The investigation

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A.N.: Art ahead

And I'm back.

So... it's been a while. I've made some travels down memory lane with old fandoms.
Tried writing some for them and then decided against posting them, because... well.. I couldn't finish them without being entirely sure I wouldn't get hate for it.
It's Voltron. I can never be sure.

Also, I've started watching the owl house with my brother. (Wonderful show!)
And our flag means death (the funniest shit I've watched in months, not gonna lie.)
And heartstopper, don't forget heartstopper. <3

Somewhere in those past few months my dog died. Which was hard on my siblings and I.

I found racism debates about Merlin on tumblr.  I won't go much into detail, because I can't believe I had to witness that with my own eyes in todays time and age. 

I've read a ton of fanfictions. Done a ton more art studies. Was stuck on writer's block for a while.
Gone outside for walks and sports, since the sun has finally returned to us.

So... I think I'm ready to do more refined works. I hope. I'll try again :) Let's have fun.


Arthur Pendragon had never planned to become the chief of the police department.

It was chosen for him. Moreover, it was expected of him. He wasn't head chief. Probably wouldn't be. Ever.
Not after recent events.

His father used to be the head chief, before he had been fired for bribery and stealing evidences.

Needless to say that that killed Arthur's own career chances.

Relations to a subject was never nice.
Especially, because they checked Arthur's own private life too, to get to know how far he was involved.
He hadn't been. They hadn't found a thing.

That's probably why they kept being so goddamn suspicious.

Uther Pendragon hadn't even looked apologetic when he was found out. He saw nothing wrong with his crimes.

Yeah, because taking two pounds of cocaine from work each week and making homeless people sell it for him, wasn't in any way morally or ethically wrong.

Fuck you, dad. (1)

Arthur had been hit with those bricks of a scandal.

He had grown up thinking his father was a hero. Had followed in his footsteps. Had tried to become just like him.

Only to learn that his father was the exact opposite of what he had imagined.

The scandal came with a reality check that left Arthur leaving his home, cutting ties with his father and trying to continue his work as a normal officer like he always wanted to be.

That, of course, didn't stop his father from reminding him how disappointed he was that Arthur wasn't fighting to get his own spot.

Arthur regretted applying to the position.

Uther had already decided to step down, before he was found out, when one of the officer's had helped him clean out his desk and found the confiscated evidences, a notebook with phone numbers and addresses and other suspicious objects.
Upon their findings, Uther was reported.

It was too late for Arthur to take back his application though.

Arthur didn't make it to head chief.
And he was utterly relieved about that.

It made so much more sense that Guinevere Thomson got the position.

She was hard working and kind and if you thought she couldn't fight you, if she wanted to, then you happened to be an idiot.

She had always been his greatest rival at the office.

Though lately Arthur had stopped thinking it was much of a rivalry at all, when Gwen happened to be better at everything.

She was a better judge. She was more fair than him. She worked more extra hours, solved more cases faster than him. Her paper work was better written and organized and her speeches left his own in the dust

The only aspect he was maybe a tad better at was fighting. And only, because he had an unfair advantage.

He had been taught to fight since he was five.

She only started at the beginning of police academy. (And still broke all the records in the female sections.)

Guinevere was the BEST option for the position. For more reasons than Arthur being less so.

She was simply amazing.

While Arthur had this whole scandal on his back and people demanding his stepping down multiple times, it was thanks to Gwen that he was allowed to keep working.

Arthur wouldn't know what he'd do, if he wasn't allowed to be here.

He was allowed to stay, with glaring glances often directed his way.

He was reduced to mostly paper work and background checks, so the situation could calm down before he was let loose onto the field again.

It sucked.

Arthur closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

He needed a break.

The chair bounced back comfortably, giving him the illusion of piece.

Of course those are the moments, when someone would knock on the door.
Like – right now.

At least he had his own office. He wouldn't be able to stand it, if he had to work with all his coworkers watching his every move.
So he should be grateful, really.

"Arthur?", it was Gwen.

She had knocked softly. And she even opened the door softly.

Arthur was lowkey surprised the door didn't melt under the touch.

(Okay, he may have had a tiny crush on her since he was 14.

Not a serious one.

Just the kind you had when your friend was really kind and pretty and you believed they could never do anything wrong.

Of course Arthur knew he had no chance with her.

She was married to the infamous actress Morgana Lefay.

They all grew up together and Arthur lowkey believed that he wouldn't be able to stomach Gwen dating Morgana, if he didn't see Morgana as a little sister.

His cruel, yet awesome little sister.

Whose career was founded on Uther's money.

Oh well, that scandal didn't do her any good either.

Poor Morgs.)

