4. Transformation

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Throk POV "alright so lady astrid I think you would enjoy to go and see your cousins again since they are all 18 and a half so they can help you with the mermaid powers while me and hiccup haddock got to the training spot."

Astrid POV "so um, where can I see my cousins throk."

Throk POV "I believe that they will be here in a while we can stay with you while you wait or we can go it's your choice."

Hiccup POV "I think is better if we stay with her.."

Astrid POV "why? Are you scared I might get kidnapped?" I said smirking

Hiccup POV *blushing* "what no I just want to make sure you're okay, okay."

Astrid POV "but you can stay besides I also want you to meet my cousins. Um, throk are they girls or boys?"

Throk POV "well half of them are girls and the other half are boys so maybe the guys will like to try and train hiccup."

Hiccup POV "realy what is it with you guys and training so much?" I said putting my hand in my face.


Hiccup POV almost of astrid cousins came they all had blond hair, had a mark on each side of their necks, they all had a necklace, and all of them had blue eyes. But what I saw more interesting was that nobody had the same color of astrid's blue eyes, they were all just blue nothing else.

Throk POV "so, this are your cousins lady astrid." I said pointing at them. "The one on the left with short hair is ivy."

Ivy POV "Hi astrid nice to see you again." I said smiling

Throk POV "the one on the right with two braids is emma."

Emma POV "you have change in the last 11 years." I said with a sweet smile.

Throk POV "and the one on the middle with the longest braid is anisha"

Anisha POV "hey cuz nice to see you."

Astrid POV all of my girls cousins came and hugged me I hug back. "Gosh you guys have grown so much."

Emma POV "we all have astrid. But tell me who's that?" I said pointing at the boy with brown hair.

Anisha POV "yeah is he your friend?"

Ivy POV "or your boyfriend?"

Astrid POV "he's my boyfriend actually." I said blushing they looked shocked.

Ivy POV "the one who said that she will never have a boyfriend has one. Wow we sure missed a lot over the years."

Astrid POV "shut up!" I said blushing more.

Ivy, Anisha, and emma POV we all smirked are her.

Astrid POV "so, can we please change the subject." I said annoyed.

Emma POV "okay what do you want to talk about?"

Astrid POV "where are the others?" I said looking around

Ivy POV "well Aiden was getting ready. Um, I think matt was looking for his necklace, and dylan was.... I really don't even know where he is right know."

Astrid POV "I heard something from the water and a hand appeared out of the nowhere." I was about to fall but something caught me.

Hiccup POV I saw astrid was about to fall so I catch her. "Are you okay?"

Astrid POV "yeah thank you hiccup," I look at the river again and my other three cousins came.

Throk POV "and this are your other cousins the one on your right with the black shirt is aiden. The one on your left with the green shirt is matt. And the one in the middle with the red shirt is dylan."

Astrid POV "hey guys nice to see you again." I said.

Hiccup POV "so this are all of your cousins right?"

Astrid POV "yeah. Why?"

Hiccup POV "oh um, nothing I was just asking." I said baking up

Throk POV "okay so let's split up the boys come with me and you girls can help astrid train for her powers I believe that she will get the today."

Ivy POV "okay then, astrid follow us we'll show you around."

Astrid POV "okay." I turned around and saw hiccup was really worried. "I'll see you guys later." I said with a smirk

Hiccup POV "okay then. See ya."


wo Hours later

Astrid POV "wow this place is so calm." I said looking around the flowers.

Emma POV "this is the most peaceful place in the entire island. That's why we usually spend our free time here."

Astrid POV "so about the powers how do you look. I mean how will I look"

Emma POV "you're scared, I was like that too when I got to know about it but is actually pretty cool."

Astrid POV "what do you mean pretty cool?"

Emma POV "follow me" I said and grabbed her by the arm.

Astrid POV When we got close to the river emma putted her feet on the water and the marks on her neck turned gray and it made a tail.

Emma POV "see it's really easy"

Astrid POV "yeah I can tell a lot." I sat down next to her. "So when will I get my powers?"

Emma POV "for the looks of it. I think right now."

Astrid POV I looked at my reflection on the water and saw that two marks appeared in each side of me neck they were black.

Emma POV "this are fish marks you will have them until you are 20. Then you will still have your powers but your marks will be gone cool, huh."

Astrid POV "yeah so one more question."

Emma POV "okay what is the question?"

Astrid POV "why do I have to wear this clothes?" I said confuse

Emma POV "this means that you are the princess and also that's a signal that you are a hofferson."

Astrid POV "I untied my braid and I got in the water the second I did my powers came and they covered my clothes. Then some pearls appeared and got around my right hand, my tail, and one on my heran that made it look like a crown

(like in the picture)

Emma POV "wow astrid that was so cool. I never got the pearls."

Astrid POV me and emma started to swim and it was so peaceful she showed me around and when we finally found the guys I made my braid again and we went to scare them.

Emma POV "okay astrid you go to one side i go to the other."

Astrid POV "okay get ready."

Hiccup POV astrid's family trains so much i was sweating more that when my dad tried to train me then I saw a shadow in the water. "Hey guys whats that?"

Aiden POV "I don't know? Go check it out"

Hiccup POV I went to the water and stared at it for a while then something care out of the nowhere and hugged me. I looked at it close and saw it was astrid

Astrid POV I let go of hiccup and he got red like a tomato. "What's wrong surprised I can swim."

Hiccup POV astrid looked too beautiful I was so speechless. Then I grabbed her by the shoulder and gave a kiss on the lips. When we separated I looked at her in the eyes. "You look beautiful milady." I said smiling

Astrid POV "thanks hiccup" I said with a smile we both turned around and saw everyone with their mouths open and they were all in shooked. "What's wrong never seen a couple have a moment" I smirked.

Ivy POV "well yeah but you two don't feel embarrassed to do it in front of people."

Astrid POV "of course we don't that's what couples do, they don't feel bad to that their family knows they love each other."

Dylan POV "well it's almost night so we should better get back to the camp. So follow us"

Everyone POV "okay" then we followed him.

That was chapter 4 hope you liked.
Feel free to write a comment and I'll try to finish chapter 5 by tomorrow or by next week.

Sweet Dreams
-Nightmare Nora🙄🖤

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