K I'm finnaly saying it

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Remember that creep I complained about? Yea screw it I'm saying the whole story. I'm also gonna be asking you guys for what I should do

So here are each of the scenarios 

Also we're gonna call him Conor cuz internet safety I'm actually aware of that now xdddd

So this incident started a few months ago. I had this classmate Conor who I knew since 6th grade. And by that I mean I was aware of his existence since 6th grade but never really cared about him since we weren't that good friends and knowing lil ol introverted me, I never even tried to be friends. In 7th grade we were put in the same class but still neither of us knew each other that well.

Like I said, a few months before Summer I started to notice him acting...weird...

He started to follow me. It started off small like just being in the same place I was in the hallways and I noticed he'd always stand next to me in line. I was usually early to my classes so I'd be the first in line and he started to come earlier too and be first in the line next to me. He'd always make sure to come earlier than everyone else but later than me.

I didn't really think much of it at the time cuz like he's probably just tryna be on time and I ain't judgin that if anything he's being a good student

But soon it just got...really repetitive. It also started other things.

He'd sit down at the same lunch table that I sat in even though he didn't even talk to the people I sit with

He started playing more often with my friends even though they themselves told me they don't want him around

He started staring at me thinking I didn't catch him

Invaded my personal space numerous times, constantly joined conversations I had with my friends even though literally no one asked for his opinion


It was the whole stalker package in a nutshell minus the "following them home" part but that was probably cuz I go home and come to school with my mom everyday so he'd probably be too scared 

I used to tell myself I was overthinking and it was a coincidence. And just to be prepared, I gave him light but obvious hints showing that I didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone right now. Unfortunately, didn't work.

I don't wanna seem shallow, but I'm gonna talk about his looks first anyway. He's not the most attractive. That's all I'm gonna say. But the reason why I don't have much to say on his looks is cuz I don't really care.

I have this weird thing where looks literally don't matter to me becuz if u have a good heart and a charming personality, you can be the ugliest person ever but to me you'd look like an actual prince. If you're the hottest dude in the universe but also the biggest douchebag that doesn't have their life figured out so they decide to play with others' lives instead of fixing their own, yea you're gonna look uglier than Trump to me. And that's just a generous comparison.

I don't control it. It just happens to me and my eyes I don't even know how. It's like...I honestly have no clue what's wrong with me xD But hey, I'm not complaining. 

Now with that in mind, if I say I thought of Conor as uglier than anyone else thought he was, you'd figure he was a terrible guy. Which he was.

He had a HUGE ego and I mean HUUUUGE. He constantly shows off and tries to act smart and cool but always fails no matter what and for some reason CAN'T TAKE THE GOSH DARN HINT THAT I DON'T EVEN WANNA BE FRIENDS ANYMORE. He was always putting others down if they did even the tiniest mistake and acted like he was better than everyone. It was annoying.

I didn't know this at first cuz I didn't know Conor that well but after he started to follow me and I was forced to see how he is whether I liked it or not, I was not pleased with the result.

I hated him.

And the fact that he was so clingy to me didn't help.

So in summary, Conor is that narcissistic dummy that thinks everyone is below them and they are the god of this world.

Now let's get more specific with what he did

First off, I already said how he tries to be next to me in line. Well after it got incredibly creepy and I wanted space away from him, I started to be less early on purpose. Not too late that I'd be marked late, just late enough so that I'm nowhere near the first in line. Sometimes he'd follow me and change his spot on line but I'd just move again and he would leave me alone for a few seconds.

One time since, despite being in Columbia Secondary School which is supposed to be a place full of nerds but when you get there you realize everyone is actually a psychopath and you just admitted yourself into a mental hospital with no escape, it was almost time for math and all the kids were lined up and talking to each other and messing up the line, I was in front and this other dude who was here to joke with the teacher cuz Mr. Red (we'll call him that because he's a savage and burns other kids till they're red) was a pretty chill teacher so he didn't mind it was next to me. And next to him was YOU GUESSED IT CONOR WHO HAD HOPED THAT HE'D BE NEXT TO ME :D

Now the joker kid was "in between him and his love" so he started to push him lightly so that it wouldn't seem like it's not normal even though he failed miserably. So they were both getting in my space and obviously joker kid was confused and tried to stay in his spot. It got really annoying to me because of how squished against the wall I was and I had literally zero space so I just finally had it and moved to the back of the line. Luckily Conor didn't follow me.

But like dude you serious? He wasn't even trying to be physically close to me why did you have to push him to try to block him out and be closer to me. He doesn't really respect my space much. 

