Wired (part 6): the trial

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Arthur was nervous. He was still standing in his room, looking out the window. A servant had brought him breakfast an hour ago, but he hadn't even touched it.
He was wearing a loose white shirt and black pants. He should get dressed soon.
But he knew Merlin wasn't coming to dress him in his usual formal attire. He dreaded the moment another servant would step up and tell him what to wear.
Somehow, they never managed to get Arthur's tastes right.
To be fair, his taste was getting insulted while being dressed, just to have a reason to knock Merlin on the head with a goblet.

A soft knock interrupted his silence, while he watched hundreds of people gathering in the court yard.
Strange. The last time a trial had been held publicly was on the 20th anniversary of the purge his father had started.
Executions were public almost all the time.
But the trial itself.... rare thing that one.
Ironically, it had been the day Arthur had first met Merlin.

'The day he arrived in Camelot, he saw an execution.', Arthur's head explained to him. By this point, the realization hardly hit him anymore. It was like hitting another stone on a bombarded ship that was already sinking.
'A day later, he saved my life.', his mind unhelpfully added and he closed his eyes at the clenching feeling in his heart.
The memory of how Merlin became his manservant had always been a treasured one for Arthur. Because it showed how incredibly kind Merlin was. It wasn't loyalty. Not really. Merlin had neither known nor cared about Arthur's status back then.
In fact, he had shown a form of hostility that was the prelude to their later bantering dynamic.
Now all Arthur could wonder was, if it had been real. Had Merlin saved his life, because that's just who Merlin was? Or had he been told to do that?

"Arthur. We need to talk.", Gwen's gentle steps went almost unnoticed in Arthur's loud steps.
When he turned around to face her, she looked angry and frustrated. Her hands were balled to fists and her mouth was trembling slightly.
Arthur had honestly expected her earlier. But Gwen rarely came unprepared. She always knew exactly what she wanted to say, wherever she went.

"I'm listening.", Arthur nodded at her to continue.
God, she was beautiful.
She had such wonderful brown eyes, her hair always looked like it needed two servants to make the locks shine like that and her dark skin radiated almost golden in the early morning sun. It was the kind of gold you would search for in a treasure hunt. The most rare and expensive kind.
Gwen's presence alone felt like it was worth a kingdom and she never failed to make Arthur smile.

Maybe 'never' was the wrong word. Arthur wasn't smiling right now.

"I've talked to Lancelot and he told me about the trial. He told me that Merlin used magic?"
She looked desperate and confused. Like she hardly believed it. Her eyes searching for something, a hint of sorts, in Arthur's eyes.
Of course she had talked to Lancelot. But it was also so Gwen, that she wanted Arthur's confirmation first.

Arthur merely nodded.

"Arthur -", she heaved. "Merlin is your friend. I am SURE he had good reasons! Percival even said he closed the veil! He's always been loyal to you. How can you do this to him? He TRUSTS you, Arthur!", she stepped closer and grabbed him by the shoulders, as if that could make him see sense.

"You make it sound, like I'm betraying him, not the other way around.", Arthur commented coldly. Not because he believed it to be true. No... his mind and heart were still arguing about that.
But he wanted Gwen's advise so badly. Was he doing the right thing?
Was he right to trust Merlin? After everything?

Gwen had always been a good influence on him. She always knew what he was thinking. She knew who Arthur was at heart and which decisions would be good for him, his conscience AND the kingdom.

She'd make a wonderful queen.
God, Arthur wanted her to be queen. And then he thought of Lancelot, and that made his heart bleed again.

"Arthur, Merlin LOVES you. He would never betray you!"

Arthur stared at her. Her too? Love. People needed to stop mentioning Merlin to him in a context of love. Lately that was all it took to make him stumble over his own mind.
"I'm not condemning Merlin to death, Guinevere. We're going to get his entire story and use that to repeal the ban on magic. I'm not doing this TO him. I'm doing this FOR him."
Gwen looked at him, stunned.

