Language 2

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One would be quick to assume that Merlin had been sarcastic about the whole animals can talk thing. However, with as weird as their adventures tended to turn out and with how well Arthur knew his servant..... he wasn't so sure about the whole thing.
At first, nothing really changed. Merlin was still his servant. He still skipped between languages. Even when Arthur pointed it out, Merlin just helplessly apologized.
Merlin neither saw nor heard any differences, no matter whom he was talking to. So clearly, it wasn't his fault.

But then, the knights, namely Gwaine, had the awful idea of making fun of Merlin for it.

They were training for the next tournament. Merlin polishing Arthur's armor, while watching them from the sidelines, when Gwaine and "Black Star" approached him. Interrupting his work.
Black Star was a priced horse. One of the best that Camelot had to offer.
It was also the most stubborn one. Unable to listen to commands correctly, unless it was Arthur who rode it.

Truth be told, since Merlin had given them the short version of what he had sacrificed for Arthur and Camelot in the past couple of years, the knights firmly believed that Merlin had enchanted the dark black mare. So it wouldn't throw off the king.

"Merlin – my dear horse whisperer. I've been wondering for years, why our dear little Black Star hates me so much. Could you ask him why?" Gwaine was grinning. But his tone was serious.
He was currently struggling to NOT let the mare escape from his grasp and stumbled back and forth to keep the reins straight.

Merlin blinked. "And how am I supposed to talk to him?"
Gwaine groaned. "How do I know. You're the horse whisperer.", he cursed, as the mare still struggled.

On second thought, it was kinda nice to see Gwaine struggling so much. Arthur was glad he had decided to only supervise the knew knights today. This was bound to be fun.

"You know I can only talk to the horse, if HE initiates the conversation. Or else I could just start talking in french.", Merlin frowned, but he put the armor aside and stood up. He brushed off his trousers and took the leash from Gwaine.
Gwaine threw up his hands in exasperation. "And how on earth am I supposed to make a horse talk?!", he all but yelled.

Merlin gnawed on his cheek. "You know what, I think I might have an idea. Wait a second."

If Arthur hadn't been watching them this entire time (laughing at Gwaine's expression) he would definitely have jumped face first into the next mud puddle.
Because he had NOT expected Merlin to roar out loud. Suddenly he WAS talking nonsense gibberish. But nobody had initiated this. What language was this?
The horse looked just as startled as Arthur felt, as it tried to run off again. This time, Gwaine actually lost the fight, since he was shocked enough to loosen his grasp.

"NO! Stop!", Gwaine yelled, but Merlin just flicked his wrist and soon enough the horse was encircled by a magic barrier and couldn't run any further.

Merlin raised his hand to block his eyes from the light. As minutes later a bird like creature appeared in the sky.
It was coming closer.
Drastically closer.
And bigger.
Horrifyingly bigger.
That was not a bird. That was't even close to being a bird. That was a motherfucking dragon!

Arthur was not embarrassed to say he ordered all his knights to hide immediately.
He tried to order Merlin as well, but his still servant stood firm on the training field, waving for Gwaine to stay where he was.
Gwaine – who had in fact fallen to the ground on his armored butt, looked frightened. He didn't stand up.

"Gwaine, Arthur -", Merlin turned around, to let Arthur know he was safe. Arthur did NOT feel safe. He wouldn't be hiding behind a tree, if he felt safe.
Heart beating fast, he held his practice sword close to his chest. It was the only weapon he had right now.
"Meet Kilgarrah.", Merlin finished, as giant wings flapped above them, causing a wind that threw around their practice dummies like paper planes.

"Wait -", Merlin's face clenched. "I didn't forget to mention that I'm the last dragon lord, right? And that Balinor was my father? DID I mention that?
Shit, there was so much going on the past ten years, I guess I kind of forgot. Sorry."
He shrugged. Like this WASN'T a big deal. He forgot. FORGOT! How could he just FORGET he was a freaking Dragon lord?

