26 | green and red

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The rest of the year went by in a blur. There wasn't much time left, at least it hadn't felt like it. Everyone hunkered down for N.E.W.T's as soon as they arrived back at school and thankfully they all had passed.

For whatever reason, graduation day had been the hardest day out of all of them for Rose. She still hadn't talked to James, not really. She was being unfair to him and she knew it. But he was patient, oh, so very patient and she loved him more for it.

Instead of joining the others, she found herself staring out across the lake she had grown rather fond of over the years. Leaving the place that had become a second home was difficult. And she had already lost so much.

"If it isn't Rosalyn," Sirius greeted, plopping down next to her. She turned to look at him with narrowed eyes and he bumped his shoulder into hers. "You're gonna be late."

"I don't think I'm going."

"Oh, come off it," he huffed. "I get it, okay? It's hard and scary and all of that but you can't stop living your life."

"What are you talking about?" she asked him.

"I know you, Rose," Sirius pointed out, "I know what you're doing and it won't work. I tried the same thing back in first year and if James was stubborn then? You better believe he's ten times worse now. He won't let you go, even if it means you two are just friends."

Rose stared out across the lake for a moment. Sirius was risking being late to graduation for this. He had been waiting for the moment to walk across the stage and tell everyone that he did it for seven years, and here he was, going out of his way to help her.

"Come on," Rose said, standing up quickly. She reached her hand out and he took it. "I can't have you miss the moment you've been waiting for forever all because of me."

He grinned at this, shoving her gently, "I would have never forgiven you." The two made their way to the ceremony where Rose was scolded by her sister but Rose merely smiled at the girl, never feeling more grateful than in that moment. Rose looked back, searching for James who was already watching her. She smiled at him and he visibly relaxed, sending his own bright smile back.

The ceremony felt too quick. Surely, it should have been longer, right? They had to have missed students or something. It felt too quick and Rose had oddly wanted it to last longer.

Rose searched for James, knowing she'd find them with his family. She waited, Peter standing near them as well. "Hey," Rose said and Peter turned to look at her. They didn't talk very much and maybe Rose should fix that, "Where's your family?"

Peter frowned, "My parents said they'd be here but they never showed."

"Oh, Peter," she said sadly, "I'm sure something came up. They'll want to celebrate with you later."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

James turned to face Rose and he flashed her a grin. He pulled her into a hug. "We need to talk," she told him and he agreed. Euphemia and Fleamont stepped forward, pulling the girl into a hug and congratulating her. "Mind if I steal your son for a moment?"

"You're welcome to take him away any time you'd like," Fleamont told her and she smiled in return, thanking him.

James and Rose made their way to the lake, finding a quiet isolated spot to talk. Rose wasn't sure how to explain her feelings to him. She wanted to try but she didn't want to hurt him.


"James, you deserve better than this," she told him, interrupting him before he could speak, shaking her head at the boy. He reached up, swiping a tear from her face. She hadn't realized she'd been crying. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't," he told her, pressing his forehead against hers. "We will figure this out, okay? I care about you too much to let my feelings stop you from healing. So if you need me as a friend, then that's what I'll be, for as long as you need."

Rose leaned up, pressing her lips against his, he kissed her back, holding her face in his hands. "I love you," she said breathily, after pulling away.

His expression softened. "I love you, too."

James and Rose had a lot to work through. Well, Rose had a lot to work through but James was happy to wait and be of whatever help she needed. The arrival at the train station felt very solidifying. It was the last time the group would be taking this train back home from Hogwarts. "Last one in the compartment is a rotten egg!" Sirius called out before taking off. James immediately dropped his arm, chasing after him. He grabbed Peter's hand, taking him with him. Remus was close behind, having kissed Tonks before taking off.

Tonks and Remus had decided to move in together, Tonks's parents didn't seem to mind, having moved in together young themselves. And Remus wanted nothing more than to not be home anymore.

Peter was grieving, something Rose understood all too well. The absence of Peter's parents had been explained shortly after the ceremony. There had been an attack and his parents were amongst the victims. His friends set out to distract him, planning the ultimate prank that he was to head the charge of. Peter was grateful, taking great care to sign their names at the Quidditch pitch. 'Mischief Managed - M.W.P.P.' It would take them ages to get the markings out of the grass but just for something a bit more permanent, they carved their initials in the Whomping Willow.

Once they all arrived at the compartment, they settled in, the boys particularly out of breath. Rose rested her head on James's shoulder. Lily settled in next to her sister, elbowing her in the side playfully. Rose stuck her tongue in response. The twins were staying with James and his family until they got their inheritance and then they would go from there.

Even if they didn't quite know what laid ahead for them, the group was going to figure it out. And even if they didn't figure it out, at least they were together.

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