A more accurate representation of him not respecting my space much is this other thing that happened:

In social studies, we were changing seats for a class project once and while the class was all busy getting into their groups, Conor just came up to me and tried to touch my face. Like no warning no words said no nothing he just came up to me and was like eh. I obviously started backing up and I didn't really say anything cuz at the moment I was so in shock like "wtf is this dude trying to do can he just move back a bit?" and eventually after a while of him walking forward, me backing up, and neither of us saying a thing, he just...walked away.

Dafluq .-.

I...I have no words. I was kinda embarrassed and was hoping no one else saw and if they did, I hoped they saw my face of disgust too, so I just let it be. But I know if he ever attempts that again, no more funny business I'm just gonna karate chop his arm away and ask him if his sanity is still intact. When that situation happened, I was still unsure about him so I kept trying to give him excuses and tried convincing myself it was nothing but now I am just done with his bullcrap where I have zero tolerance for him which you'll see in a bit.

So again, no respect for personal space.

Now to another situation, he started to be around my friends more often. He'd sit near the seat across from mine and started to follow me at recess pretending to be with my friends so I stopped hanging about with them. I sat at a different lunch table and my friends Jade and Emelia would join me most of the time to see if I'm okay or not since it was all sudden and to keep me company. How sweet :3

Conor didn't sit next to me when I changed tables cuz I started showing up at lunch later than him so he'd already had a seat and I chose a seat far away from him ;w;

At recess, I declined my friends' offers to play and told them I didn't want to so they stopped asking but irl, I just didn't wanna be around Conor cuz he'd constantly follow the friend near me which were different friends most of the time.

It got lonely but I was used to it due to my experiences of being a loner kid at my old skool

Literally every time I saw him, I'd just run. Like just ninja run out of there since I was a TMNT 2012 fan and I liked doing the ninja run and each time I'd just scream BOOYAKASHA DITCH

It was fun xD

Heck, I even started taking different routes to classes and avoided going to my locker just to make sure I don't bump into him.

I told my friends but they thought I was overreacting and to their defense, I was a little, but Conor had driven me nuts by the time I told my friends so what else would you expect other than constant panic and wanting to be invisible. But Jade and Emelia told me a thing they noticed which might've lead to me being right and I told them about similar things before but they only believed me when they saw it happen to so "HA DITCHES I WAS RIGHT" 

The situation was that since I always got my lunch late since I usually chill first, I'd go to the line and notice Conor get up to get lunch and stand behind me in line. Then I was looking at the food and at the corner of my eye I caught him staring at me. Not even in front of him zoning out it was just dead staring at me. I looked at him and he looked away

Peeps you might think that's cute but it only works in movies and if both people actually like each other.

Other than that, it just seems creepy.

This happened for two days in a row and then whenever I got lunch, I got it after him.

Jade and Emelia noticed this and they were like "Okay fine you were justified a little bit for acting like a maniac." And them believing me was all I needed to feel the tiniest bit better.

I started being more open about him and all that stuff and soon found out that my friends didn't even wanna play with him he'd just invite himself over so I was relieved that if he ever spread any rumors if by chance I had to reject him, I'd still have my friends. And if they believe him over me,

It just means I need better friends.

I also started avoiding going to my locker cuz he'd meet up with me there. 

Our lockers weren't close. At all. But he'd still come over to chat with me for a bit.

One time when 9th period was over, I was about to go home and was finished with my locker but surprise surprise I encountered Conor again.

"Hey! Do you wanna play rock paper scissors? :D"

Back then I was a lot nicer to him cuz it was a little early. I was tired, but not as stressed as I became when he started pulling out the last straws of my patience.


And...we played RPS and I won and that's it.

It was so random like tf. I get being random, but why now? I didn't even wanna play tbh I just wanted to go home.

So I remember one of my friends (I think it was Jade) saw this and when I left with her, she started smirking and was like "What was that special handshake? It was really cute ya know. :3"

And I obviously was annoyed but I told her the truth that he just wanted to play RPS

Okay I love how friends would annoy their friends about crushes and I do it too but if they say they don't like them and r 100% serious about it, don't remind them about this crap it is so annoying and not even funny. 

So after a few days of him trying to talk to me at the lockers, I just stopped going and carried everything in my bag or if I needed to visit my locker, I'd do it after I'm positive he's gone.

All of this itself got really frustrating to me as you can tell. And wanna know another amazing prank my fate had pulled on me?