Maybe Arthur should still consider beheading his servant for lying to him. He had thought the dragon was DEAD.
Wait – Balinor's -
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Merlin.", Arthur hated how his voice cracked, or his knees bend with fear from the giant beast.
"Yeah, later. Kilgarrah, old friend. I have a question."

"Is that why you have woken me from my slumber, young warlock?", the giant beast who had just landed with a heavy thud clicked his tongue in disapproval.
From such a giant magical creature – it sounded quite frightening.
However – Arthur was a little distracted by the fact that this dragon spoke their language.
Somehow Arthur found it a lot stranger that Merlin had managed to switch languages on his own accord. A talking Dragon was not THAT surprising. Surprisingly.

"That is a fucking dragon.", Gwaine helpfully complied. Gwaine was speechless. Okay, that was new. Arthur smiled in amusement and let his sword down. Maybe he should ask this dragon to stay. Maybe he could shut Gwaine up more often.

"Yes. You can leave soon enough. I just wanted to know something about my magic."
"You always do.", the dragon didn't look pleased, but he bowed his head to speak eye to eye with Merlin.

"So – I recently learned that I keep talking in different languages all the time. And I don't know when or why I do it."

The dragon nodded. It's interest in the matter pushing it's features into curiosity.
"Yes, I suppose you do. You are the ambassador between the once and future king and all magical creatures after all. All magical creatures speak different languages. Just like none magical do. As ambassador you will have to speak many languages.
Which is why you have the ability to speak to their hearts, Emrys."

"I see.", Merlin didn't seem like he did.

"Wait a second. Question. Since when do you speak our language, Killer Guru Sir?"
Merlin turned to Arthur with interest in his question. While the dragon laughed. LAUGHED. Arthur didn't like him after all.

"First of all, it's Kilgarrah. Secondly, he does? You sure that isn't just a me thing? You understand him too?"
Arthur rolled his eyes. Then again, Merlin's question made sense.

"Yes, I do.", he confirmed, and saw Merlin beaming, before frowning in confusion.
"But – I DID call you in dragon tongue, didn't I? Otherwise you wouldn't be here, right? How did I do that?"

The dragon sighed. But Arthur nodded ahead. So Merlin had noticed it too. Good. Merlin began to think like a logical person.

"That is because you have gone inside yourself and called to me in the language we both share as kin. Your father has taught you this, I assume.
This is the same with every other creature. Find the voice you share, and you shall be able to talk to everyone."

Merlin opened his mouth, but the Dragon had decided to dismiss himself.
"Kilgarrah, wait -"

"FIND THE VOICE YOU SHARE.", he bellowed and soon he was off, disappearing in the distance like he had arrived. Like a mysterious annoying bird in the sky.


There was a silence that stretched between the men. The knights who came out of their hiding places pointing at Merlin, until Arthur decided to finally order them back to their places.

Gwaine seemed to finally wake up from his frozen shock once more, as Merlin absentmindedly called the horse back.

"So, you going to tell me why this horse hates me so much?", Gwaine finally managed to ask. Like the Gwaine he was, he recovered quickly from the shock and went back to the topic at hand.

Merlin looked deep into the giant eyes of the horse. The suspense gathering Arthur's attention again, as suddenly – Merlin made a noise.
Arthur blinked, so did Gwaine, before they began to holler out laughing.
Merlin had his lips pursed loosely and snorted. The horses ears picked up and he neighed.

It would be serious, with Merlin's eyes stern and earnest. But the entire situation was just too ridiculous to ignore.
Merlin had called a dragon for advise how to talk to a horse. And then just Brrred into it's snout.

"Gwaine.", Merlin finally turned around, and he looked furious, as Gwaine stopped laughing.
"You made him eat your socks?!"

Gwaine's smile fell. And before you knew it, he sprinted away from the training field, before Merlin could hex him a new pair of taste receptors where they didn't belong.


