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Tom's POV
I heard some explosions near the base as I was working on some unimportant paper work. I quickly got up and looked around my rugged looking office that had my bed in the corner of the office, some old wood drawers around the office for things, a filing cabinet near the run down door, my old looking desk with Susan next to it. I grabbed Tommie Bear, who was on my bed, and Susan. I went out of my office telling everyone over the radio, "I hear explosions I want all of the aircrafts to get ready for us to go to Edd's base." When I got a yes from the flying department I went over to Mark, who had joined my area of the rebellion in the first set of recruits and was my most trusted solider now day. Remembering the days he used to make fun of me with Edwardo makes it seem like it never happened.

I told him, "get everyone ready to leave. I will be last on the planes when we leave and I don't want anyone getting hurt including myself." He nodded a bit and said, "sure Tom I'll get on the right now." Before talking on his wake talkie and going to his living quarters to get some things. I guessed that he might have some things he wants to get. Maybe a picture or two of Jon. I went to my office and grabbed a picture of me, Edd and Matt. I looked like I was drunk, Edd looked so happy that we got the picture and Matt was admiring himself in his mirror not noticing the fact that a picture was being taken of all of us. I then walked to where the planes were kept and waited for all of my soldiers to enter. After a bit all of them had entered. The explosions were extremely close now. I ran over to the planes. Though before I could get there I heard a sinister laugh. I could tell it was Tord. I told my spiders to start the planes without me in them. I didn't want them to get caught in the explosions. I looked behind me and saw the red wearing man for myself. He looked different then the last time I saw him he now had a scar on his left side and a robotic arm on the same side. He seemed to be trying to hide the scar at least a bit when I looked back at him.

I got angry at him knowing it was his army possibly putting all of my soldiers at risk. I was so angry that I lost a bit of control of myself. Some of my monster sides features coming out. Which were the claw like hands and horns which are both kinda purple from what I've seen. I looked at Tord who smirked and said, "I'll give you two options for what can happen. You can fight me here and I can have my soldiers follow your planes or you can come with me and I will have my soldiers stand down and leave. The choice is yours." I thought about it for a bit, on one hand my soldiers would be safe. On the other hand, I have no idea what Tord planned to do with me. I eventually decided that I might as well agree and go with him.

He smirked a bit at this and said, "okay then follow me." I followed him as he said on a radio, "lay down I got what I came here for." He got a, "yes red leader!" In response. I wondered why his soldiers yelled that as we got to some planes. We went into a fairly small one that was mostly cameo but had some red on it and the red army symbol of course. I sat down and secures myself with some difficulty due to me not calming down yet. I started to try and calm myself down as Tord sat down and buckled himself. Then the plane started and we started to head off somewhere.

690 words

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