June 28th, 2018

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Okay, I'm just going to be doing Lennox's background today and I may do the other colonies later.


The background of this story is the following. So, this world was created by two immortals by the names of Jatiu and Nasha. The two had been cascaded down by their home in the stars for reasons unknown. They loved each other dearly and decided to create their own world to rule. So they created five lands. Four representing the seasons and the fifth recreated all the seasons and served as the capital of all four. Summer was Abbas, winter was Gaddar, Padma was spring, Lennox was autumn, and Devi had all seasons while being the capital.

Years passed, and both the rulers of the citizens thrived happily enjoying the harmony that came with all of this. But soon, Nasha and Jatiu grew tired of ruling all five lands by themselves. Of course, they had advisors in each place, but most of the time the two were separated from each other because of their duties. That was when an advisor in Abbas (that went by the name of Caelen) offered Nasha an idea. To make a tournament and discover who should rule the other four lands.

Nasha spoke to Jatiu about this and both agreed, deciding that it would be best to just have four other rulers that would look up to them and when the other rulers needed help they would ask Nasha and Jatiu. Anyways the tournament lasts a solid amount of time (five years) and they pick four rulers, Fergus for Abbas, Polaris for Gaddar, and Jora in Lennox, and Muna in Padma. As the saying goes, to the victor goes the spoils and these four got a good amount spoils. Each ruler got the powers of their seasons and throughout the next few years they were both trained in politics and in powers.

The four end up going corrupt with their powers as their training is coming to an end and begin to conspire against Jatiu and Nasha to kill them. The night that they decide is best suited for the murder is right after the party that the two immortals held for the victors since they had finally mastered their powers. So they end up killing Jatiu, but before they can kill Nasha she is able to escape and through her anger she ends up casting a curse on the four colonies. The curse basically says that the lands will fall to their own people.

So that's just a quick reminder of the background from April 2nd, 2018. If you want to go look back into that chapter then by all means do it I'm not going to stop you. But a lot happened before Jatiu was so brutally killed. It didn't happen over night and in fact it took a very long time. What happened in each land that lead up to this? Well...let's start out with the Lennox timeline.


Most of the background of each of the lands wasn't recorded. So it says that Nasha and her husband ruled for about ten years before deciding to find other rulers to protect the lands, but the reason it only says ten is because they had only been writing down their history for about ten years. Most of it was passed through stories. By 010 the trials began to find a new ruler and many came to Devi to see if they could become the ruler of the autumn colony. It took five years to figure out who would be the victor, because Jatiu and Nasha wanted to make sure that they chose the right person.

They ended up choosing Jora, a maiden that was skilled with the sword and knew the best military tactics. Even though she was a skilled fighter, she used diplomacy often, when dealing with problems that included the citizens of Lennox. For she did not want to kill her own people. She was skilled in the magic area and under Nasha's wing she only became more and more powerful. Her training with the other four ended in 020 and she was finally allowed to governor Lennox by herself, with the aid of Nasha and Jatiu when making serious decisions.

As she continued to rule Lennox she realized that monsters and humans could not live together in harmony here (because most of her human subjects were being eaten at night for monsters could not come out in daylight). So she was able to cast the monsters out into the outlands of Lennox to live and governor their own world. Sometimes monsters would slip into the human cities, but not often. Jora put an enchantment on each house that allowed her human subjects to be safe in buildings during the night. But they could not come outside of the house. If they did they could not reenter and would have to spend the rest of the night outside.

It took about seven years to get rid of all the monsters and in 027 they ended up celebrating their first Hallow's Eve. It was for the queen getting rid of all the monsters and would be celebrated every year on that specific day.

Even though most of the monster were cast out, some were still slipping into towns and eating children. That's when the tables turned in favor of Jora. In 037, a boy by the name of Erix Malin had been brought out of his house by a Wandering Spirit to be killed by a monster. When instead, this twelve-year-old boy ended up killing the monster himself and surviving the night outside. This had never happened before and stunned everyone. It took awhile for the word back to the capital, but as soon as it did Jora asked for Erix to meet her, which, of course, he humbly accepted.

He ends up beginning to train under Jora to start a group called the Knights of Lennox that would go out during the night and make sure that monsters weren't killing innocent people. Erix's training ends in about 043 and he begins to assemble the group of people. In 045, the monsters were beginning to rise again under the control of Necius and there was no way that Jora could ignore it. It was getting worse and worse and that was when war broke out with the spring colony Padma, and the winter colony Gaddar.

War was inevitable because Gaddar and Padma had been trading partners for years. Gaddar was a winter waste land and couldn't create any of its own crops so most of their crops were imported from Padma. They traded things such as coal, weapons, steel, clothing, fish, and whale bubbler for goods from Padma like sugar cane, livestock, grains, crops, corn, sugar, and flour. Padma was one of the smallest colonies though and it needed more land. Plus Lennox was the largest colony land wise, so it made sense to take some of their land. And to add onto that, Lennox would be attacked from both sides because of geography

The war broke out in 050 and ended in 055. Padma and Gaddar lost because at night they had nowhere to hide and the monsters kept on slaughtering men each night. The treaty was written in Abbas and Padma and Gaddar actually lost land and had to give supplies to Lennox to make up for what they did. Jora was not apart of the plan to kill Nasha and Jatiu. She had so much on her plate already that when she heard about the death of the two immortals in 060 she was stunned.

But she would be quick to meet them, in 063 she was murdered by the Monster King Necius. The Knights of Lennox were quick to scatter so that they too would not be murdered, but swore revenge for their queen. A year later, Nasha ended up approaching Erix to see if he and the Knights would help out with the revolution. He of course agreed, but in the long run was brutally murdered by the Monster King in 071. After Erix died, the Knights of Lennox ended up changing their name to the Outlaws of Lennox.

FUN FACT: Erix and Julius are related 😊

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