Chapter 1

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   Christmas Eve, the best night on the planet. Kids in their beds, to excited to sleep. Colorful lights flickering in the frosty air. And, best of all, no work... Well, except for today that is...

   I drove my car down the snowy highway, headed to the job I left yesterday, excited for two days of no work.

   Yet, here I was, pulling into the parking lot.

   I walked through the front doors, seeing the receptionist, Ramsey, sitting behind her desk, checking in a young lady I didn't recognize.

   "Alisa, there you are, Miss Weiland's been looking all over for you." Ramsey said.

I walked up next to the young lady, checking myself in. "Did she say what she wanted?"

Ramsey shrugged. "Beats me, but she called Tim and Victor in to. It must be pretty important."

I rolled my eyes slightly. "The douche and the creep, what's new."

The young lady giggled next to me.

For the first time since I walked in, I turned to her, seeing her face hiding behind long strands of silky, dark brown hair.

My eyes widened a little. "Uh, I don't think we've met." I said.

She turned to me, a brown paper bag in her hand and a cute smile on her face. "Probably not, I'm just the delivery girl."

I took in her features, big green eyes, plush pink lips. But, I kept myself under control. "Well, I may not know why I'm working on Christmas Eve, but why are you?"

She shrugged. "Nothing else better to do, I guess."

I nodded slowly before sticking my hand out. "Well, my names Alisa."

"Cora." She replied, shaking my hand.

Then, we heard the buzz of the intercom.

   "Miss Quinn, I know you're in the building. I'm not paying you to stand around." Miss Weiland's voice called out.

   I sighed, turning back to Cora. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you then."

   She gave me a small salute as I walked past her, heading to the elevator.

   It dinged as it dropped me on the top floor.

   I walked into the empty office, aside from three figures sitting in front of the whiteboard.

   They all looked over as I approached.

   Miss Weiland glared at me. "Took you long enough."

   I stopped in my tracks. "Sorry, the snow is getting really bad out there."

   On cue, everyone turned towards the giant window, the harsh wind blowing snow in every direction, blocking out the view of the street below.

   Miss Weiland turned around first. "Well, I suppose I'll let you off the hook. Now, find a seat."

   I looked at the only empty chair, which was right between Tim and Victor.

   Tim patted the seat, giving me a tiny wink. While Victor nervously glanced at me, chewing on his pencil's eraser.

   With an internal sigh, I sat down between the two of them.

   "Alright, now that everyone's here, we can discuss why it is that I've brought you here in the first place." Miss Weiland started.

   "We have been granted the privilege of creating an advertising campaign for one of the most important business in the city, Weiland Corporations." She finished.

   I raised my hand.

   She placed her hands on her hips. "Yes, Miss Quinn?"

   "Isn't that this company?" I asked.

   She flashed me a fake smile. "Very astute, Miss Quinn. Yes, we must reinvent this company. We're losing money faster than we're making it and I think it's time we revamp, so to speak. So, as my three best employees, I've called you here tonight to brainstorm some ideas."

   Before any of us could answer, the elevator dinged.

   We all turned to it as Ramsey and Cora stepped off.

   Miss Weiland spoke up first. "Mrs. Carson, what're you doing here. And who's this?"

Ramsey looked from Cora back to Miss Weiland. "Uh, the delivery girl."

   Cora held up the brown paper bag.

   Miss Weiland eyed them. "What is she still doing here?"

   Ramsey pulled her phone out. "Well, that's the reason I came up here, there's a severe weather alert and everyone is urged to stay indoors until further notice."

   Miss Weiland walked over to Ramsey, looking down at her phone.

   "What a drag." Tim said.

   As Miss Weiland and Ramsey read the weather alert, Cora set the bag down on a nearby desk before walking up to me. "Hello again."

   I opened my mouth to answer, when Tim suddenly stood up, offering Cora his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, gorgeous."

   Cora looked from his hand to me. "This must be the douche."

   "Hey." Tim said defensively, dropping his hand to his side.

   Then, Cora turned her attention to Victor. "Which must make you the creep."

   Victor adjusted his glasses. "I prefer super genius, tramp."

   Cora nodded her head slowly before returning her gaze to me. "And I thought my coworkers sucked."

   I chuckled a little as I stood. "You're telling me."

   "I'm still right here, you know." Tim said.

   I flashed him a smirk before leading Cora a few feet away.

   She leaned against a desk, folding her arms over her chest. "Looks like we'll be stuck here for a while."

   I leaned next to her. "Could be worse."

   She faced me. "Yeah?"

   I nodded. "Sure, I could be stuck here without you and Ramsey."

   She smiled, gesturing over to Tim and Victor. "And what makes you think I'm any better than those two?"

I took a quick glance at them. "I guess I'm more partial to tramps."

She laughed, lightly nudging my arm.

Before I could reply though, Miss Weiland addressed the group. "Ok, people, it appears that Miss Carson is telling the truth. We're all stuck here until the storm lets up."

Tim threw his arms up. "Terrific."

"Yes, I'm sure you're all just as upset as I am, however, this gives us ample time to work on our new advertising campaign." Miss Weiland said, which only drew more groans from the group.

"Good thing I don't work here." Cora whispered to me.

I cracked a small smile. "Lucky you..."

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