The story got around Camelot faster than Arthur had liked. And soon enough, the physician's apprentice, still manservant of the king, soon to be adviser/ court sorcerer, has been asked to play vet as well.
There were a number of dogs and goats and pigs and chicken and horses and cows and – god how many birds were there? - walking around the court yard. Accompanied by their owners and farmers. Only to see how and what Merlin had to say to and about their precious pets. Or food source.

Arthur got used to Merlin suddenly beginning to bray or bark, meow or groan or moan to random animals. Who twittered and chattered back like they were heaving an intellectual conversation.
Which they had, apparently. Merlin insisted they did.

Merlin also looked very serious when he talked to them. And he gave Arthur more and more pointed glares, as though he had somehow insulted all animals in the world.
Maybe he was just planning to kill him. At this point Arthur would be quite relieved about that.
At least then he wouldn't have to explain to Lord Bierdevor and his lovely wife why his servant had suddenly begun clicking his teeth to talk to a ladybird.

"Is he – is he sick?", Lady Cathrine asked behind her hand so Merlin wouldn't hear. Arthur could only sigh.
"I fear, he's never been sane. He keeps drinking poison for me. Now could we please start talking about the bandits that have overrun your lands?"

It went on like this. The knights occasionally laughing about Merlin's awkward faces, when he started talking to frogs of ducks or bees.
The bee one was actually quite nice, because it ways very obvious Merlin had told them to attack Gwaine.
He insisted, he didn't. But he had. His smile betrayed him.

"Who's laughing now!", Arthur swore he heard him mutter.

Well, at least Merlin wasn't suddenly talking nonsense anymore. The writing was still confusing, because after some attempts of Merlin to "Write in the language they shared" to people that weren't even there, he had accidentally written in the language of a rat.
Because that was the only creature that was there. Merlin didn't see what was wrong with the useless paper, that was stomped with rat feet, however Merlin managed to do that. But Arthur had resolved quickly, and just asked Merlin to write to him instead. Or to write the way Arthur talked to him.
That did – kind of work, somehow. It set them back to the beginning. But it worked.

Still... who knew rats could write?
Oh, yeah. Right. He knew Agravaine.


Okay, now things were just getting ridiculous. Plush teddies. Merlin talked to plush teddies.
Okay. Okay. Rewind.

The child had been crying and pouting. Merlin got the empathy bonus at that point. Still.

"Shh, it's fine.", Merlin said to the girl. Which meant that she DID speak their language. Good. Nice. At least small children were something his court sorcerer could handle.

"Hey there, are you okay?", Merlin asked. And okay, first of all: Merlin looked ridiculous in that robe of his, with the staff (wherever he had gotten that from.). Even the girl wouldn't be able to take him serious that way. Now all the boy needed was a beard and – Why did that image look familiar.

Maybe Arthur shouldn't have told him to wear this one, then. It was supposed to be a joke, but Merlin liked the thing too much. Especially since Arthur had asked one of the maids to just take one of the old curtains and recycle it for Merlin. If Arthur didn't know better, he was sure Merlin would have kissed him then and there, when he told him. Bad idea. Bad idea.

Secondly, the child had fallen on her knees. They were scratched open and bleeding and full of mud. That was bound to get infected. Merlin had turned out a fine physician. He SHOULD know that he had to clean it. She was definitely NOT okay.

"I'm fine.", the girl lied through gritted teeth, as they sat her down on the next bench. Huh – had that always been there?

Merlin smiled, before spreading his hands over her knees. A second later, they were clean, another second later, the blood had stopped and the wounds were gone.
"I know.", Merlin said with a smile. The child's eyes grew the size of silver plates. (In Arthur's case, those were quite big. You know how much the guy eats.)
"Magic!", she said and suddenly jumped up. "Wait – wait here.", she said and run off.
Irritated, Arthur and Merlin stared after her.