"Guinevere.", he answered and sat up straight in his room.

For a second he felt sheepish, having been caught taking a break. It may have only been twenty seconds, but Gwen didn't know that.

Her eyes wandered over his desk, which was filled with a few dozen open reports, half of them finished.

His coffee cooling off on an older NewsPaper to not get stains everywhere. The mug was still completely full, forgotten and cold. Much like the paint that had faded over it's many years of service.

(It was an old merch one from "the sword in the stone" that Gwen had gifted him for Christmas.

It was Arthur's favorite Disney movie at the time.

Okay, who was he kidding. Still was.)

"Did you do all these already?

Arthur, seriously, take a break. Your coffee is cold again!", she frowned at him.

Clearly displeased but in such a caring fashion that Arthur felt warmth spread in his chest.

"I was about to.", Arthur argued, completely honest for once.

"Were you?", her eyes narrowed skeptically.

She never trusted him. Except for when it counted.

"I was!", Arthur insisted and sighed. "I just had to get these done first. They have to be done by ten. And it's not like some random dude suddenly shows up and does my work for me now, does it? "

"But someone will show up to clean your office!", Gwen smirked, sarcastical and amused and didn't have to look around to make Arthur blush from embarrassment.

Fine... she had a point.

His office was messy.

Paper balls were crunched up and thrown somewhat close to a fully operational yet overflown trash can. Arthur's jacket had fallen off the hook behind his door and he hadn't bothered to pick it up. The remains of his breakfast were placed somewhere vaguely near the window and there was dirt all over the floor, where Arthur hadn't properly cleaned his boots.

"The cleaning lady gets paid for this.", Arthur reminded her, fully aware that the only half decent place in this room was – in fact – his desk.

"One day she is going to refuse entering your office at all, Arthur.

Seriously, at least treat her with a little respect!", she rolled her eyes again. Still fond, but annoyed.

"Have you come here to lecture me?", Arthur asked, half wondering if Gwen was actually bored at her job.

She shouldn't be.

She hadn't left her office in the past 14, 10 hour shifts once apart from leaving in the late evening. This was the first time during the day actually.

By the amount of calls that had to be redirected to him...


He was glad he wasn't in her position right now. But he would help her where he could.

"No. Actually, I've come for a request.

There is this anonymous letter that used to come once a week.

Your father ignored them.

When I saw the pile I was going to throw up, not gonna lie. I thought they were murder cases or something.

But... they're all from the same person. I would like you to look into this.", her voice softened at the end with curious wonder.

"Letters my father ignored? Am I even allowed to go over them?"

These could be threats or yet another pile of secret documents his father had hidden.

Like hell Arthur would be allowed to investigate that stuff.

"They're not like that.", she big her lip.

"The letters say that there is this man who lives inside this apartment. Someone leaves the house every day at the same time. And someone comes back every evening, also at the same time."

"Someone?", Arthur mildly sat up a little bit more comfortably.

"And you don't think this someone might be someone who works or.... worked for my father?" Arthur really wondered if this case was safe for him know about.

"He's definitely not connected to your father, I promise.

The letter says, sometimes the guy is young and chipper. Other times he's old and looks kinda lost.
They all seem to respond to the same name though."

"Maybe it's a father and his son?

I mean... Parents sometimes name their children after themselves." (3)

"I thought so too. But that's not the only odd thing about this."

Gwen looked sheepishly around her and finally closed the door. Just as gently as she had opened it. Than she sat down before Arthur.

" So... this guy goes home and then golden lights come from his window. Flickering lights."

"Golden lights?", Arthur frowned. "You mean he flips on the lights in his room....

How is that suspicious again?"

"Arthur, come on. I haven't even finished.

So... this young guy leaves and enters the house most often.

He never goes shopping, apparently."

Somehow she was getting off topic.

"Maybe he's ordering stuff all the time? Supermarkets do that nowadays."

"Arthur!", Gwen sighed in frustration. "Those letters stopped coming in almost seventy years ago!"

"I... what?", Arthur frowned. Now he was confused.

So... that's why it wasn't connected to his father.

Made sense.

Still... if this case was this old, then what reason did Arthur have to look into it?

"The person who send the letters watched this guy's house for over thirty years and even painted the man a couple of times in the letters!

They are handwritten.

And guess what!"

"What?", Arthur asked again, this time urging her to continue.

"So... The thing is, there was a person who called me who is one of the witnesses of the Caerlon murder case. And they stated that this guy apparently had talked to our suspect only hours before the murder happened. And that he has not been home when it happened.

Our witness stated that this guy always seemed kind of suspicious to them.

Especially, because their mother seemed to be very wary of the guy.

