisted that he could bring her to bed at least.

Merlin sighed and rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine." Then he went for the door and Arthur followed after. After all, he still had to bring Melly to her crib in Gwen's private chambers. King and Queen may share a bed, but Gwen loved her privacy, as did Arthur. So, not every night was spent together. Especially not with Melly around. They couldn't both be sleep deprived.

They arrived at Arthur's door together and Arthur knew they would part ways in the hallway. So, it was now or never. He grabbed Merlin by the shoulder and forced the man to face him.

"Yeah?" Merlin's eyes focused on Arthur, all attention on him.

Arthur swallowed then shut off his panicking brain and pressed a kiss to Merlin's forehead. "Good night," he mumbled with a blush and then hurried out the door, leaving a flabbergasted Merlin behind.

Had Arthur stayed, he would have seen Merlin blush just as crimson as he had.


It became a thing. At first, Arthur had been so mortified that he had sworn not to do it again. But the next night, Merlin had kissed Arthur on his hair and left right after. And that's how it started. It was harmless, really. It were just pecks and subtle good nights. Arthur even did it in front of his wife, who tried very obviously not to laugh.

"It was your idea," Arthur reminded her. "And it works... I think?"

Gwen bit back a snort, then covered her mouth. She didn't look at him once. "Yeah. I absolutely told you to kiss Merlin." She grinned right after that. "You can give me and Melly good night kisses, too."

"Oh... okay." Arthur wondered if the next thing she would ask was if he could kiss the rest of the castle staff.

She didn't.

So, Arthur kissed his wife, his daughter and his Merlin goodnight every night from then on out.

Until that one night, in which Arthur himself was sleep deprived and his mind going through all the things he was meant to be doing still. It was one of those days where Arthur couldn't bring Melly to bed, so Merlin would do it. And Arthur saw him out, because ever since the kisses started, it felt kind of natural to do it. "Goodnight, Merlin," Arthur slurred and pulled Merlin in for a quick kiss. Then he pulled the door open for him.

For a moment, Merlin hadn't moved and just stared at him. His eyes were wide as if he was about to say something.

Arthur waved at him to leave and that startled Merlin out of his stupor. It wasn't until the door shut closed with a bang that Arthur had the startling realization that he had kissed Merlin on the lips. The shock kept him frozen for a full five minutes, before he decided it was better dealt with unconsciously.


It was not better dealt with unconsciously. Because his dreams were very interested in the kiss. They were replaying the scene for every night that he's ever kissed Merlin. And in some of the dreams, he saw Gwen cheering him on, Melly in her arms. In others, Gwen was kissing Merlin herself. And as jealous as Arthur felt... his dreams couldn't decide whom he was jealous of. And it couldn't drown out the satisfaction... the pure relief he felt that there was so much love in his life.

Arthur woke up to the feeling that he was an utter idiot.

He stormed out of his room and crashed into his wife's room where Melly was already restlessly rattling against the crib. Gwen was passed out on the bed. "Gwen!" Arthur announced loudly distressed. It woke her up.

"Arthur?" She rubbed her eyes. She looked at him and then Melly, and made a connection. "Oh... she's playing you. I've been up almost the entire night. There is no way she needs food -"

"I kissed Merlin."

Gwen blinked. "Er.... what?"

Arthur swallowed because he knew it needed to be specified. "On the lips. Last night. I wasn't thinking -"

Gwen sat up straight in an instant, eyes beaming with delight. "Finally! With tongue? How was it?"

Sometimes, Arthur really wondered what went on in Gwen's head. "NO! I just... what? You know I usually just... on the hair or forehead or something. Never the... I slipped up!"

Gwen raised both brows, then fell back on the bed, laughing. "Oh my god."

Arthur felt himself flushing and panicking and he wasn't sure what to make of Gwen's reaction. He loved her, of course. But heck if this wasn't exasperating.

"Arthur! My dear, sweet husband -" Her eyes spoke their own language. Right now they held a monologue about what an idiot was caught in their direct line of sight. "When I told you to kiss Merlin for bonding, I meant our daughter."

A series of thoughts passed Arthur's mind. The moment he opened his mouth, they all disappeared, leaving him alone and blank. "You did that on purpose."
Gwen rolled her eyes. "Yes. Yes I did."

"But Gaius said -"
"You went to Gaius with this?" She threw her head back, giggling like a child. "Oh this is gold. That's why Merlin didn't say anything. Gaius must have told him."
"What?" It suddenly occurred to Arthur that he's been kissing Merlin for WEEKS and the guy hadn't just endured it, he had participated. Willingly. Arthur's flush got much worse.

"Arthur, look -"
Arthur was looking, he was also listening. He was so invested in this conversation, actually, that he literally jumped, when the door burst open and Merlin stepped in, his voice loud and almost panicked. "Arthur KISSED ME!"
Arthur stared at him. Merlin froze, only to stare back. Gwen took another moment, then she burst into full on laughter. And Melly woke up, just looking around and whining. She wasn't quite crying. She sounded much like Arthur did in the morning, whenever Merlin forced him to stand up.

Arthur hesitated. Then opened his mouth and decided to be stupid. "Want me to do it again?"

Merlin blinked.

Arthur winced at himself and then pointed at his laughing wife. "Gwen's been setting us up."

Merlin gaped. "I KNEW it!" He sounded half offended. "Gwen! You promised you wouldn't!"

Gwen groaned in response. "But you two took forever to do anything about it!"

"About what?" Arthur asked dumbly.

"The sexual tension between us," Merlin crossed his arms, sounding annoyed. "Gwen -"
"Hold on." Arthur raised a finger at Merlin. "You're telling me, you KNEW I have feelings for you? And you STILL say you're just a servant and unimportant and all that shit?"
For a second, no one said a word. But Merlin was pressing his lips together and kind of swaying forth and back. "I ... kind of... like that you keep trying to reward me with stuff. It's cute."
"You motherfucker!" Arthur laughed, feeling relieved in ways he didn't think he could feel, while simultaneously feeling as annoyed as ever.

"You'd do anything for me."
"Shut up!" Arthur grinned, knowing Merlin was right and also hating him a little bit.

Gwen wiped off a tear. "So, can we go to the part where this is a three person marriage now?"
"Has it ever been anything else?" Merlin smiled.
And well... Arthur had to admit he got a point.

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