"Do you think she'll come back?"
Merlin tilted his head. "I'm pretty sure she will. I think she wants me to heal someone.", he said thoughtfully.

Arthur narrowed his eyes with crossed arms. "What makes you say that?", he asked a little irritated.

"I can look into her heart. There is someone very dear to her that has been – hurt.", Merlin shook his head.

"You can look into people's hearts?", the king registered, then paled slightly. Did Merlin look into HIS heart? He didn't, right?

"Yes. I mean, I always had some kind of sense of what other people were like and such. But really knowing what I see – that only came with the whole shared language thing. Looking into people's hearts is kind of required if I want to talk to people."

"Are you looking into MY heart?", Arthur couldn't help but ask, but before Merlin could answer, the young girl returned, a stuffed animal in her arms.
"Can you fix Mr. Puddles?", she asked, hope shining in her eyes as she shove the plush bear into Merlin's arms.

Merlin picked it up with a smile, leaving Arthur a little uncertain in his distress.
"Why, yes of course. Mr. Puddles, would you be okay, with me fixing you?", he had the audacity to ask the bear.
It was obvious the bear was made of old rags and buttons and straw that the girls parents didn't need anymore. But she seemed to hold the plush bear very dear.
The arm of the thing was broken apart, straw sticking out. Good thing this thing wasn't alive, or else Arthur would have to explain that the straw looked awfully a lot like broken bones.
Still it was a bear. Merlin was talking to a plush teddy. He couldn't understand that thing, now could he?
Honestly, after all Arthur knew, he wasn't too sure about the answer to that question.

Merlin let the bear nod to him and then he nodded back. A moment later, the bear was glowing just as brightly as Merlin's own eyes were.
And then, the bear was fixed. The girl was screaming in delight, running of. No doubt to tell the other children what the knew court sorcerer was capable of.
Of course, not without yelling "thank you thank you thank you" so loud, Arthur was sure the next thing Merlin would have to fix were his ear drums.

"So, what was that about your heart?", Merlin turned back to him.
Oh, that was bad. That was really bad. "Nothing, I was just wondering -"

"It's not really, like I can stop it. If I did, I'm not sure if I could still speak to you anymore.", Merlin responded and Arthur felt his heart sink deeper. Was it trying to hide? Run little guy, run! And take as much sanity with you as you can!

"Would it hurt you to try?", Arthur asked, but Merlin looked disappointed.


Like Merlin didn't have enough to do already – something which Arthur had finally acknowledged after all these years of knowing him – the children in town were asking Merlin to fix their toys. Or make new ones.

"She can't talk! Like my mommy.", one little guy pointed out one day, in the middle of the throne room no less. Hmm. Maybe Merlin needed his own office.
Merlin knelt down to the boy, handing over the small lion, made of hay and whatever cloths had to suffer for this thing.
Merlin just smiled. "Just because she doesn't have a voice, doesn't mean she can't talk. You can still talk to your mommy, right? She can still answer, You just need to learn how to listen to her."
The boy nodded confused. "How do I do that?", he asked.
Merlin grinned widely at that and put a magical hand on his head. "Just talk to her. You'll figure it out."

Arthur couldn't help but smile at that. So he walked over to Merlin to ruffle his head like usual.

"You're doing quite well, for someone who has many – many other responsibilities to take care of."

Merlin just frowned at him.

"I just complimented you, no need to be so moody.", okay something was definitely wrong.

Merlin turned away, leaving the room immediately, frustrated about something. Did Arthur say something wrong?

That was weird. "Sir Kay, do you know what's wrong with him?", he asked one of the knights, who was currently involved in a conversation about brass with George.
The new – shudder – manservant of Arthur.

