Story 1

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  Once upon a time, there was a tortoise. He was dedicated and humble. Then there is a hare. He was proud and super aware of his extraordinary speed. He challenged the tortoise to a race. The tortoise received the challenge readily.

  The tortoise trained hard. The hare watched on with amusement.

  Then the day arrived. The hare raced all the way over the mountain effortlessly. He arrived at a tree. 'Well, I'm a bit tired, and the tortoise hasn't arrived yet.' he thought smugly.

'but I'll sleep when I win the race.' He raced all the way to the finish line and won it. The tortoise arrived at sunset. He lost. Naturally.

What?? Tortoise, you say it's not how it's supposed to go?? But ah, I'm sorry. You're just too slow.

Tortoise: DO YOU EVEN READ??

Yes, I do indeed. Now go and enjoy your life as a TORTOISE. I'm really sorry if I'm being mean, but that's the way of how the world works :( Here's a lettuce 🥬

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