New girl part 2

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Marinette's P.O.V

First period is finally over and i survived! I hope i won't have to deal with anymore stares from Agreste and the so called 'Queen Bee' who i learnt was a rich girl named Chloe, she actually made it pretty clear to me about who she was because she sashayed up to my desk, flicked her bleached yellow hair and said 'Do you know who i am? Adri-kins is mine!" In a brattish screech.

Chloe is such an angelfish.

I rush out of the classroom with Alya's hand in mine as I drag her out along with me. I give her a thumbs up and a wink to show my happiness.

"Hey there!" A voice yelled towards me. I slowly turned to face the person to see... Him.

"Hi," I simply reply with a straight face. I don't want him to notice me too much! Why him?! Why me?!

"Name's Adrien, you probably heard of me. I'm pretty popular around here. I even got my own fan club that I suggest you should join," He winks with the confidence he was missing in the class. At least his face isn't pink. I wonder what that was about.

"Adrien, leave this princess alone," A sporty looking guy with brown hair approaches me. I can hear Adrien growl and hiss in the background. I stiff my body by the word princess and immediatly release my tension after realizing it was a simple nickname. "Hi there princess, nice to meet you. I'm Kim, at your service." He takes out a piece of paper and writes down his phone number, "here. Call me whenever you need my services. I'll be your knight in shining armour~" He puts my hands into his and kisses my hand with his soft lips.

"That should be me..." Adrien glares at Kim. Um no thanks..? (For now ahhah)

I roll my eyes and have to hold in the urge to slap his face away. I change my expression to a smirk after thinking of a come-back, "how many times have you used that line to get girls darling?" I grin in victory.

Everyone looks at me shocked... Maybe I went to far?

"Oh! Player roasted!" A guy that hangs around Adrien yells out. He turns his head towards me and puts out his hand, "sup dudette, I'm Nino. You're pretty funny," Nino smiles.

I shake his hand confidently. "Thanks, I have one question?" I look at his headphones that are blaring quite loudly.

Nino tilts his head in confusion, "what is it?"

I can hear Adrien growl again as my cheeks blush madly, "why are you listening to that?" I ask calmly.

🎶 "My neck, My back.." 🎶

He winks at me and takes a step towards me. I walk back a step and laugh nervously while my heart beats in nervousness.

"You're scaring her!" Adrien growls with jealousy..? You have got to be joking.

"Don't be jealous." Nino winks at me again and smirks at Adrien's reaction while he hisses in return. What is he a cat?

I am absolutely confused by human boys...

"Boys!" Alya stops the fight in the nick of time like a superheroine. I admire her confidence.

"Yes..." Nino looks at Alya with clear love in his eyes. Oh my god... This ship will sail!

"Adrien!" A short girl dressed from the head to toe down in pink runs towards us, a girl dressed in black follows from behind. She looks up at me and smiles, i can see the striking resemblence to Adrien in her. Maybe she's related to him? She notices me and smiles. "Hi! I'm Rose, you must be new here!" She grins and holds out her hand. "Any friend of Alya's is a friend of mine!"

Thank goodness! A normal person other than Alya!! Well, until Alya gets her hand on some juicy gossip she turns into super-journalism-detective-mode. Sometimes it can get overbearing and crazy.

"I'm also Adrien's cousin!" She smiles looking towards the boy who is talking to Nino. Oh boy... Thats great.... She's probably the only normal person in the family.

When are hands let go of each other, she curiously asks, "so what class do you have next?"

"I have art!"

"Oh! Kim, Nino, Mylene, and Alix have that class!" Before I can ask who the last two are, she answers take who asked question. " Mylene and Alix are our friends! Make sure to say hi to them for me!" The darkly dressed girl come towards me and smiles towards the floor.
"My names Juleka..." She whispers so quietly i almost didn't hear it.

"Ok... Nice to meet you."

*Bell Rings*

"Oh no! The first bell rang! Come on Adrien, Alya and Rose! We only have two more minutes left to get there! See ya later Marinette, it was nice meeting you!" Rose waves off with her hand grabbing Adrien's arm while Alya quickly followed. Rose looks at me quickly and follows after Alya.

That was fast...

"Let's go to art class, Princess." Kim smirks and looks at a blonde haired girl in the distance who flips her hair and walks off. Hey... I know her.

"Aren't you in love with the queen bee?" I smirk at his shocked expression.

Nino cackles with laughter and nearly breaks his headphones for when her collapsed laughing. "How did you know?" Kim asks shocked.

"You're not really subtle about it." I lie whilst crossing my fingers behind my back. I actually found out because there were some goldfish in the classroom who told me, they also told me that the queen bee, Chloe is in love with Adrien which upsets Kim and Nino is in love with Alya. (I didn't even have to be told that, it's quite clear.)

"Why are you laughing? It's pretty clear your whipped for Alya?" I laugh at Nino's shocked expression while Kim grins.

"The tables have turned..." Kim laughs manically while Nino nearly faints.

Recollecting my thoughts on the day, i've come to realise that i've made friends with Adriens sweet and hyper cousin, A goth/emo chick named Juleka, a jock/playboy and a music lover who listens to some strange, strange songs...

Oh, Miraculous gods, lend me your power! I will definitely need it!

Hey Everyone, i know i haven't posted in like a year but i promised i would! Also know that this fanfic is based after the book about mermaids on xxxLunaMoonxxx on Fanfic.Net. This book is hardly my idea i've just changed the fandoms, some scenes and added in new characters to fit the plot. Bye! I'm at the gym so i'll finish my workout and then i'll post another chapter if i have time! Bye!

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