Her desperation suddenly cleared. "Oh Arthur.", she smiled widely. She was proud of him. So Arthur was doing the right thing. Thank god.
That smile made Arthur melt so often and that often forced him to conceal his emotions.

Gwen had been Merlin's first friend in Camelot, Arthur finally remembered.
He remembered that Merlin used to run around with flowers that he must have received from her.
Gwen didn't even realize it, but she always picked those purple flowers. It was a trade mark of hers.
It suddenly dawned on Arthur that Gwen must have had a crush on Merlin then.
Holy -

The only reason why Arthur had ever talked to her was, because Merlin had persuaded her to let Arthur stay in her hut. During that tournament, where Arthur had so desperately tried to proof himself to his people.
But in the end, chose to take her advice and didn't boast about it.

Never boast about his achievements... that was Merlin, really, wasn't it?

It was also Merlin, whom Arthur first admitted his feelings to Guinevere to. It was Merlin who convinced him to follow his heart.
It was Merlin who convinced him not to marry for convenience.

Those were things he did without magic. It was always Merlin, wasn't it?

Arthur let himself be hugged by Gwen. But he didn't kiss her, when she excused herself to leave to tend to Arthur's broken father. It felt.... wrong somehow.
Both that she cared for Uther, whom she must hate after he killed her father and .... to think of kissing her now.
It didn't even calm him as much as it usually did, when she gave him a last smile, before she left the room.

Somehow, Arthur's heart felt even heavier than before.


The court yard was full of people, when Arthur finally stepped up to welcome them.
Even if it can hardly be called a welcome.

Down the aisle of people, Merlin was walking in shackles. The guards weren't even forcing him to walk forwards. He went on his own accord and the guards seemed oddly protective of him. The way they shielded him from the few rotten fruit that some townspeople were throwing.
Not everyone believed in Merlin's innocence, because not everyone had met him yet.

The thing most people had heard was, that Merlin used magic. And that made him automatically a traitor. There were a few people who didn't lift a hand to throw rotten fruit at the man. But they glared at those who did.

It was clear, pretty early on, that Merlin was not a typical traitor. This trial was not typical.
And Arthur realized that this was also not the first time Merlin had been lead to a trial at all.
Merlin had been Dragoon before. He had walked to the pyre before.
The thing he must have feared the most and he did it for Gwen anyway.
Arthur tried to steel his heart, as Merlin finally stood before him and knelt down. His head low, as if waiting for an axe to part him of his head.

The guards flanked him, but respectfully stepped away.
It was then, that the throwing of food stopped. Because the sorcerer wasn't running away. He was looking up to Arthur, like a soldier, waiting for his judgment. And Arthur wasn't throwing him hateful glances.

When Arthur rose his voice, he did his best not to waver.

"Citizens of Camelot.
We have gathered here today, to judge upon this sorcerer."

Murmuring was heard among the people.

"This man. Merlin. Used to be my personal manservant. And he has been witnessed to be using magic by not only me, but several of my knights."

You could hear booing among the people. But also confusion, because... where was the pyre? If Arthur had seen it himself, why was there no execution planned already? And why was the sorcerer not doing anything but closing his eyes, bracing himself instead of shouting at Arthur what a bad king he was? Like all other sorcerer's before him had done at Uther?

"However.", Arthur silenced them with a wave of his hand. "This man is not a normal sorcerer. This man is Emrys."

An old woman in the crowd staggered, and almost fell, if a man beside her wasn't holding her upright.
But most people just seemed confused. Not everyone knew who Emrys was. Those who did, now started a chain of whispers. Causing people to mutter and murmur.
This time, it was Agravaine who silenced them with something akin to a bark.
Arthur wasn't listening what he was saying.

He only saw Merlin look up to him with wide eyes. Merlin still didn't know what Arthur was planning. Still, he was here. Waiting. Trusting. Because Arthur had asked him to.
Strangely, this gave Arthur the reassurance to keep going.

