Part 4b: AngryKara Always the HotKara

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<<Disclaimer: this part is of meta-narrative type; meaning It is written from chosen characters' perspective that are narrating the story>>  

After loads of tashan and some romance, after loads of downs and some ups, we have sorted everything up and decided to support each other and live together until death tear up apart. We have reached the "natural ending" of our fairy tale; we were living happily ever after, UNTIL IT HAPPENED....

For a long time, I considered the day I met Gauri in Barielly to be the first day in my entire life because before I met her I was just breathing not at all living. After all, it was Gauri who killed the killer, tamed the monster and exorcised the devil inside, UNTIL IT HAPPENED....

Now, the monster is back, the killer is back, the devil is back which raises the question; did my life really begin when I met her or just went on with slight temporary modification? Did she really vanquish all of my ugly faces or just hypnotized and buried them temporarily in my sick subconscious? Who knows!

How did I feel that day? Was I more furious at him or myself? Was I more disgusted at him or myself? Who did I hate more, him or myself? To be honest, I am not sure anymore! After all, this animal dared to molest my wife and nearly rape her in my own bedroom under my own roof but on the other hand, I too couldn't keep the promise that I made to my wife to always put her first no matter what. Maybe if I kept that promise; maybe if I was less focused on impressing Mrs. Raheja and more focused on my wife, maybe I would have noticed her absence or even maybe I would have considered that bastard flirting with my wife an alarming sign instead of overlooking it all together.

But again does "anger", "hatred" or "disgust" even describe how I felt that day? Again, I am not sure! After all, I have never felt that way before I watched that ominous video; not even at my father when he attempted to burn my mother alive to be with Svetlana nor at myself when I couldn't help but love "another Svetlana" –or at least I thought she was- or even when I  murdered that innocent girl.

What do I remember about that day? Honestly, I would be lying if I said that I remember anything after watching that video. I don't know, it seems my brain froze after such unpleasant shock; I frankly don't remember what happened, I don't remember what I did or didn't do UNTIL.....



It was such a busy day in the Oberoi mansion from securing the party to helping Shivaay sir attending the guests. I was exhausted as hell so after I served Omkara sir the CCTV and shut the door behind me as instructed, I needed to have some "me" time so I went to have some cake with a glass of red wine. After that, I was walking down the hall to check on Rudra sir whom I heard had a stomach ache.

Down the hall, I was struck by how Omkara sir looked that day. I have served the Oberois for years and I have witnessed all the phases Omkara sir went through in his life but I gotta admit I have never seen him that angry and lost like I saw him that day; his face was red flaring with such immense anger, his eyes were narrowed and bloody giving a very intense look, his eyebrows were lowered and drawn together forming this "V" shape over his nose, his nostrils were flaring as if he was breathing fire, his jaws were clinched, he was severely grunting his teeth that I thought they were gonna get smashed to million pieces, he was popping his knuckles that turned white on pressure.

"Omkara sir, Omkara sir" I called even though I was almost sure I won't get any response for him as he seemed so lost; so unaware of everything happening around him. He moved past me as if I was never there then he stopped, returned back to face me and before I could say anything, I was on the floor holding my bleeding jaw and groaning after he punched me with all his might. Again before I could react or fight back, I was standing pinned to the wall with his hands were around my neck suffocating me. "I am gonna kill you! How dare you do that, you SOB?!" was all what he kept saying to me.

What have I done? I had no idea. What can I do to save myself? Again, no idea! I tried to fight back; I tried removing his hands that were around my neck, I tried pushing him away from his chest, I even tried shouting as loud as my weak voice can reach but none of that could save me! It seems that my 4-year Marshal Art training, my 5-year servitude in the Military along with all those years of working as a bodyguard did me no favors. After all, Omkara sir was someone else that day; in fact he was something else entirely. Was he possessed by the devil? Or was he the devil himself? Who knows!

I was about to lose consciousness when suddenly Omkara sir said one word that is "Gauri". He then pulled his hands away from my neck, I fell on the floor and I kept coughing grasping for air. I called his name with my low intermittent voice but "Sorry, Khanna" was all what he said and with it he went away.



What do I remember about that day? Honestly, I would be lying if I said that I remember anything after watching that video. I don't know, it seems my brain froze after such unpleasant shock; I frankly don't remember what happened, I don't remember what I did or didn't do until IT HIT ME...

"As long as you are beside me, no harm will ever come to me....Omkaraji, I love you....I love you so much..........U and I were united by marriage long ago,Gauri. Now, I want to unite our souls. From now on, we are 1 soul inside 2 bodies, Jaan. From now on we share everything; our past memories however dark they might be, our present and our future. Promise me you will stay forever honest and that you will never hide anything from me, please.....I PROMISE YOU OMKARAJI.."

With that I regained my consciousness to find myself nearly killing Khanna so I immidiately stopped. But again how, when and why it hit me are questions, I have no answer for! What was it that saved him? Was it my residual conscious embodied in the only pure thing in my shitty life that stopped me from killing him? Or was it his fate who decided he isn't destined to die at my hands -at least not that day? Who knows!

All I know, is that if I didn't hear her voice in my head, Khanna would have surely died that day instead of that bastard. I wanted to check on the poor guy who was on the floor bleeding, coughing and grasping for air but I didn't have any time to lose; I really needed to talk to my wife about what happened so "Sorry, Khanna" was all I said and with that I went away.

I was going crazy -as if I wasn't already! Why did Gauri do that? Why did she have to go through all of this alone? Why didn't she come to tell me what that bastard did to her? Was she afraid? Was she ashamed? Or was she threatened? What if that bastard did something else that I don't know? What if he threatened Gauri to make her shut up? If so, I swear by the old Gods and the new, I would.......







That was a wrap for part 4. I hope you guys liked my gift for Makar Sankranti :)  I hope my meta-narration did the justice to Omkara's character that the original version of the show failed to display.

PS. How did you feel about Angrykara? please, tell me in the comments.

ALSO WAIT FOR RIKARA ALONE HEART-TO-HEART CONVO NEXT CHAPTER. :3 (I have exams until 24th January but as soon as they are finished, I will work hard on it isA) 

This is my first ever ff so your criticism is needed as well as appreciated. Please give it a vote and comment if you liked it. :)

Happy Reading,

Mona :)

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