"Merlin? No. We haven't talked in a while.", he shrugged, but George seemed to know something.
"Sire, your majesty, if I may.", he bowed, waiting for Arthur to allow him to speak. God, he was so annoying.
"Sir Merlin has confided in me that you feel uncomfortable, when he sees into your heart to speak with you. He has decided to leave you alone, until you allow him to again.
He says, since he stopped trying, he has trouble understanding what you're saying."

Arthur blinked a couple of times, especially since Sir Kay glanced between the two men. Obviously uncomfortable in his own skin.
"That doesn't make sense. He's been able to talk to me before. And I still understand HIM, so -"

"Sire, I apologize, but I am not Merlin. I do not know more than what he's told me.", for someone who just had the audacity to interrupt him, George was acting very politely. He bowed again, then excused himself and left.

"Why don't you want Merlin to look into your heart?", Sir Kay tilted his head in confusion, before adding a little "Sire.", at the end.

Arthur sighed. And left. Without answering at all.


It went on like this for weeks. And Arthur noticed, Merlin wasn't simply "not understanding" him. He was still talking to Arthur. But whenever Arthur answered, Merlin just blinked, like he couldn't hear what Arthur was saying.
"Merlin!", Arthur sighed. "I know you're mad at me. But do you really have to stop talking to me? I got it. I was mean. Just talk to me again, please?"

Merlin tilted his head at Arthur's look. Then he slapped his own ear, as if that would help his ears work again. He looked even more frustrated now.
"I'm sorry, Sire. But I can't understand a word you're saying. Could you please repeat that?"

Wow, Arthur had really shoveled his own grave now, hadn't he?
Arthur even had to write his speeches himself now. Merlin kept switching between languages, when he was writing and Arthur just couldn't have that.

Why was he so worked up about Merlin's ability again? Right, because he was able to look into Arthur's heart. Did that even mean Merlin could actually read what he was feeling?
Yeah, okay, admittedly, Arthur knew Merlin could. Because the guy kept predicting who was in love with who in the lower town.
He even played oracle sometimes. It was infuriating.

Then again, since Arthur had lifted the ban on magic, he had been attacked a lot less. Which means that Merlin had more time than before. He was still busy. But most of his business happened because Merlin just – did things.

Especially since he was no physician's apprentice anymore and had one of his own, in fact.
If Mordred was any good – who knew. He just started after all.

So with neither Gaius nor Arthur ordering him around, Merlin was free to do as he pleased.
And he did that as much as he could. While Gaius got his well deserved rent.

Back to the topic at hand. How on earth was Arthur supposed to talk to Merlin now?
Should he just – let Merlin see into his heart again?

Arthur huffed displeased.


It were another few weeks and now it wasn't just that Arthur had to do his own work that bothered him. Or that he couldn't talk to his best friend anymore.
Merlin was supposed to be an ambassador between him and magical creatures. And while Merlin held them off and vaguely told Arthur what they were saying – or conversed with druids and translated for Arthur – vice versa didn't work.

His people could talk to Arthur now. But Arthur couldn't talk to the people. Or at least not to those who failed to understand his language. And whose language he didn't speak either.

Especially the Griffin that was hiding in his forests now was supposed to go somewhere else. And Arthur had a very hard time to make Merlin understand that he intended to give a whole area to the thing, so it wouldn't have to live in fear and attack his citizens unnecessarily.

Merlin kept asking him to repeat himself and it went on Arthur's nerves. He already felt exhausted, because he couldn't even talk to his best friend.
Someone needed to tell Merlin that – okay they were alone.
Arthur groaned, before he looked Merlin deep into his eyes, pointed at them and than at his own heart.

Merlin's eyes widened. "You want me to look into your heart again?", he asked. Wow, the boy got it first try. Arthur let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

Merlin took a deep breath, asking him with his eyes, if Arthur was sure. Arthur rolled his eyes, nodding fiercely and then -
Merlin gasped. His eyes widening with something like – was it shock? Okay, that was new. He had looked into Arthur's heart before. He shouldn't be so – overwhelmed?