"By the laws of Camelot, Merlin Emrys, you would be condemned to the pyre for your actions."
Merlin looked down again, and finally they could hear cheering and agreement among the crowd.

"But -", Arthur spoke over the noise and therefore silenced his people for good this time.
"You have been the most loyal and kind servant I have ever had."

The silence stretched over the crown. Just as confusion did. And suddenly the Emrys comment wasn't the strangest thing Arthur had said all day.

"It cannot go unnoticed, that you have been my servant for several years, had access to my chambers and the keys to almost every sealed room in Camelot.
You have seen me in my most vulnerable moments, when I'm asleep, that any man, especially a sorcerer as yourself could have used to kill me, and yet, you've never tried to harm me once.

You have endured punishments for insolence, but not lawbreaking behavior. You have endured insults, accusations of using magic even, and many many other things. And you've never acted on revenge.
You had every chance, to poison me and my father, as you were often tasked with serving us food and as the court physician's ward, you had access to all kinds of poison. You had every chance and opportunity, to kill us in our sleep, or to at least harm us in small ways.

I cannot ignore, that you have drunken poison for me on multiple occasions. You have saved me from knifes that have been thrown at me. You rode out with me on every single quest. Unarmed, inexperienced and useless with a sword.
You have warned me of magical dangers for years and never once been wrong about it.
And given the chance that a sorcerer has convinced my own self, to turn against the crown, you stopped me from killing my own father. The man who hunts your kind.

The one time, I remember you actually gave me poison to drink. But it was in cooperation with the court physician, to make my father cry tears of true sorrow, to break an enchantment.
You were the one tasked to keep me alive and you did. And I drunk the poison of my own volition.
You have never failed me.
I have never seen you use magic against me or the crown. I cannot ignore that fact.

You have been a most loyal - friend.", Arthur's voice cracked at the word friend, while the people threw each other irritated glances.
"My father has taught me that magic corrupts the most innocent souls. Is it true, that all this time, you had magic. And you never used it?"

Merlin looked up at Arthur in awe. "No, my lord. I did.", Merlin confessed. Murmuring was heard among the people again. Especially those who knew Merlin, scoffed in disbelieve.

"Magic is illegal to use in Camelot. On the punishment of death, as you may as well know. What did you use it for that was worth risking your life?", Arthur demanded to know.
Merlin looked up and answered exactly, what Arthur expected his answer to be:

"Well now.", Arthur sighed a shuddering breath. "I cannot execute a man, who has served the crown so loyally, when I have several people vouching for you. At least not without a proper trial.

I am asking you, Merlin of Ealdor. To tell us your story. I want to hear everything. From the day you arrived in Camelot until today.

There are several knights who have sworn to pledge for you. There are druids among the crowd who keep telling my knights about some kind of destiny. I have called for your mother to confirm how long you have practiced magic. Gaius has offered to confirm your story, as he has been witness to almost all of it.
And this morning, I have received numerous calls from guards, who wanted to be witnesses on your behavior in the cells last night.

Now I do believe, we need someone who is opposed to your side, so I have decided to ask Agravaine to hold the case of my father. Who is – sadly – too sick to attend this trial."
Agravaine turned around in shock to suddenly be part of this. But he steeled himself and nodded at Merlin, as though he was doing him a favor. Arthur may not trust Agravaine, but even Agravaine should prove to be a useless voice in this matter.
Because almost all the knights stood beside Merlin. As did the servants and the guards. As did the court physician and at least a couple of council members.
Who were flanking the tribune Arthur was standing on at the moment.

At the mention of the people who were on Merlin's side, Merlin's eyes went wide. He looked around and a few people stepped up from the crowd.
Among them were Gaius, Hunith, Lancelot, Gwaine and numerous other people. None of them seemed to doubt for even a second what they were doing.
That they were risking their lives.

"Now, Merlin.", Arthur gestured Merlin to rise from his kneeling position.
"It's your turn."

Merlin turned around to face the curiously shocked crowd. "It's a long story.", he swallowed.