Despite stating that she had ... and I quote:

"never interacted with him in all the 40 years she had lived in this house."

So they send me a photo of him, asking us to look into him. Because... well you'll see. "

Gwen pulled out a photo from a folder Arthur hadn't noticed yet and placed that, plus the mentioned drawing, on Arthur's table.

Arthur looked at the photo. Then the drawing.

First of all.... heck, what a terrific piece of art! Damn was it painted awesomely.
Secondly this guy was way too young to be in his forties.
And last but not at all fucking least:

"Holy shit."

Slowly it dawned on Arthur why Gwen was so fascinated by this.

Odd. The man was stunning. Almost beautiful.
Distinguished, even.

He looked pretty much identical to the drawing.

But there was no way this guy could be the one from the 70 year old drawings! Right? Yet, he had to be.

It was even more impossible that he wasn't.

"That's the guy!", Arthur commented completely stunned and Gwen's eyes twinkled.

"Exactly! And it get's even better.

The witness told me his name.

Look at articles ... any articles about the man Merlin Emrys.

I found a few that explained how he was a medical professional. But like.... those are from today.

There are some from the 19th century that claim Merlin Emrys to be a miracle doctor! Some even go as far to call him a witch!"

"Maybe he's a vampire!", Arthur said, whispering almost seriously.

He knew what Gwen was going on about. But this was impossible.

This had to be a scam. Or a misunderstanding. There was no way this was the guy the caller meant. The witness meant.
He couldn't believe Gwen was letting herself be distracted like that.

Gwen slapped him on the head.

"This is work place violence.", he whined with humor.

"Say that again and I'll cut your salary. For all we know he might be! Look. The caller was really distressed and asked me if maybe they should send their mother to a hospital.

They even asked their grandmother about this man to make sure their mother understood how wild her comment was.

But their grandmother apparently said she had eaten with Mr. Emrys once.
When she was really young and got in an accident with her bike. She had allegedly cut her knees open. But when she left, they were good as new.

Look, Arthur. I know this is more of a conspiracy -"

"Which you like.", Arthur reminded her with a slight hint of accusation in his tone.

"Yes. But I don't have time for this. I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's all unreasonable nonsense.

But I've got a hunch that this is big.

This man is an enigma and I want you to solve him.

You're not allowed on big cases anyway right now. So.... this could be fun? Just a simple background check. Nothing more. And if you find out it's nonsense, you can even make fun of me for it.

But maybe there is more to this guy.

Who knows, maybe he just sells drugs and some of his clients just get on a bad trip and therefore send those mails.
Maybe they were fake and one of his friends is pranking him.

I have no clue. But I want to know.

Also...", now Gwen paused, strangely serious now. "I feel like I've seen him before. Somewhere."

"You do?", Arthur rose his eyebrows.

"For some reason he reminds me of swords and horses.

I can't really put my finger on it.", Gwen muttered and then sighed before she stood up.

"Please do me the favor. Just this once. You owe me, remember?", she said, before she left Arthur's office.

The folder remained on Arthur's table.

God damn it, she played that card. It must be really serious for her.

Angular cheekbones bored into Arthur's soul.

"What are you looking at, Merlin, huh?", Arthur said to the photo, testing the name out on his tongue.

In a way, he understood what Gwen meant. There was something strangely familiar about this man. But he didn't remind Arthur of horses and swords. He understood the connection, though.
But it was something else for Arthur.

Suddenly, Arthur felt the strange urge to make the guy come over and clean his office for him.
"Weird.", Arthur muttered to himself. (5)


During Arthur's investigation of the mysterious Merlin Emrys, he found multiple Newspapers, much like the ones that Gwen had described.
He also, surprisingly enough, found several books about medicine written by said Merlin Emrys.
Though for some reason the Doctorate seemed to disappear in the newer ones.

The guy was apparently well known for medieval botany and medicine.
There even was a Professor Merlin Emrys mentioned in some guy's reference sheets for some job he was applying. But Merlin Emrys was stated to be his history teacher.

The more Arthur dug into the files of Merlin, the more confused he got.
Simply googling his name wasn't very easy, because the man happened to be named after one of the greatest mythological character's ever invented.

Not that Arthur fucking Pendragon was one to talk.

Eventually, Arthur dug around some more on social media, where he eventually found the guy's instagram account. Which consisted mostly of reels about a garden he apparently visited at least once a day.
He tagged the thing with *lake of Avalon's remains.*, which Arthur found oddly specific.

And then his greatest find yet:
Apparently, Arthur was not the only one who was paying this cryptid any attention.
He found one tumblr blog that collected pretty much the same evidenced that Arthur had just dug up. Just.... more. SO much more!
There were caricatures from the 17th century this person included in their blog.
Wanted posters that were even older than that.
Records of witch trials about the same man.