"You understand me again?", Arthur asked, a little giddy at the prospect of being able to talk to Merlin again.

Merlin was still staring at him, then grinning, then not. As though he couldn't decide how to react to what he just saw. Well – it wasn't like -

"You like me.", Merlin deadpanned. Okay, so much for that. Arthur played himself. It was too late. No take backs. "THAT'S why you didn't want me to keep looking into your heart? Really?", he asked. He could have thrown a boulder on Arthur's head and it would have felt the same.

"Yeah, obviously. You're my friend. Of course I like you. That's not why -", Arthur tried to wave it off, but Merlin wouldn't have it.

"You don't just like me, Arthur.", Merlin was blushing now. "I – I can't believe I didn't see it before. It's – Everywhere. I thought I was frustrated when I couldn't understand you anymore.
But it was your feelings. That were suddenly missing. They are overwhelming!", he said, putting one hand on Arthur's heart, as though that didn't make things even worse.

Why were they in the forest again? Ah yes. Griffin. Behind them. Waiting for their plan. Shit."

"Could you just pretend you didn't see that? Please. The Griffin is still -"

"Arthur, you do realize that I was used to feeling all this all the time, right? I wouldn't have noticed anything about your feelings, if you hadn't pushed me away."
Wow, now it was ARTHUR'S fault. Of bloody course. He clenched his jaw.

"Merlin, now is not the time to -"

"Look, you're not even denying it.", Merlin's hand was so warm.
"Merlin.", Arthur sighed and grabbed for Merlin's hand. "Yes, I do like you. A lot."
"Yeah, no shit. I can tell. I don't think I've ever felt anyone quite this goddamn in love before."

Arthur almost winced. "Shut up, Merlin. Do you even need to hear it? Yes, I am in love with you. Yes, that is the reason I didn't want you to look into my heart.
But we have more important matters to discuss right now. The Griffin needs a place to live. And I don't really fancy it attacking me or my people. Could we – please concentrate on that?"

"Yeah, yeah sure.", Merlin nodded, then frowned.
"It doesn't feel like the Griffin is more important than -"

"Can you please stop now.", Arthur hid his face in his hand. God this was getting ridiculous.


All well that ends well, Arthur didn't feel, as the Griffin was given a place near the border of Camelot to reside in. It was a calm area with lots of greens for it to eat. Arthur thought he made a nice deal this time.
They packed up their things, chatting a bit and then headed back to Camelot. They had walked here, simply because Merlin had ranted to him how he kept abusing the horses.
He was pretty sure, if he didn't take care, Merlin was going to start an animal union, so nobody could ever hurt them again.

Arthur imagined them getting paid and given cloths, and vacation and Merlin be all like: Free the canaries! With a sword in hand and fire in his eyes and the image was hilarious.

He almost didn't feel Merlin's hand slip into his. Arthur stopped. Both his mind and his heart and himself. Merlin almost walked passed him, but was tugged back at his hand.
Nervous, Merlin turned around to him.

"What are you doing?", Arthur asked, but his hand betrayed him, as he squeezed back. Afraid to let go.
Merlin didn't answer for a second, and Arthur feared Merlin wouldn't be able to understand him again, but he was just searching for something to say.

"Lending a hand?"

"What for?" Arthur didn't dare let go.

"So you won't get lost?", it was asked as a question, but Arthur knew Merlin was still a little overwhelmed by the feelings he received from Arthur.
It was visible in the way Merlin looked him up and down. The way his eyes rested on Arthur's heart.
"I'm not getting lost. Merlin. You can see the Castle from here.", he countered.
"You know how this makes me feel. You shouldn't tease me like that." Arthur said and finelly let go, but Merlin immediately grabbed for his hand again.

"I like it.", he muttered. Arthur thought he must have misheard.

"I said -", Merlin hesitated and Arthur knew exactly why. That didn't prepare him for Merlin's actual answer though.
"I love you too."

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