And then.... Merlin opened his mouth. "First of all.", he took another deep breath. "I was born with magic."



It was... a long story. One that brought light to many questions that Camelot used to ask themselves.
One especially stood out.
Because you see, Merlin told them everything. Not just his accomplishments. He told them about the decisions he made. He told them his mistakes.
Mistakes that were caused by wrong interpretations of destiny and fortune.
And of course, he started with the blasted Dragon.

Morgana was the old woman in the crowd, who had staggered earlier at the mention that Merlin was Emrys.

Now, Morgana had been scared beyond believe in her hut. But she couldn't wait this time. She couldn't wait to see the trial and wait how it plays out.
She needed to witness it. To know, whether it was true that Merlin had magic or not.

Now, she was witness to everything he ever did.
And god... it was humiliating for Arthur. Almost all the accomplishments that he was ever praised for, they were accomplishments of Merlin.
And more than that... it sounded terrifying.

Morgana had lost so much under the hands of Uther. She had lost her father. She had feared the crown and Uther Pendragon. And she was forever angry about it.
But Merlin...
He had not only lost his father. He had never met him. He lost him right after he was found.
Merlin lost his best friend and the love of his life.

All of them lost to Arthur himself.
His father may have died protecting Merlin, but he died because Arthur needed the last Dragon lord. His best friend died for Arthur and to protect Merlin's secret.
And his love? Arthur gave her the mortal wound that killed her himself.

Merlin had been manipulated by a dragon. He had been forced to keep still and let people die by advice from Gaius. A fact, which Gaius later confirmed.

Merlin too, had feared Uther's rage. He had been accused of sorcery more than once and was always saved last minute.

Merlin had killed... for Arthur. He defeated Nimueh and Cornelius Sigan. But refused to kill a child. Even though it was said the child would one day kill Arthur.
And Merlin admitted, that he still somewhat regretted letting the child live. Which made Arthur stare at him in something that almost looked like fear.
And then... Merlin told them how... and why he poisoned Morgana.

Morgana couldn't breathe as she heard the explanation. Merlin had been warned that Morgana would help Kill Arthur. That she was his doom.
And that he couldn't trust her because of it. And, because he had seen her turn against Uther before.
Merlin had WANTED to tell her about his magic. Gaius stepped in and confirmed that it was HIM who ordered Merlin not to.
And now Morgana remembered how Merlin had send her to the forest, to help her learn magic.
And how that had been a mistake, because Uther thought she had been abducted. The druids had paid a grand price for this mistake.

It was clear that of all the mistakes Merlin had listed and admitted to regretting, this was the worst of them all.
Even though he had no choice. Morgana hadn't even known she was the key to Morgause's sleeping spell. That only Morgana's death would have broken the enchantment.
And that Merlin knew Morgause would do anything to save her. It was HIM who told Morgause what the poison was, so she could be healed again.

Morgana listened, but half of Merlin's other stories (especially the unicorn one, what the fuck?) fell on deaf ears.
Because... she understood. She didn't want to, but she did.
She herself feared the future. Her own visions. And what that could do to a person.

Morgana had become exactly what Merlin had feared her to become.

And then he moved on to telling stories about immortal knights and armies and a sword that was forged for Arthur and Morgana already didn't care.
Merlin didn't tell them where he hid the sword, but Morgana knew this information could give her power beyond believe.

But something inside her just lifted. Slowly. Clearly this wasn't enough to change her heart. This wasn't nearly enough.
But it was a lot. It was a question she had always asked herself. It was the very foundation of her hatred. Not it was being undone. Not redeemed, not made up for.
But it was acknowledged. It was being judged and explained. And Morgana felt that her hatred for Merlin himself was slowly dismantling. Disappearing.
Because she understood. And she couldn't resent him for it any longer. No matter how deep the betrayal had cut into her.
For the first time, this wound was healing.