Arthur dug around more, completely forgetting his coffee... yet again and started watching a video on that blog, made by...

Arthur almost choked on air.

That was... that was Gwaine?

Arthur paused the video. No fucking way!

That was definitely Gwaine Fraudlane. (6)

Arthur knew him from high school. Before Arthur went to become a police officer, this guy had spread the wildest conspiracy theories. Eventually he was suspended for claiming that time travelers and immortals existed.

Arthur wasn't even sure if Fraudlane was his real last name.

People just called him that.

And knowing the rumors, the guy would have changed his name to that one out of pure spite... and probably humor.

He was known for partying the hardest and coming to school with the worst hangovers ever.
Yet his grades were pretty much passable.

The teachers still hated him.

Arthur gnawed on his lip.

If this guy was obsessed with Merlin, then there was no way this was true...
Arthur send him a message anyway.

And not even five minutes later, Arthur was invited to meet Sir Gwaine, the reincarnated knight of Camelot, for tea.

Yeah sure, like Gwaine was ever seen drinking tea in broad daylight.
Seriously, what had he gotten himself into?
Gwen was lucky that he already owed her big time, or else he would hold this over her head for years!


"Arthur Pendragon." Sir Gwaine was far too chipper for a guy who loved making up stories about people.

Arthur frowned.

Oh no.

What kind of story was he making up as Arthur's own backstory? If Arthur ended up being called the actual king Arthur, he would put this guy in jail, no matter WHAT the cost!

"I'm glad we finally meet."

Arthur sighed. "Why finally? I literally just messaged you on official police business."

Gwaine laughed and shook his head, barely even looking in Arthur's direction.

"Pff.. I've been dying to talk to you forever! And don't try to sell me shit. Official police business my ass. The police has never cared for this guy. There are no records of him ever being brought into questioning or whatever.

Apart from wanted posters that got mostly ignored or burned, there is no evidence any police officer has ever even looked his way."

"He happens to be involved in one of our cases.", Arthur countered.

"Yeah, and has he been brought in for questioning yet?", Gwaine asked and sat down at a table at the cafe they had decided to meet at.

Arthur blinked, watching as the sun light almost blinded him while it reflected from the white metal of the chair.

"Not yet. He will be soon."

"I doubt it.", Gwaine said and crossed his legs.

"Why are you so sure?", Arthur sighed.

"Because every time I go near his house, I forget why I was going there. And so far, everyone I've talked about this guy with, has felt the same."

Arthur blinked. Then he sat down before Gwaine.

"You just forget -... that's ridiculous."

"Is it? The guy just.... disappears from your mind once you get too close!

I mean, I remember why I went to his house after I'm home again. But so far...", he sighed, but grinned happily at his discovery.

He looked like a menace, really.

He had great hair and a neatly trimmed beard, but he screamed trouble and Arthur didn't want to sit here for too long.

"How did you even get his address?"

"Same way as you, I presume. The letters?", Gwaine rose an eyebrow.

"The letters."

Arthur blinked.

"How do YOU know about the letters?"

"My grandfather worked for the police. The letters were send to him. He tried investigating the case, but whenever he got close to the guy's home, he forgot about him for at least four months. "

"Four months."

Arthur furrowed his brows.

"But you don't?"

"Look at me, Arthur boy. I'm not just anyone. I am THE Sir Gwaine from the legends! Reincarnated genius and knight protege!"

Arthur closed his eyes and hid his face in his hands with frustration.

Why was he even here?

"You know what? This was a waste of time."

He stood up again, already ready to leave, when Gwaine called out for him.

"Wait! You don't think it's incredibly strange that your name is Arthur Pendragon, like the very legend itself"

"Coincidence, nothing more.", Arthur said with an eyeroll.

"Oh really, son of Uther Pendragon?
Your friend Gwen's given name is Guinevere and her wife, Morgana Lefay?
Not to mention your best work mate is Lancelot Du Lac. One of your office members's goes by the name of Percival! You've got an actual Sir Kay at your work place, who was given the title by the queen for exceptional services to the crown?
All of that doesn't seem like a weird coincidence to you?
Now that you're looking into a Merlin? Whose a doctor, by all means?"

Arthur frowned.

"How do you even know who I work with?"

" Arthur, please. I went to school with most of you! I was waiting for you to find me. It's NOT random that you did."

"Yeah, I found your cryptid blog and asked you to come!", Arthur deadpanned.

"This guy is Merlin. THE Merlin. I swear it!"


"Bring him to investigation then! Get him there! See how far it will get you!"

Arthur frowned again.

