7 | sleeping beauty

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Apparently the human body had an odd way of functioning. According to Pomfrey, Rose would be fine but she needed time to recover and because of this, she wasn't waking up. James didn't like the idea of her being out for a week and counting with no outward indication that she was actually in there.

Because what if - Merlin forbid - she wasn't okay. That this was just some shell of the former Rose and she wasn't even in there. That he had spent the past week refusing to leave the side of someone who wasn't even there.

"He's officially lost it," Sirius whispered to the other two as they watched James sit in the chair with his head in his hands. "I mean, has he even showered? When was the last time he ate?"

"Keep your voice down," Remus suggested. "He's not deaf."

"I agree with Moony," James announced, startling his three friends. "You really should shut up."

Sirius clamped his mouth shut knowing fully well that his friend was upset. He had been on edge since the moment he saw Rose on the ground, surrounded by her own blood. He had been snapping at anyone who said even the slightly wrong thing, even if they meant no harm. Lily and him were at a crossroads, barely speaking to each other even when they both sat at Rose's bedside.

Tonks was the only one who had no interest in placating James's behavior. When he yelled at her, she had no problem yelling right back. It was for the best, she seemed to humble him a bit and make him realize this wasn't about him, if only for a short amount of time.

"Any change?" Tonks spoke up from behind the three boys. They jumped slightly at her arrival, Remus being the first one to turn to face her. He almost immediately enveloped her in a hug which she gratefully accepted.

The pair's relationship had changed greatly over the past week. While they weren't together, so to speak, they were definitely more than just friends. Anyone could see that.

"No," Remus answered with a frown, his voice muffled slightly in her hair. "Still the same."

"Suppose that's better than nothing," she sighed, finding comfort in his arms. "She could have gotten worse."

Remus pulled away after a moment and Tonks crossed the room, taking the seat next to James. Her nose wrinkled slightly and she glanced over at the boy with a scowl, "Merlin, you smell awful." Sirius snickered, earning an elbow in the side from Remus. James scowled at the girl and she raised an eyebrow, "When she wakes up, do you know how unfortunate it will be if the first thing she has to smell is whatever you have going on here?" She gestured to him with her hand. "Are you immune to your own stench?"

"I'm not going to leave her," he pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"She's not going anywhere, Potter," she reminded him. "You can go to classes. And more importantly, you can shower. Please, shower. For everyone's sake. I can't imagine your girlfriend is fond of this."

"But-" he tried but she waved her hand.

"Go," she ordered with a wave of her hand. "Preferably before I throw up."

James scowled at the girl but much to everyone's surprise, he got up from the chair. Clearly not prepared for the sudden exertion of energy after doing nothing for a week, he grew light headed. He steadied himself on the arm of the chair and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

He shook his head slightly before making his way out of the room, earning looks from not only the boys but Pomfrey who had returned from wherever she had been. She watched the boy stalk off with an intrigued expression, "Finally."

"Oh, thank Merlin," Rose muttered and everyone's head snapped in her direction. Her voice was raspy seeing as she hadn't talked in awhile. "He really did smell awful."

"Rose?" Tonks inquired but it came out as a quiet whisper.

A faint smile graced the redhead's face, "Missed me that much, Nymphadora?" Tonks scowled but that was quickly replaced by a grin. She stood up immediately and squeezed her friend tightly. "Ow."

"Sorry," the girl mumbled, releasing her. "Are you really awake?"

"No, it's just some hyper-realistic dream."

"James is going to be pissed," Sirius announced with a laugh. "The one time he leaves is when she wakes up."

"I'll just re-enact this moment when he returns," she shrugged after she took some sips of the water that Pomfrey brought her. "He'll have missed nothing."

"I would rather see him get angry at Tonks for making him leave."

Rose rolled her eyes, "That's because you're a sadist."

"I'm not a sadist."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, you are."

Sirius turned to Remus, his voice dropping as he asked, "What's a sadist?" Remus huffed before he informed the boy as to what it was in a quiet tone that no one else could hear. "Oh, yeah," Sirius nodded, "That makes sense."

Footsteps sounded in the hallway, no doubt belonging to James. Rose immediately laid back down, closing her eyes and playing unconscious for the boy.

James entered the room, his hair a wet mess atop his head. He looked around at everyone in confusion.

Peter glanced over at Remus and Sirius, "At least he doesn't reek anymore."

"Shut up, Wormtail," James muttered as he retook his spot in the chair.

Tonks stood up from her seat and crossed the room to where the boys stood, "We should get to class. Wouldn't want to wake Sleeping Beauty from her rest."

James narrowed his eyes before the group left the two alone. He turned to face the girl again, confusion taking over him. He tapped his fingers against the arm of the chair in thought before speaking up, "So how long have you been awake?"

Rose tried to keep up the unconscious act up but failed miserably as a smile broke across her face. James waited impatiently for an answer and she turned to look at him with an innocent expression. "Since before you left to shower."

"And why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"You really did smell awful," she explained simply and he sunk down in the seat, an embarrassed look taking over his face. "I wanted to see if anyone would be able to successfully get you to leave."

"Of course you did," he huffed before getting up and walking the few steps to her bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," she answered honestly. "Which is odd because I was just asleep for like, one hundred and seventy hours. Longest nap of my life." He faltered at this and she rolled her eyes. She pushed herself into a sitting position carefully. "I'm fine," she informed him. "Better than fine."

His hand rested at the edge of her bed where he tapped his fingers against the mattress anxiously. What might have felt like a long nap for her had been the worst week of his life.

She placed her hands over his to stop his hands from moving so much. "James," she stated and his hands stopped their dance, "Look at me." He paused in thought for a moment before he raised his eyes to meet hers.

The scar on her face had yet to fade and according to Pomfrey, most likely never would completely. It was now a pinkish brown color and sort of reminded him of the ones Remus bore after particularly bad full moons.

"I'm fine, okay?" she assured him, squeezing his hand in comfort. "I swear."

He moved his hand so that it enveloped hers. "Don't ever do that again," he requested. "Ever."

"I'm not exactly in charge of other people's actions."

"Walk away next time."

"Like your one to talk about walking away from a fight," she snorted but the comment only angered him.

"I can handle myself. I-"

She raised an eyebrow, "And I can't?"

"If you could, this never would have-"

She scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief, "You should get to class. I'm awake now and I really don't need company. Especially not from you."

James faltered, "Rosie, I-"

"Get out, Potter," she demanded as she settled back down in the bed. She faced away from him, pulling the blanket tighter around herself, "I'm tired and I would like to be alone."

He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it, leaving Rose to herself where a hopefully dreamless sleep would overtake her.

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