Arthur listened to every single word. He soaked up the stories like a sponge. And he knew and saw how the expressions of his people changed.
Not in hatred against Arthur, but in empathy for Merlin.
And how trust in Arthur's reign turned to disbelieve in his obliviousness.
Not just that. Fear of his power turned to hope for his compassion and care.
Because Arthur listened.
To ever single word.

There were few who doubted Merlin's story. Many more recognized how Merlin's explanation of the events of the past few years filled questions with answers.
It was as if they had been missing one half of a puzzle and now everything clicked into place.

It was – admittedly – a long story. Perhaps the longest Arthur had ever heard.
Merlin may be explaining stories out of order, but what can you expect? Merlin's memory was certainly not perfect.
But he managed to get it basically right.
His intentions and decisions however, were clear as day.

And everyone with half a mind could see how much of a burden all these secrets were on Merlin.
For the first time, Arthur understood, why Merlin was so wise when he was needed to be.
Because Merlin had made all of those decisions before.
Merlin knew exactly what he was talking about, when he gave his opinion about destiny and fate to Arthur all those years ago.
There is a difference between fate and destiny. Fate can change.

Destiny can't, but you can decide HOW you do it.

When Merlin was finally at the end and retold what he knew about the veil story, Arthur had to stop him after the vilia incident. And then he retold the story himself, because he had been there, while Merlin was unconscious.

The crown had started to mutter again, as Merlin told them how he survived the dorocha's touch. Something that should be impossible.
Because every other person had died instantly.

Which is why Arthur began with explaining that Merlin was immortal. And that killing him would not only NOT work, but it would also stop him from closing the veil. Because it was his future self who did so.
(Arthur wasn't entirely sure how that worked, because apparently Dragoon had witnessed the entire veil thing differently. Which meant the future could still change. But he ignored that for the moment. That was a philosophical question that should not be addressed in a witch trial.)

And that – to the people – explained why there was no pyre.
Even though that wasn't the reason at all.

It was already dawn, when the stories and confirmations of such had ended. The silence wore heavily among the people. It had taken longer than Arthur had expected.
So much for being crowned today.....

"Agravaine, I believe it is now your turn to speak on behalf of my father. Name us a good reason, I'm sure you have plenty, what Merlin's real punishment should look like."

Agravaine too, had listened.
And he stared at Arthur as if he had gone mad. All eyes were suddenly on him. Before the entire thing had started, Agravaine had still looked smug and determined to find reason to get Merlin killed.
But Camelot depended on this twink.
Merlin could not be killed, even if they tried. And it was almost impossible to criticize him for his actions.

Agravaine opened his mouth. He had to try at least...
"Well, Sire. Merlin has shown... unwavering loyalty, no doubt. But he has poisoned Morgana and therefore created Camelot's worst enemy yet.
You cannot tell me -"

Arthur interrupted him, while the people started to glare at Agravaine now. It was telling that the rotten fruit had suddenly disappeared.

"I would like to remind the council that Agravaine here has advised me, loyally, since my father fell ill. And he never fails to tell me that I am too young and untested to make decisions for this land. That I still have to prove myself. And that I make mistakes in my inexperience."

The council members nodded their heads at each other. Agravaine fell silent.

"Merlin, would you tell us how old you were, when the dragon put this destiny on your shoulders."

Merlin flinched. His voice was still hoarse from talking so long. But he answered anyway.
"17.", he said shortly.

The crowd murmured again.

"The decision a king makes, rest heavy on his shoulders.", Arthur explained to the crowd.
"We bear every death of every knight or citizen who fell under our reign or command.
I keep being advised where I need it, to make sure that nobody dies. That's what the council is for.
The responsibility still rests on me. But I do not have to make those decisions alone.
I became crown prince, when I turned 21. I was 21, when I was told I should prepare to become king one day.
I was educated from a young age, and still I have much to learn.