"You know what? I will, actually. And I'll send you a selfie of us, while I'm at it!"

Arthur finally made his leave.

What bullshit had he gotten himself into? He would show Gwaine! He would show him right right this second!

Arthur looked at his phone and checked for the address.

He would go there now! No matter what! And proof once and for all that...


Arthur found himself back in his office. It was a day after his attempt to visit the guy, that he remembered.

His mouth opened. He had just been in the middle of a different report for the entire morning.

No fucking way. How did he even concentrate on any of that?

He checked his phone.

Gwaine had messaged him on tumblr.

"You tried visiting him yesterday, didn't you? How did that work out for you?"

Arthur swallowed.

He jumped up, efficiently knocking the mug off his table.

Once again... the coffee was cold before it spilled on the floor.
He stormed out of his office, straight into Gwen's, where the head chief was busy on the phone with someone.

"Gwen, I need to -"

Gwen shushed him by putting a dark finger to her lips.

"No, look, Sir... DU LAC! I'll say it one last time! This man is related to our murder suspect in some way and he needs to be questioned! Bring him in!"

Gwen bit her lip while the man on the other side tried to explain why his attempt hadn't worked.
Eventually she sighed. Clearly discouraged by the looks of it.

"Look, I don't care that you thought you had to care for a dog you don't even own, this is important. Get your shit together and get this guy into my office!
Talk to me once you're done it, Lance."

She ended the call.

Arthur blinked.

"Was this about Merlin?"

Gwen turned to him.

"Yeah. Apparently none of our officers can get through to him."

"Yeah, I thought so. I went to his house yesterday, but somehow ended up back in my office.
I don't know how. I JUST remembered!
Apparently this guy is some kind of cryptid that let's no one get near his house.
I've met a... fan of this Merlin guy yesterday. He seemed crazy, but apparently he's right. I assume Lancelot just experienced the same thing I did."

Gwen stared. Then her expression soften into a smile. Excitement rising in her eyes, making the spark with something child like.

"So... he's a cryptid now, huh? I thought you didn't like conspiracies."

"Yes, because they are bullshit. You remember Gwaine Fraudlane from school?", he asked and sat down in front of Gwen's desk unbidden.

Unlike Gwen had the day before, as she always did, Arthur left the door open.

"Yeees... he used to flirt with me sometimes.", she scratched her neck awkwardly and waited for Arthur's explanation.

"He seems to think that WE -", he paused and realized how freaking weird that must sound, suggesting Gwen and him had been married in their past life.

"I mean, you, me, Morgana, Lancelot, Percival, Sir Kay and Lance are the reincarnations of the actual Arthurian Legend characters.
I mean... that's obviously wrong. But... I mean - We're literally chasing down Merlin Emrys, who doesn't seem to be reachable and it is kinda weird that we all share our names with figures from ancient stories.
And .... you know... we're investigating a murder case surrounding Caerlon and his brother Cendred, who also happen to appear in the legends.
If we meet a Mordred now, I might actually believe it's possible."

Gwen paled.

"What did you say?"

Arthur paused.

"I said it's weird that we share the .."

"Mordred. How do you know about Mordred?"

Arthur clapped his mouth shut.


"Morgana and I have been thinking about adopting a child. Morgana has done me the favor of filling out the paperworks. We're adopting a boy. His name is Mordred."

The fact hit Arthur like a brick wall. But like one that he walked into. On purpose. And yet completely blind.

Arthur's jaw dropped.

"No... No... this is impossible."


Gwen put a hand to her lips in considerable thought.

"You're right, it IS impossibly weird."

There was a pause.

"Let's call him.", Gwen finally said, as Arthur was about to say something again.

No confusion clouded Arthur's mind. He thought the answer to his question should be obvious, tangible really. Yet he was met with... almost refusal of his own conclusion. In the end, he decided to just ask.


"Merlin Emrys. Let's invite him. Ask him about ..."

"We can't get a hold of him."

"Does he work anywhere?", Gwen waved it off.

"Ehh... the hospital, I think? He's a doctor?"

"Then call the hospiltal! If we can't get him privately, then ask him to help out with an autopsy! If he's a doctor, he meets people! People meet him! If he's on social media, people know him. People approach him, somehow!

There must be a way!
Get him here!

If he is who Gwaine thinks he is, tell him that the guy he's doing the autopsy is on...
Urgh. I don't know. Call him whatever you want. Do you know the legends? Do you know anything you could find on a dead person that would lure Merlin in?"

Arthur paused.

"Not really... but I'll figure something out."


Arthur waited with anticipation as it rang on the other side. Gwen was watching him with impatience.

Finally, a dark voice answered the phone.

"Hello, this is St. Katherine, Nurse Cathy North speaking."

