The Whole Story is Right Here

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As the last meteor fell across the dark sky above the Comicon, a sudden tingling went throughout my body, and my face began to rip in half, as I let out a scream of agony. Other screams punctuated the silence around me and I looked over to see someone dressed as Bane, began to grow larger and claw at the mask on his face. I felt along my cheek, and felt something go into it, just below the bone. Looking down at it, I saw a string wind itself in and out of my cheek, as it got closer to my hand, I had to move it so it wouldn't get sewn to my face.

Huh, I thought, that would be kinda funny. And my mind went to imagining a T-rex with it's arms kept by its face where it fell over and couldn't get up, I laughed out loud at the image.

A sudden weight fell on my shoulders and my knees began to buckle before I stumbled and grabbed onto a trash can near me. I opened up the trench coat around my shoulders and peered inside to be greeted with the sight up grenades, smoke bombs, and a few other weapons. I patted myself down from my chest to my torso and discovered a few more pockets. I twisted my head around and discovered all of my clothing had shrunk to fit my body, along with the 4 inch thick combat boots laced to my feet. I reached for my hair and realized in horror that it was green and had been sewn onto my head with another small string. I began to bring my hands back down to eye level, when I was startled by the sight of my black hands before realizing they were only a pair of gloves.

A liquid suddenly pooled inside the gloves and spilled out, staining the hard speckled concrete floor below me in a rusty color as a penny smell wafted up and into my nose. I looked down once again, my mind numb before my brain recognize what it meant.

"Oh," I breathed in somewhat shock, "this must be what they mean by blood on your hands."

As I said it out loud, my brain conjured an image of blood flowing out of manholes and drain pipes and small children playing in it like it was the rolling ocean, but bloody. Pun intended, I thought in amusement and raised an eyebrow.

I gasped as a great idea hit me, What if I could spin around and make bubbles!? I giggled at the thought and threw my arms out to the sides and started to spin in circles as fast as I could, watching the blood begin to form bubbles, float up and over, and then pop on people, creating beautiful red starbursts on their body. I stopped spinning and looked down at my hands before whimpering. What the heck had just happened?! Blood was coming out of my hands and it was dark and scary like someone had just died. What was going on?! Blood kept flowing out of my gloves and my pockets felt like it weighed hundreds of pounds, "How in the world am I even standing?" I asked to no one in shock. Suddenly, I felt a click in my head and my brain switched over to the new thing inside of me.

"Aha! I know who I am know!" I willed myself to go back to myself the click happened again telling me I was myself. I was a wanted murder, The Joker.


And I loved it.

As I began to walk around the grounds, I saw people fighting and Superhero's trying to break them up. As I kept on walking, I saw a figure near a white wooden roller coaster dressed in red and yellow, flashing around with spits of blue crackling light. Curiosity got the best of me and I sat on the ground with my knees bent, my arms hugging them loosely, watching as more figures appeared, looking like the first person. As the area slowly became crowded with more of the clones, my curiosity grew even more. Isn't the Flash a good guy? I wondered to myself. Why would he be making clones, is he trying to take over or something?

I slowly got up from my position on the ground, my bones groaning with pain from sitting from so long, and made my way towards the actual Flash.


Woah! It was like stepping into a real like movie! I was standing next to the Flash and he even looked at me with a hint of a smile! No way was this happ-


"Hey there Flashy!" I said cheerfully then giggled at the nickname I had given him.

"Oh, hey Jokes." He replied with a concentrated voice.

"Sooo, whad are ya up?"

"Just trying to save the world," he chuckled softly, "ya know, the usual." I nodded my head along as I followed what he was saying.

"Nah, I'm just cloning myself to turn things back to normal."


"Yes! You have to help us all! I'm trapped in a demonic murdering body from a comic book! You must help us all!"


"Ugh, that would be great and all, but I like the way I am, so no thanks." He laughed again at what I said, or the other part of me? I wasn't sure.

" You having trouble controlling your two sides?" he questioned.

"Yeah, a little," I said shyly, digging my foot into the ground and twisting it in a half circle, "I keep having this weird girl pop out of me when there's something wrong that I say. Ya know how to fix that?" I asked excitedly, my face lighting up from interest and the blue light crackling. The only thing answering was the lighting and the whoosh as a new clone emerged from the light, so I walked away looking for something to do. Oooo, I know! I'm gonna go find somebody that has something special, I don't know what yet, but who cares!? I began to giggle at the thought and skipped towards a group of Deadpools all arguing over who was the real one. I slowed to a walk and approached them to see if anything interesting would happen. After a few minutes of them yelling at each other I smacked my lips together and pulled out one of my smoke grenades. When a Deadpool opened their mouth to say something, I popped it in and ran off with the string attached to my pointer finger giggling and screeching as I went. When I heard screams erupt, I laughed lowder before yanking on the string and the area dissolved into sparkly rainbow smoke.

I started to walk in circles, looking for more trouble to cause, but my feet led me back to Flash where the area was now overpopulated, some of the clones on each others shoulders.

"Sup Flashy!" I proclaimed, grinning as I galloped over to him.

"Just cloning, get it?" he asked, chuckling. I stopped and cocked my head at him, was that supposed to be a joke?

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, "ok," I said stupidly. He looked over at me slyly before I felt an electric crackle pierce through me, separating my rib cage in two, I looked to my right, and saw a see-through body growing out of the other half of our cage. As I continued to stare, I felt the connection between us growing weaker and weaker until I could barely see the other body on my right. I looked over at her and she looked at me, smiling slowly before reaching over taking my hand, squeezing it until the frail bones broke and I was released from the left side of her, placed back into where I belonged, the dark sad place in her mind.

My eyes popped open and I began to giggle before realizing that I had just popped out of somebody and became a whole person. Who in the world was that? Was he a demon holding root on my soul? Whatever I tried to think of, I could only remember watching the events as he caused chaos among people and panic along with confusion to himself. As I looked up from my place on the cold cement, I saw the Flash looking down at me with a sad smile.

"Sorry Jokes, you looked so happy but I couldn't let that side of you stay."

"Ok?" I replied questionably.

"Do you want to help me?" Flash replied, "I'm trying to turn things back to normal." I nodded heistently and stood up to hear his further instructions.

Once all of the villains, supernaturals, mega humans, and others were back into their own body's and their hero's back in their minds, we took over an abandoned building near the event, and continued with the Com-icon in there, as normal people without powers. From there, we watched the rest of the meteor go by, taking it's powers with it to another dimension.

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