03 | The End

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Three Weeks Ago

"Let me take her."

Melitta was stolen from Kain's arms before Callias's request had fully clicked in his mind. He didn't have time to protest as they fled the stones tumbling and shattering into the pass. Instead, he focused on running and dodging as their hope at catching the others fell apart around him.

At least the wyvern is gone. He thought, then winced as something glanced his temple, nearly putting a halt to his run. It was as if fate itself was warning him against tempting the odds. Wetness spread across his forehead, forcing him to close his right eye lest he get blood in it. Still, they ran. It wasn't as if a little cut could stop him when he was already ignoring the burning sting of his singed back.

Ahead of them, he could spy Rhode.

Despite the disaster taking place around them. She'd knelt at the bodies of two strangers passed out at the side of the pass. The younger of the two, a girl who looked to be ten at most, she'd pulled into her lap. Luckily, the wall where they laid was far enough from the collapse that she seemed to have escaped damage for the most part. Or--wait, her legs. Was that blood on the stone around her?

Rhode looked up as they reached her. A pained, wry smile on her lips.

"You'll have to go on without me," she said, confirming his fears. "The boy is gone, but not the girl. We can't leave her here."

And she couldn't walk herself out. He realized, then, how she took the damage. Rhode must've thrown herself over the child when the rocks started falling. Said collapse roared in his ears as he wasted precious seconds looking between the young girl and Rhode. Her expectation was obvious.


"I can take the girl," Callias interrupted. "Melitta, you'll have to hold on."

Despite the severe injury that'd dyed her back crimson, Kain realized Melitta was still clinging to consciousness as she offered a weak nod to the instruction. As the world fell around them, they took the time to switch her to Callias' back, enabling the child to be held in his arms. The moment they were in place, Callias started moving again.

Kain instructed a protesting Rhode to put her arms around his neck. Then, with agony coursing through him, he helped her onto his back. He tried to hold her legs as gently as possible, but even still, she gasped as he touched her skin. Blood coated his palms, but they had no time to worry about the injuries.

The second she was secure, he ran. Or, tried to.

The growing sunlight did him no favors as he hurried down the path. A large, bone-chilling shadow swept over the ground, and it took everything Kain had not to stop and look to the sky. Please, please let it go away, he prayed to whatever god would listen. They couldn't fight like this. Not with only two of them capable of standing.

Somehow, they reached the base of the pass without another incident. The echo of crashing rock continued to rumble through the air, but the collapse was too far behind them to be seen, and therefore harmless.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips, only to be punctuated by a heart-wrenchingly familiar roar.

The wyvern had followed them.

Kain's stomach twisted into knots as the open field between them and Erast was suddenly occupied. The wyvern threw out its hundred foot wingspan as lightning crashed across the sky. He barely had enough time to release Rhode's legs in favor of his ears before its shattering cry pierced the air.

Beyond the massive nightmare, he could glimpse part of the city gates. They'd been tossed open, a handful of guards flooding into the visible space. They were sparsely armored, however, and none of them seemed eager to run towards the terrifying beast. If they distracted it, though, he and Callias might have a shot. A slim one, but a shot.

The slight hope building in his thoughts was dashed as Apophis turned its eyes upon Kain. His heart stopped the moment he realized it was at him the nightmare stared. Its wings crashed into the earth, its massive maw flicking open as its forked tongue flicked out to taste the air.

In that second, as time seemed to still, he knew what the nightmare saw: the light green edge of the curse that coursed through his veins. It was how Melitta and the others knew who he was at first glance, and it was the very reason that Kain suddenly knew what he had to do. If he ran with the others, no matter how strong an opposition the guards offered, Kain would draw the wyvern's eye. He would have to act--and he had to do it alone.

Funny, considering he had cursed Iliana with every word that'd come to mind when she'd done the same thing.

"Rhode, I'm going to have to leave you here."

"Wait, what--"

Despite her protest, her grip was too weak to cling to him as he pried her arms from his neck. His eyes met Callias' silent gaze, and he saw an understanding there that went beyond words. He wouldn't argue Kain's choice, if only because it was the same thing he would do given the chance.

"I'll keep them safe," Callias said instead.

Kain nodded, and suddenly time seemed to roll forward once again. The wyvern that had been content to watch them with its one good eye snarled as a wave of arrows were loosed from the guards. It swung around, tail decimating the greenery as it focused its attention on the offense. He took that second to draw his blade, then with every inch of his body trembling, he stepped towards the wyvern.

"Don't die."

The instruction was soft. If his senses weren't wired, his heritage showing itself at the worst time, he wouldn't have heard the firm order in her weak voice. Despite having no time to waste, Kain glanced over his shoulder, meeting Melitta's half-lidded, teary eyes with the faintest of smiles. Faux confidence that had no business showing in his voice gave strength to the words that tumbled from his lips.

"Don't worry. I won't fall here. We've too much left to do. Just wait, I'll be back soon."

After he slayed a wyvern. Which was essentially a dragon with less legs.