Merlin bore the responsibility of this kingdom since he was 17. He had protected this kingdom. And made decisions worthy that of a king.
And, after everything I have heard, I believe he made them based on his best knowledge.
He had no advisor, except for the one who kept pushing him to his limits and expected him to murder (Arthur is referring to Khilgharrah). And a man who kept warning him that he could die any time, no matter how he interferes.
He was and IS young. And he made mistakes.

And what happened to Morgana was not HIS fault."

Arthur shook his head at Agravaine. "After everything I've heard today, I believe it was my father's hatred that made it so. His hatred of magic."

Agravaine closed his mouth. Merlin had earlier confessed that the vision Arthur had of his mother had been the truth. And nothing but the truth and that Merlin had lied to him.
Arthur was barely able to contain himself. He understood why Merlin had done it, but he couldn't believe he did.
The crowd probably couldn't either.

"It is for this reason, that I believe it is time my father stepped down as king. He is broken from Morgana's betrayal. And his decisions have proven to cause nothing but pain for Camelot.", Arthur continued and the world seemed to freeze for the moment.
"His reign ends today and now. And I know that I still have to prove myself as king, especially after what Merlin has told us today.
But I believe, with him at my side, I can make better decisions than my father.
Merlin has given me the wisest council I have ever received in my life. And it is my deepest hope that he will continue to do so."

Merlin stared up at him in disbelieve. As did Agravaine (more in shock, because Arthur had just dismissed his own council entirely.).

"Do you swear, Merlin Emrys, to use your knowledge and your magic for Camelot and it's protection and never to harm it?"

"Of course." Merlin didn't even hesitate.

"Do you swear to use it -"

"For you, Arthur. Always for you."

Arthur choked on his sentence. Then.... Arthur took a deep breath and pulled out something underneath his cloak. The people did not seem to recognize what it was, but Agravaine did.
"Arthur... you cannot -"
"This – bears my mother's sigil.", Arthur ignored him and pulled out a round piece of medal. There was a bird embedded to it. It was THE sigil. (10) And he handed it to Merlin, who looked up with shock.
"Arthur I can't -"

"Take it. From this day forth, Merlin. You shall be court sorcerer of Camelot.", Arthur said and Merlin's eyes widened.
"But the ban -"

"Lifted. From now on. You are proof, that it can be used for good. I cannot execute a man for magic, when it has saved Camelot so many times."

The crowd fell into chaos.


Morgana froze. The ban....
Arthur had lifted the ban. No. That was impossible. Sure, Arthur cared about Merlin. But... THAT much?
Arthur cared to THIS extend?
Arthur just undid what Uther had worked for, for over 20 years.
Arthur just....

Morgana heaved in a deep breath in her old form. It was... a lot.
It was... enough.
Enough to break her. To make her cry. The thing that had caused her feeling of oppression – gone.
Her reason for hating Arthur, namely that he was exactly like Uther – wrong.
Wrong wrong wrong.

She couldn't deal with this any more.
Merlin was Emrys, he was her doom. But.... BUT! She understood. She understood!

She turned and left. And hurried towards her horse, before making her way back to her hut.
Morgana Le Fay always had a plan.
She always....
She didn't. She didn't know what to do. 'It must be a ruse', her mind screamed. But her heart wept. From relief and most of all, hope and believe.
Where was her hatred from before?
Where had it gone?

When she finally made it back to her hut, she fell down onto the mattress and fell asleep almost instantly.
She slept. And for once – she did not dream a nightmare.
She dream of one thing. One thing alone. Another future. Another vision.
Of the golden age.


(10) In case some of you want to bring the argument that Merlin should already have the sigil, because of that one deleted scene. Here is my counter argument:
The entire deleted scene would have replaced another. And that is the moment right before Merlin get's touched by the dorocha and almost dies.
Compare the dialogue, it's almost exactly the same.
"Sometimes you puzzle me Merlin.", "You never fathom me out?"
Is in both scenes. So no... Merlin never got the Sigil. Sadly enough. And since the deleted scene is from that very episode, it's obvious that they chose the dramatic scene over the emotional one. That's how I see it :P

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