The thing about phones was that they always somehow managed to distort a person's voice. Put an accent into the fast speaking call receiver and you had a full on disaster.
Thankfully, Arthur was an officer. He dealt with calls like these all the time.
He may hate them, but he was used to them.
Otherwise he may have just hung up on the spot, when he wasn't sure he understood the Nurse's name correctly.

"Hello, erm.. My name is officer Pendragon. I would like to speak to a certain Doctor Merlin Emrys. Is he available?"

"Hmm... let me see."

There was a short pause on the other side. Ruffling.

All while Gwen send him questioning glances.

Arthur pointedly looked away.

"I'm sorry. He's in the middle of performing a surgery right now. Would you like me to give him a message?"

"I er... Well. Just tell him Arthur Pendragon called."

"Of course Sir."

"Oh.. and tell him to come by the police station, whenever he's free. Soon, if possible.
He was named as a witness to an open case we're investigating."

"Yes, of course. Urgh... did something happen?"

Curse people and their curiosity.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but that is disclosed information."

"I understand. I'll tell him."

"Thank you."

"Have a nice day, Sir."

"You too."

Arthur sighed and hung up.

Gwen stared at him incredulously.

"What?", he asked, already half on the defense.

"You didn't say anything related to the legends!"

Oh god damn it, she was right.

"What even was that whole thing about, just tell him to come by when he's free? We're the police! He can't choose when to come in?"

"Gwen... listen. If Gwaine's nonsense theory checks out, then this guy would come running immediately upon hearing the name Arthur Pendragon, right?"

"That is your name."

"It is. But to the Merlin, it would mean a lot more.

That finally, had Gwen convinced.

Arthur less so.


It took three full days for him to come to the office.

At first, no one really noticed him.

Doctor Merlin Emrys was dressed in an old coat. A freshly shaven face highlighting his sharp cheekbones.
His hand in his pocket and looking tired, unimpressed and tired (yes, that had to be stated twice, the bags under his eyes were double extended edition, too), he waited for someone at the reception to pay attention to him.

It was Elyan Thomson who answered.
And Arthur knew this, because he was watching from his spot beside his open door. He was sneakily looking around the corner, noticing the sudden surprise that opened up the man's crossed arms.

He blinked a couple of times, as if surprised to see Elyan here.

Elyan, too, seemed confused.
The only reason Elyan was doing the reception today, by the way, was because their secretary had the day off and the other one was sick. Elyan was good with paper work, much like his sister and volunteered. Because he was kind like that.

What a sicko.

Merlin suddenly seemed very skittish and nervous. Apparently asking about something, but Elyan seemed more confused than before.

A second later, Lancelot approached from the bathroom, asking for something.

Arthur swore the Doctor jumped as he took Lance in.

How curious.

Gnawing on his own lip, Arthur rose to his feet and hesitantly walked out the door.
He took a deep breath and approached the front desk. When he finally reached the Merlin, the man's back was still turned to him.
Meaning, he hadn't noticed him yet.

"Doctor Merlin Emrys, right?"

No, seriously, the guy jumped at Arthur's voice alone, while being in the middle of a handshake with Lancelot.

Arthur decided not to let that irritate him and continued to speak:
"The name is Arthur Pendragon. I was the one who called. Sorry for the inconvenience, but you happen to have a connection to one of our cases and I would like to ask you a few questions."

The man hadn't turned around yet.
When he did, he did it slowly. In such a heavy, almost cinematic slow motion, that Arthur wondered if he had broken something in the man's head. Or if this really was how Merlin Emrys perceived time in that very moment.

When they finally met face to face, Merlin's mouth gaped open. But he didn't say a thing.
It was more like something was slowly walking up his spine. Making him take Arthur in slowly, from toe to head. When they locked eyes, Merlin's eyes started to water with tears. And something else.
And then....

Where the heck did this guy get a stapler from?


Arthur ducked his head, but it was too late.

The doctor had whacked him on the head. With the stapler . There was so much anger in his expression. But also immediate regret, fear and other, completely random and swirling emotions that Arthur had never seen anyone express.
Not without seeing a corpse of their loved one's first, obviously.

That was no excuse for violence, though!

"What the fuck?"

Arthur was still in shock, still holding his head, as he looked up, finding the man crying in front of him.

Merlin's hands were trembling. Then he raised his hand again.


He paused with each insult to take a breath. As if he needed to put weight into every single one of them, while he also kept whacking Arthur's head.
Well... tried to. He met Arthur's buff shoulder's and arms instead. Plus, his slaps were kind of weak.

That Elyan was holding him back was probably in Arthur's favor though.