Oh gods, what the fuck am I doing?

He shoved the thought deep, well aware he had no time to be questioning his decision, and ran off to the left of the wyvern. If one of the guards saw Callias and the others, they would have a shorter route running along the right. His plan was worthless if the others were thrown into danger despite the sacrifice.

Kain's feet skidded across the decimated earth as he lurched to a stop, sword at the ready. A slow breath left his lips. For a single second, he stayed still, letting the air slip into his lungs. He exhaled his fears, worries, and the pain that laced his body. His hand steadied, the trembling in his body released with the ease that came from years of practice.

Then the wyvern turned its gaze on him, and his time to prepare was gone. A bloodied, clawed wing tore towards him. He lept back, cleanly dodging the attack. The wyvern curled its lips, head lunging for Kain. Once again he danced back out of the way, before jumping forward in turn, swinging his blade for its head. His sword met teeth as strong as any steel.

"The fuck is he doing?"

"The kid's insane!"

"Don't just stand there! Fire!"

Cries from the soldiers met his ears. He didn't have time to focus on them, to measure how far or close they were, as he swung, dodged, and spun to avoid each blow from the wyvern as his sword bit and stung its thick hide. His sword glistened with blood, but if the wyvern felt the blows, it gave no sign other than the increasing weight of its anger.

The air charged. "Get back kid!"

He threw himself away from the wyvern. Lightning crashed into the earth. Heat scorched his already heated skin, but still, he scrambled back to his feet. The wyvern snarled as arrows rained on it from above. Clink.

Someone had joined him at the foot of the beast. On the other side, though, and their shield the only thing saving them from friendly fire. They lunged, baiting the nightmare. Kain mirrored the attack, and soon the ground was stained crimson. Apophis screeched, and he stopped dead, free hand going for his too-sensitive ears.

Then he was flying back, an unseen swipe of its tail sending him tumbling over the rough rocks and greenery. A cough tore from his chest at impact. Before the blow had fully sunk into his head, a hand was at his shoulder, a familiar face staring into his eyes as they dragged him to his feet.

"When I told you about him, I didn't mean to hunt it," Isidor said, tone biting.


"It doesn't matter. Back into the mess you go."

The kid shoved him forward, and Kain stumbled. He turned his body, not leaving the wyvern out of his sight as a second soldier, then even a third joined the attack. Each second he wasted was a chance someone would die, but the lack of tension in Isidor's voice had his eyes flying back to the witch.

Unlike everyone else, Isidor was dressed in the soft cloth of a civilian. His gray eyes shined with flecks of gold, the same shade as the twisting glow encasing his raised hands. An irritated scowl took his lips as Kain stared.

"Bleeding fates, I'm not out here for fun. Get the fuck back there, nightmare bait. If you stand here any longer, then it'll look this way and everything will be ruined."

Shocked back to attention, he spun and ran for the nightmare. His entire body felt like one large burn. His right eye was forced shut with blood. But still, when the opportunity arose, he lunged at Apophis, blade flashing. He had scarcely dodged another lunge of the creature's mouth when Isidor's voice rang clear.

"The head, gentlemen!"

Red tinged, golden light filled the air. It strung above Apophis like a net, before falling heavy on the nightmare's body. There was no time to question it. Kain darted forward, using the creature's wing as a ramp to reach it's back. There was a screech, and the crash of lightning in the distance. Thank the gods he was standing on top of it. It seemed Apophis wouldn't attack itself.

The gold dissolved as Kain thrust his sword down, intent on the nightmare's skull.

His blade crashed into thick scales, barely managing an inch before Apophis swung his head, nearly dislodging Kain. As it was, he fell to his knees, wrapping one arm around it's massive neck to keep from flying off. His ears stung as that shattering cry broke the air. There was a wetness on his neck. Was he bleeding?

Still, Kain held on. He struck repeatedly, each strike of his sword digging deeper, bloodier. He hit bone. Strength fled his limbs as Apophis bucked and swung, its wings were pinned by soldiers, blades through each foot of the leathery skin.

Till, finally, Kain's sword struck true. It sunk nearly hilt deep. A shudder racked the wyvern's body.

Then, blessedly, it was still.

It was all Kain could do to lay there, clinging to its neck, as a cheer filled the air. Every inch of his body ached. His back felt like it was on fire. Blood clung to his head, his hands, and was near certain he could spy a crack in the base of his sword.

But, it was done.

The cheers quieted slowly, a murmur of exchanged voices laced with familiarity. Then, softly at first, then stronger, the cries returned. Only this time, the words were clear.

"Slayer of Apophis!"

"Hero of Erast!"

"Someone get the kid down!"

It wasn't until someone scrambled onto the nightmare's back and helped Kain drag himself to his feet that it sunk in.

They were talking about him.

He'd slayed Apophis. 

A/N: And so you finally get the end of this mess. Did it go as expected? Or were you surprised to see the wyvern back? What about Isidor? Remember him? 

This chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but it seemed like the best place to break off. Hope you enjoyed the action~

See you next week!

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