Yes I had to sit near him in most classes. For example, in ELA I sat in front of him, in science they were next to each other, in social studies they were also next to each other, in math he was a seat behind me, in ELA they changed and he was next to me, in social studies they changed too and he was behind me and so on and so forth :D

And when we had that seat change in Social studies, his seat was actually supposed to be in his old spot when he and I were next to each other and my new seat was in the front of the class. Now this little ditchbag goes like UH I CAN'T REALLY SEE IN HERE and since the seat behind me was empty, the teacher assigned his seat :D Take not the seat he "couldn't see in" was a seat he sat in for A WHOLE SEMESTER when it was next to me. He never told the teacher that he couldn't see. But when they change, he's suddenly blind???

*sighs* I hate you so much -_-

And in science even when we weren't in seats near each other, he and I were assigned to a group project anyway with another dude so what was even the point of that since we had to sit next to each other ;v;

So obviously this brought up a lot of shenanigans that happened between us and caused me to get even more annoyed with this whole situation

In engineering, even though his seat was at the front and mine was at the back, the computer cart was behind my seat and he was the teacher's pet even though he had no idea how to even do that class, he'd have the key to the cart and would constantly have to lock and unlock the cart since the teacher didn't want anyone stealing the computers so he wouldn't leave them open.

And every time he'd have to go to the cart, he'd take like literally two minutes to open one freakn lock which should take like, five seconds. He'd just stand there in like one of those poses that the "charming" dudes in vampire movies or shows or whatever would do and he'd be whistling trying to look all cool and smooth and


I literally even learned sign language for f this shizz I'm out just to express my pain in a silent way to my friends who knew.

Oh and yeah I forgot to say he'd always whistle whenever I was around thinking it made him look cool or whatever. I thought it was weird but ig he thought that just cuz the so called cute guys did it in movies, he should do it, too. Kinda like how some teenage boys used to assume you're immediately attractive if u learn the guitar. Ya know, that kinda crap.

And again, he'd always be staring at me like ALWAYS

In Spanish

In Science


Social Studies




9th period


You get it

It would creep me out and ugh guys if you like a girl, don't ever stare at them unless you know they like you because if not, they are clearly gonna be creeped out and you will most likely end up not getting the girl.

Now I have some funny moments when Conor tried acting smart in class but failed SO HARD it causes you to wonder how his ego even got so big in the first place.

Note: I'm a lot meaner in these situations cuz it's been happening for a while and by that point I was fed-up and done being nice to him so yea just know I'm not usually this mean and if I am, it's most likely a joke. Unless I hate you. And I hate people for good reasons so you must be very terrible.

Let's start out small: In science on Mondays we're in a different classroom so he wasn't next to me but he obviously still tried. So when class was over, my neighbor and I were looking at a wrong answer on the quiz (the right answers were on the board) and since we were talking about it, Conor just comes up to us and is like the right answer to question 4 was *insert answer*


Funny thing is, question four is what most people got wrong so he assumed we were talking about it but we were actually talking about question number 8

"Dude we were talking about question eight not four!"

"O-oh well uh you don't have to be so rude about it!"

"Well this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't just barged into the conversation for no reason in the first place! So maybe you should start minding your own business"

And with that I left to go to the next class

You can just taste the salt from a mile away.

Yeah, I blew up but again, I was fed-up with this kid always following me and joining in conversations acting like he's a genius or something so I didn't hesitate to give him a piece of my mind. He'd always do this and it got irritating how I couldn't even talk to ONE FRIEND without him being there and listening to me. He doesn't do this to anyone else.

Plus his seat wasn't anywhere near us. He purposely came over to us, listened to some of what we were saying, and joined it without knowing what he was even doing and basing things off of an assumption. Idiot.

Okay well stupidity levels are low, rn, but let's pump things up a notch shall we?

In ELA, we were doing a group discussion and since it was based off of where our seats were and Conor's was next to mine, he was in my group :D How pleasant :D

So we were given this slip to correct and check for grammar mistakes and it was a fake love letter from this girl Marry to her crush John.

It basically went like dear John I want a man who knows what love is bla bla bla and it had like a million mistakes there.

So since I was known to be funny and a savage, I joked and went like "Dear Mary, I want a girl who knows how to write in English :D" and basically everyone exploded and they told the group behind us and they exploded too and everyone was just like oooh savage oooooooooohhhhhh

And then this moran Conor smiles like he's about to be savage and goes like "What kind of a girl's name is John?"




I snapped at him cuz I was tired of his bullcrap

And he starts defending himself like "Well how was I supposed to know?"




Let's just say, I said what everyone who heard him thought.