Arthur had no idea what that last word even meant. But it sounded oddly familiar. Odd enough that he didn't question it.

"I've waited for you by the goddamn lake for millennia!"

What in carnation...

"1500 years! You STUPID DOLLOPHEAD!"

He was still crying. Sobbing now, really.

Arthur, however, had no idea how to respond to any of this.

Finally, Merlin Emrys was freed from the stapler, as Elyan gently took it from his hands and forcing them behind the doctor's back.

Merlin, struggling against the grip, managed to wiggle himself free from Elyan's grasp and jumped to bury Arthur in a big, giant, bone crushing hug.
Merlin wrapped his arms around Arthur, as if he was scared Arthur would disappear.

"Er... I hate to interrupt you guys. But ... Arthur, did you want to tell us something?"

Lancelot had both his eyebrows raised, as he looked from Arthur to Merlin, Merlin to Arthur.

But Arthur was completely frozen in his stance. He had yet to decide whether to push Merlin away or return the hug, when he looked at Lancelot. Mostly for help.
Then out of confusion.
And then horror, as he realized what this must look like to Lance.
And what – in that context – Lancelot was even asking him.

"It's not what it looks like.", he hurried to say.

Knowing well that did little to help his situation.
Perhaps, he could admit though, that hugging Merlin didn't nearly feel as off putting as he would have expected, had he ever considered it. Rather, it felt like he had been here before. In a similar situation, just with reversed roles.

An oddly graphic depiction of Merlin covered in mud entered his mind.

"What does it look like?", Elyan raised an eyebrow in question.

What he was really asking however, was :

Isn't it obvious?

Arthur, no matter how many times he would later go over this, will never fully understand how quickly the situation changed from that moment on forward.

He wasn't just talking about how his coworkers perceived him.
He wasn't talk about the odd looks he always received with angered whispers from the break room.
Or the way Lancelot and Elyan were both looking at him with oddly specific questions on their minds.
Arthur was talking about his entire life.

This moment changed everything.

From the way he perceived himself to others, to the future he had imagined building.

It all went to shit from then on.

As reality seemed to settle in the warmth of Merlin's embrace.

"I do not know this man.", Arthur insisted hotly as one last attempt to deny the inevitable.

Merlin pushed him off and glared at him.

This was it.
This was the moment Arthur would never forget.

"Well, I don't fucking care if you know me or not.
I'm going to marry you, today."

Time had truly stopped.

"Excuse me what?"

What else was Arthur supposed to say to that? Or was it one of his friends who said it? Maybe all of them?

The entire room was eerily quiet now.

Merlin pushed away to look Arthur in the eyes with a fire that reminded Arthur of a witch hunt.

What an odd comparison.

"Excuse you? Excuse you?"

How dare Merlin sound offended at that?

"You don't like this idea? Well, guess what? FUCK YOU, PENDRAGON! Life has tied my soul to yours and for some goddamn unknown reason, I freaking want to take care of you and have you in my general reach wherever I am.
So, you're not getting rid of me, no matter what you do.

It took forever to find you!

If you think I will leave you alone for even a second after this, you need to check your ears!
Till death do us part, motherfucker."

Arthur was pretty damn sure that there should be a lot less swearing in a proposal. Or death threats.
Definitely a lot less death threats.

And yet... God knows why....

Maybe it was the way Merlin looked at him.

But the fire in those eyes screamed more of love and adoration than anything or anyone Arthur had ever met.

The way Merlin still clung to Arthur, clingy and desperate, yet so familiar, as if Arthur had waited for this moment for an entire lifetime.
As if finally, something was laid out in the open that Arthur had never managed to address before.



Only a couple days ago, Arthur had said, he didn't know what he would do, if he wasn't a police officer.
That he wanted to be one. He did want to be one.
Because he wanted a stable, predictable life.

Because he wanted to get his father's approval.
His father, whom he always disappointed.
His father, who still reminded him that he was 36 freaking years old.

Why was Arthur not married yet?
Why didn't he have kid's?
Why wasn't he head chief?
Why wasn't he fighting for the position?
Why wasn't he fighting for his job, when they threatened to take it away?
Why was he always letting other people take away his opportunities, hopes and dreams?
Why was he relying on other people to keep him where he was currently at?

Why was he okay with being a simple officer?
Why didn't he fight for what he wanted?
For more?

He ...
Arthur didn't want any of it. That's why.

It was a strange moment to realize that. To figure out that after all this time, he had been waiting for a miracle.
A random, groundbreaking offer that would destroy everything he had created for himself and prepare a path he never knew he wanted.
Something so crazy and borderline insane that it was impossible to miss the right moment.

