chapter 4 Then I see someone

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And I super swim away. With tears in my eyes I swam almost all the way to were the non pures live The place that used to be the place were both types of mermaids always met. The stone ark. Right above the non pure villge. But then I  saw somthing weird something I never had seen before... A merman with a broken tail being chased by my dads army!  He did not look like me or all the other pures. He looked slightly human like the non pures. I can not belive this is possible but he lookes kind of CUTE?. A non pure CUTE? This is strange I think I like HIM?? Is this possible? I needed to help him! HIS tale! he can bearly swim! So I told the army who was chasing him lots of jokes. He had time to escape so he swam to cover and hid. When the army left I swam to him. He said "Thanks for saving my hyde back there oh by the way im Zack" He blew me a kiss and flopped slowly away. I blushed red and smiled. And then I swam home.

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