June 17th, 2018

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Somehow I am not dead.

I just survived what I would like to call "hell week" because I went to go and practice with my team for a week. We had five practices out of the six days I was there. Two of the practices were four hours, two more were two hours, and we finished up yesterday with a seven hour practice. I ran a total of about eight to nine miles in five practices and my body has never been this sore in my whole life.

This chapter is just going to be full of updates in my life cause a lot has happened in the last week.

WhILE I WaS AWay FroM mY HOuSe...

My dad sliced one of his fingers almost all the way through by closing a car door on it by accident. I'm not going to go into much detail with the story, but the doctors stitched it back on and we're not sure yet if it's going to heal or if we're going to have to just cut that off. So please keep him in your prayers.

My sister went back to Shands to get her back checked out. BECAUSE FUN FACT WE ACTUALLY BOTH BROKE OUR BACKS!!! 🙃🙃🙃 And she might have a herniated disc and if worst comes to worst she might need surgery and she's nineteen and way too young for surgery. So please keep her in your prayers too.


(Also over the rest of the summer I'm hoping to get at least 30,000 words of Stained Seasons and if you would like to Beta read or just read it for pleasure please tell me.)

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