This was it. This was the crazy moment he had been waiting for. The moment to break out of his circle of life.
Live on a farm maybe. Make Merlin do all the work.
Like he had planned a lifetime ago.


A Millenia.

He didn't know where that thought came from. It was simply there.
Why he thought this path was finally laid out before him, who knew?
But there was something about Merlin, about this very moment that felt ... right.
It felt like, while he Merlin was still grabbing him by the shoulders, still hanging on to the last echoes of Arthur's instant acceptance, something was slowly slotting into place.

Something that finally made his life make sense. A life that never seemed to lead in any direction but finally seemed to circle around Merlin and Merlin alone.

For so long he had been feeling misplaced, wherever he was at and wherever he went. Now, he thought to have caught a glimpse of the place where he belonged.
His place – so his heart seemed to know for reasons Arthur couldn't comprehend – was right beside this man.

And Arthur clicked right into it like a total buffoon.

The craziest part was, that it was all just a feeling.

A feeling that in context made absolutely zero sense.
A feeling that was so overwhelming that he felt no need to question it.

Arthur would never be able to explain this to anyone. This crazy roller coaster of emotions that he was feeling.


Elyan and Lancelot exclaimed and ripped Arthur from his strange daze.

Only now did Arthur realize what he just agreed to.
He blinked, still staring at the reason for all this craziness.

Merlin sighed, clearly relieved. And a lot less agitated, as he slunk back into Arthur's arms.

"Thank you."

Now for some reason that sentence rattled something deep and painful in Arthur's memories. Though it was more like a banging on a door that he didn't own the key to.

A sound ripped Arthur from his thoughts and his coworkers from their petrified state.
It was only the opening of a door and yet it caused Arthur's ears to twitch. As he turned around, he was facing Gwen.

"What's going on here?", she asked and brushed a stray hair behind her ear.

"Arthur just got engaged to our witness.", Elyan said.

Arthur threw up his arms.

Seriously, Elyan?

"Arthur what?"

Gwen looked around. Finding Arthur still hugging with Merlin.

Though Merlin blinked at her with a mix of confusion, wonder, fear and something reminiscent of an apology.

"Gwen, I can explain.", he said.

"How do you know my name?", she frowned, ever the perceptive detective.

"Gwen, this is Merlin.", Arthur introduced him nervously. Despite having met him only a few minutes ago.

Holy shit, he was marrying a stranger. This day was a disaster.

It was going to get even weirder.

"Alright, I'm going to question your sanity later, Arthur. For now, bring our witness into custody please.
We need to finally get some answers to this case."

"Answers?", Merlin asked and looked between Arthur and Gwen.

There seemed to be a different question on his mind, but he asked anyway: "Which case?"

"The case about Caerlon and Cendred. You may know them. They had business together. They were found dead in Caerlon's house with his daughter.
There is proof that Cendred killed Caerlon. But some thing's aren't adding up.

Cendred and Caerlon were codependent business partners. They had no reason to kill one another.
We haven't found a motive yet.
If you would follow us, maybe you could help us figure out what happened."

Finally, Merlin let go off Arthur, before facing Gwen with a look that looked way too calm and collected for a man his age.
At least, if he had never seen death before.

"Oh, that won't be necessary. Cendred didn't have a motive to do either of that."

Gwen paused.

"Then... why would Cendred kill Caerlon?"

Merlin shrugged.

"Because I told him to."

.... to be continued.

(1) I would like to point out that Arthur is the narrator here. I do break the fourth wall all the time, but I mean to let the characters speak. It's their opinions, not necessarily mine. It often is, but not always. It's me trying to think as the character and then sometimes the thoughts and opinions mix.

(2) I So... there was this post that said shipping Merthur is racist and I got mad. I didn't post a comment, because I'm not mentally in the right place to do that. Anyway it's not. I just wanted to make that point. If you think it is, explain it to me, it makes literally no sense.
Anyway, I had planned to write about this topic, then decided against it, because I wouldn't be able to portray it accurately. Also this plays in England. And England is much more culturally diverse than America. So ... I guess chosing this country took a lot of that off the plot. Cause I just don't know as much about it.

(3) Yes. Thanks a lot, mom.

(4) The lightbulb was invented 1879. I looked it up.
By the way, I wanted to make a point about Merlin being registered as the owner of the house for several centuries maybe. But apparently that's not a thing in England. What a wild thing to learn.

(5) Gwen: This guy reminds me of swords and horses.
Arthur: .... I'll make him clean my room.
Gwen: What? Why?"
Arthur: I don't have a horse for him to muck out my stables and my sword was confiscated as evidence against my father, so no polishing either.
Gwen: You are horrible.
Gwaine from the off: Make him polish your other sword!

(6) that name though

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