May 20th, 2018

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I got tagged by echogem so I guess here we are. The rules are simple

• Tag the person who tagged you.
• Ten facts about yourself.
• Answer all the questions.

1. I have been doing graphics for about 2 to 3 years now. I don't know when exactly I started, but I've only been using Photoshop for roughly over a year. I've actually started understanding Photoshop a lot faster then I thought I would, especially since I'm self taught. But that's definitely thanks to watching so much speed art on YouTube.

2. I definitely don't get enough sleep at night. I've gotten to the point where I'm used to it and luckily I don't drink that much coffee anymore. But hey, sleep is really for when you are in the grave. I'm a busy person.

3. Okay, I guess I'm gonna drop some softball facts. So, I started playing travel softball when I was ten. I started traveling to a team two hours away when I was eleven. When I was twelve every Saturday we would get up at 5 AM to go to a practice that was four hours away. When I was fourteen I joined a team that was eight hours away. I'm still on that team right now.

4. My grandmother thought I was dyslexic as a child. In fact it was to the point where she tried to persuade my mom to put me into a special school.

5. The only two bones I have broken are my arm (when I was two) and my back freshman year. I'm gonna knock on wood to keep that number at two.

6. Apparently I am a positive person but in all honesty...this video is me:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

7. I am a bear.

8. I have different notebooks for each story idea that I have cause I hate having more then one story idea in the same notebook cause it is really unorganized.

9. I am not a morning person. In my opinion, you shouldn't have to get up if the sun isn't up yet. I have said this to my dad many times when we have the 8 AM game and have to get up at 5:30.

10. So far my summer schedule is going to consist of planning four stories and continuing to write them. Learning how to speak a different language. Reading at least 25 books. Then doing morning workouts on top of pitching with my dad.

Do you have a crush?
Haha, no. Last one I had was freshman year, it sucked.

Middle name?

About 5'6.

Shoe size?
10 in women's, yes I have big feet.

Eye color?
Light blue.

Last time you cried?
Haha earlier tonight.

Biggest fear?
Heights, had a panic attack once because of it. Wasn't fun.

Last song you listened to?
Lukas Gram: Drunk in the Morning

Favorite apps?
Wattpad, Kik, and Snapchat.

Last person you texted?
My fabulous son DisneyFaller

I'm tagging ten people:

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