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systems...unknow condition


begining check up

status...user uncosious..damage...none

systems currenty off and shut down.........

reboot systems and check up an user condition


organs begin to fuction an full capacility..conciousness haft awake

memories recover.........

armament check up.......

project rabbit currenty shut down...

blade woft....unknow no register

xenoblades...........unknow no register

IA eve........unknow no register

armaments of project rabbit register are complete and ready to user

user...dark reason.......almost ready

dark reason body and energy fully check and complete ready to wake up

engaged adrelanine burst an..3............2.......1...activate

an that moment someone eyes's open widen as he stand up and gasp

???:what the!?.....i..alive?..wait

the figure stand up and look aroud 

???:an alley?..why i not suprise...

he check himseft

???:well it seems like an live..wait..what about

the figure make an hand montion as an screen appear behold him as he type

???:anything seems fine...but project rabbit is off...i turn back on

he press an button as an robot appear behild him

jason:good thing you are operational

he check the screen as he press an button to make an mirror appear and seem himseft

jason:not changes 

jason check more

???:user jason zaychik ,herrsher of dark reason

jason:...scan the area

??? data..of familar locations

jason:.......that is odd

jason make project bunny dissapear and leave the alley as he leave he see was an a super high tech one

jason:okay...this is new..unless sector got an superupgrade or somehow stole some of the company files...i not an my world anymore

jason begin to scan to obtain data as he make the screen dissapear as he walk trough the streets but he notice something


he see the majority of stuff anounces,videos stores hell even bus stops games you can play can'

jason recibe the data as it appear an his vision as an hud

jason:video mean of anything.....and to get on have to become the best..gamer.....

jason laid on the world as he sit down as he can't believe what is goin on

jason:i....i am go to heaven? no world like this is something me and mom will definity fact know us we can be even the kings or presidents....*pinch his arm*auch..nope i not dreaming

he begin to chulker but then became sad love it...*sight*why only i have to live this miracle.......*shake his head*no don't think that you save the world soo mom and dad can have an better life..guess this is my reward

jason look the big data he obtain by the scans

jason:*smile*well i guess is time to world know the 

he stand up

jason:i am the ultimate gamer..but i want to go far than just the best gamer.....i gonnad make an company who will know as the best of gaming,from creation of new games..and even behold

he smirk as his eyes shine blue

jason:by the time i done i been become the legend of gaming as well people will sure will follow me if i can lead an company of high tech then do one of gaming sure been super easy

he check the data and find out about the metal runner

jason:je i want to see they expresions to find out i am far above that

jason summor projet rabbit an bike on as he hop on as he check the data about an tournoment of an shooting game

jason:well..time for this game on!!

he speed off as his new life begins

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