May 17th, 2018

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- He loves sweets. He is a frequent visitor of sweet shops in Gaddar even though everyone is scared of him.
- He actually hates the cold. Even though he's lived in it his whole life he hates the cold because he is outside so constantly.
- He could literally kill you. There's a reason everyone is afraid of this boi.
- Callan was actually going to be called Cal in the story, but I realized when I had Val's nickname it would be way too confusing with the characters.
- Callan is about 5'8.

- She is actually illiterate and can not read. She never learned in the Underground and it was never needed. Sora ends up teaching her later in the series cause she needs that skill.
- Val is the fastest of any of my OC's and usually will run from a fight because she knows she can outrun the person, but there's no promise that she can beat them in a fight.
- She steals little toys with Blaise from the marketplace for the younger kids so that they have something to play with.
- Because of malnutrition Val is only about 5'1.

- He is one of my few cinnamon roll characters. He is apart of a family that has seven kids and three of his older brothers left to join the revolution. He's technically the oldest in the house.
- He is one of those dreamers that always wants more, but never says anything because he cares for his family way too much.
- He plays pranks constantly on his siblings while they are in the fields doing work.
- When he has time he will play with his little sister who pretends to be a princess while he is the knight.
- Julius is about 5'10.

- At first she was going to be a runaway from an arranged marriage. Yeah, I'm so glad I changed her you have no idea.
- She is about 6'0 she is the tallest girl OC that I have. The reason behind this is because while she boxes and pretends to be a guy, the height helps her out a little bit in the area of looking like a guy.
- She is the mom of the group and is always prepared with everything.
- As a child she wasn't allowed to go to school, because of her parents' paranoia so she had tutors. Instead of just learning Padma's history she learned the history of all four lands.

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