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Hero Name: Sonic.

Powers: incalculable Speed, Superhuman physique, Super Peel Out, Intangibility, Invisibility

Phasing, Whirlwind creation, One Billionth Power Ring aura, Spin Dash, Homing Attack, Cyloop, Phantom Rush, Sonic Boom, Air Trick, Wild Rush, Stomp Attack, Spin Slash, Loop Kick, Recovery Smash, Cyclone Kick, Grand Slam, Cross Slash, fourth wall awareness, chaos magic

Chaos magic: Flight, Energy projection, Positive energy aura, Increased speed, Invulnerability

Likes: Chili Dogs, reading comic books, baseball, hanging with friends, being a hero, having fun, being fast, action, sports

Dislikes: Being lonely, mushrooms, people hurting his friends, being slow, Robotnik

Backstory: (Y/N) was from another planet as a child raised by Longclaw and when warriors found them he was sent to Earth and told to keep his powers hidden knowing someone will want them and he had lived his life on Earth living in Metropolis under secrecy to prevent his powers from being discovered when learning earth had superheroes it inspired him to try and be one but knew he had much to learn and decided to go to school but will be involved in something big

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