Like dude, really? You don't even know how letters are written? How stupid are you?

Okay so how about we go into one of the situations where you could see how stupidly judgemental he was of others.

In science, we were in the same group for this biomes project thingie and there was a group presenting and got one thing wrong.

I don't remember what it was exactly, but it was a small thing nothing major.

And then, since we had to sit next to each other, I just see Conor shaking his head and sucking his teeth at the group's mistake. Like dude chill it wasn't even that big of a mistake.

And then when it was our time to present, he did the stupidest thing ever.

I was absent for the first day of the project so I was a little behind on the slides when we were working on him so he offered to help with half of my first slide even though I said I didn't need the help. He did it anyway. So I had to present my parts and there was a word he put in that I didn't know the meaning of and the teacher stopped us and asked me what it meant just to make sure we knew what we wrote, so I told the truth and was like "Well actually Conor helped me with half of this slide and he wrote this part." The teacher nods and asks him what the word meant.

He had no clue.


Turns out he wrote that word on the slide probably when he was researching and thought big words would make him look smart but he didn't even bother to find out what it meant. So the teacher kept giving him hints of what it would mean but he still couldn't understand and then I got tired and figured out what it meant from what the teacher said, and asked if it meant this. I was right.

Like...bro you judge a group for making the tiniest mistake ever but then you screw up more than ever possible? And that was only one of the many times he judged others. You could tell he was the bossy type.

Okay so we're finally on the last story about him FINALLY and it's...stupid.

These aren't in order so this one is actually from when I first started telling others about him following me.

So it was a Friday and Emelia and I were in 9th period aka homework or chill time. So we sat next to each other since u didn't have assigned seats and started talking about stuff talking like the usual. Then out of nowhere, since he was in my class for this period, Conor comes in the room, sits in the empty seat in front of me, turned around, and stared at me while smiling.


We just kept talking and ignored him. The entire conversation, he was just sitting turned around staring at me and listening to what we were talking about as if he was in the conversation too even though neither of us asked him anything and completely ignored his existence. Yet he wouldn't stop staring at me.

I took advantage of this opurtunity, though and started talking about how I wished that CSS would actually have nice guys. Emelia and I started talking about that and I mentioned how I hated boys who were EGOTISTICAL, BRAGGED A LOT, BOSSED OTHERS AROUND, AND DO STUPID THINGS TO IMPRESS GIRLS. Right in front of him. It was basically me saying how I hate Conor's personality without saying it's Conor's.

And you could argue that if he liked me and he didn't get the hint from what I said which was basically a nicer way of saying fluq off, it'd be cuz he doesn't think of him as a guy like that even though he is. Egotistical peeps tend to not admit they're a douche most of the time. There are exceptions, though like a classmate who's my frienemy and is self-claimed to be the ego-man and everyone says it too, yet he's still funny about it and admits it. Plus he doesn't even have that big of an ego tbh he's just has a dry sense of humor which is fine.

But even if Conor didn't think I was talking about him, he still should've figure I didn't like him because I mentioned the fact that I don't have a crush on anyone in that incident. I don't know how you can be clearer unless you just flat out say you don't like them specifically.

Obviously next week I asked Emelia if she noticed how last week Conor was just staring at me the entire time we were talking and she said she did. We both agreed that if it happens again, we'd ask him what he was doing.

You all might be wondering why I didn't just tell Conor I didn't like him and the answer to that was because I wasn't 100% sure he had a crush on me.

I only got these extremely suspicious hints and weird attempts of physical touch but I don't have any solid proof. So I don't wanna go up to him and confront him just in case I was over-analysing it. I didn't want to cause any scenes plus school was almost over anyway and I'd only have to deal with it for a few more months and then have two months of a break.

Now when I go back to school, if this continues, I'm still gonna keep quiet unless he either does something really questionable that I don't want or if he just says he likes me. If one of those happen, I'm either gonna politely reject or savagely roast depending on which situation it is.

OH and random note: I forgot to mention he'd constantly give me "gifts". Sometimes it were empty bags or wrappers and other times if was food. After I got tired of him, I even started to reject his food which is like HOLY CRAP IF I REJECT YOUR FOOD AND YOU KNOW IT'S SOMETHING I LOVE LIKE CANDY, YOU AND I MUST HAVE A TERRIBLE RELATIONSHIP.

Those are all of the situations I can remember

Now peeps, I think I know what to do but can you guys still suggest what I should do if this continues in 8th grade but he doesn't directly tell me he likes me? Thanks

Holy crap this is 4475 words :v

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