Fight at the museum

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At night at a jewelry store we see a figure at the top as she broke into the store as she took out the cameras and used a spray to see security lasers ad she got through them and started to steal jewels as she saw a crown and broke the glass as she had it on as the alarm was set off.

Selina: A purr-fect fit. 

sirens were heard as police cars approached the jewelry store as we see a girl outside as she sees the cops as she smiles and walks away.

 the next day we see Shaggyman attacking the city as (Y/N) and the team were here as they were together.

Diana:This creature relies on animal instinct, which means we must use our advantage by flanking to the--

Kara: Time's up, let's do this.

She flew at Shaggyman.

Kara: Supergirl!

She punched Shaggyman sending him far away as she came to you all as they all looked at her.

Kara: What?

Next we see a giant robot as it was using electrical based weapon as everyone were running away from the robot as they faced it.

Diana: We must be wary of his weapon. It appears to be capable of great surges of electrical--

Kara: Y'all are way overthinking this.

She flew towards the robot.

Kara: Supergirl!

She punched the robot sending it away from the city as they all looked at her as you weren't happy at that.

Kara: What?

Next Kara was fighting another monster.

Kara: Supergirl!

You started to get annoyed by Kara by just punching the monster.

Jessica: You guys wanna hit up Sweet Justice?

all: Yeah, all right.

You all were at sweet justice as you watched as Kara was chowing down on her sundae as Kara saw that you and the others were looking at her.

Kara: What?

Zee: Enjoying yourself?

Kara: Yeah.

Zee: You've been, uh, enjoying yourself a lot lately, haven't ya?

Kara: Oh, you mean how I've totally been rocking it?

Next we see Diana as she came to the table as you and the others left as she placed a chess set on the table.

Diana: Kara, we must talk.

Kara: Why you gotta ruin everything with nerd stuff?

Diana: Your methods in our recent bouts have been... effective, but over time, it is strategy and teamwork that will win the day.

Kara: Strategy and teamwork? Oh! You mean "overthinking it."

(Y/N): Look, Diana has a point you can't just use brute force

Kara: Dude your overthinking it.

Diana had moved her pawn as Kara looked at her.

Kara: All right, fine. If I beat all those monsters, I can definitely beat you.

Kara moved her knight as we see Selina came into sweet justice as she walked up to Barry.

Selina: Tea with cream. Hold the tea.

As Barry went to make Selina's order she took a candy bar then she took a few bottles of soda as she heard a voice.

Karen: I don't believe it.

Selina thought that she was caught only to see the girls looking at a poster of a nex exhibit in the Science Lexplorium.

Karen: They've got a Treasures from Space exhibit at the Science Lexplorium.

Selina: Whew.

Karen Wow. Gemstones from far reaches of the universe! They must be worth a fortune.

Selina Ooh, a fortune, eh?

(Y/N): there's even a new glowing meteor there, it was found a few days ago apparently I bet it looks pretty cool.

Barry came with Selina's order as she purred and left sneaking a mug along the way as Diana had Kara in check in chess.

Diana: You are now in check, Kara. This is why you must learn to think strategically, to anticipate my next several moves.

Kara: Why would I need to anticipate your moves when I can just do... this?

she flipped the board aside as the pieces almost hit Babs as the board splatted her ice cream.

Kara: Checkmate. Did you anticipate that? She got up and left. Later at night Kara left Lazarus pit along with other punk rockers.

Punk Girl: That was so killer! My ears are still ringing!

Then Kara's super hearing heard glass shattering from a great distance

Kara: Yeah. Mine, too.

She flew to where the noise came from and went to the Lexplorium where sonic was there already

(Y/N): Kara, I'm guessing you're here cause of the alarm

Then Kara looked at her phone.

Kara: Should I... Nah. They'll just overthink it.

Then you and Kara went inside to see who was here.

Kara: All right, nerd. Show yourself.

(Y/N): Where are you at.

Selina: Only two of you? *chuckles*

You and Kara looked to see Selina but as catwoman.

Selina: Here I was, fretting my heist might go south if the Super Hero Girls showed up. But lucky me. I just got the dumb one and the cutie.

(Y/N): cmon kitty you stand no chance against us

Kara: Dumb? Okay, listen, whiskers. If I'm so dumb and I'm gonna catch you, then what does that make... * She looked to see catwoman was gone.* you?

Selina: Catch me and find out. *meows*

(Y/N): careful Kara this kitty might have claws

Then you and Kara went to the planetary exhibit as you and Kara started looking around for catwoman.

Kara: Here, kitty, kitty.

Selina: Here, dummy, dummy.

She flew after Catwoman as she started to go around the exhibit as kara was at her tail.

Kara: Stand still!

Then catwoman went to an asteroid as Kara got stuck in it and broke free.

Kara: Give it up, Puss in Boots. All we gotta do is get our hands on you, and it's game over.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Selina: Ooh, a game. Cats love to play. *meows*

she cut the rope holding earth as the replica fell as Kara caught it as she was struggling on holding it.

Selina: Poor thing. The weight of the world is on your shoulders. *meows then drops other planets as Kara caught them* Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto. Planet or no? Ah, who cares?

Then Kara dropped the planets as she got up and saw Catwoman going to another exhibit.

Selina: So long, Solar Sister.

(Y/N): Kara, she's getting away

You and Kara went after her as you were now in another part of the museum showing prehistoric creatures as you both looked around and heard a meow as Kara turned only to see a stuffed saber tooth tiger and turns to find another then Kara made a thinking face and scratched her head with her finger as she was near a caveman exhibit as a statue of a cave man was in the same pose as Kara.

Selina: The family resemblance is uncanny.

Kara saw the statues and got angry as she turned to punch catwoman but instead punched a stuffed tiger.

Kara: Dang it. Huh?

He and Kara looked to see that Kara had also punched a tank with an octopus exhibit in it as Catwoman was at the top of the tank.

(Y/N): Uh-oh.

Selina: *chuckles mischievously* Hope you both like calamari.

The tank then burst as you and Kara were swept by the water along with the octopus as Kara came out covered in slime

Kara: Ew! Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! * she tries to get the slime off of herself*

With sonic

The water led (y/n) to the planet room again where he found the glowing asteroid

(Y/N): So that's the asteroid. Pretty cool.

He then reach out to touch it as you did a crack formed on the asteroid

(Y/N): uh oh. I broke it. No no no no no no no no!

The crack then started to spread as it was like a ring around the asteroid which led to the top to come off as we see dozens of these small creatures come out

(Y/N): Ok, now I'm confused, was that asteroid was actually an egg or something

Kara then found (Y/n) as she saw the creatures?

Kara: What are those?

(Y/N): i don't know they came out of the asteroid

Kara: Come on, let's find that cat lady.

(Y/N): but what about these creatures what are we gonna do about this

Kara: They'll be fine here.

(Y/N): Ok.

You then started to walk but noticed the creatures following you as you stopped and took a step to see they moved as well.

(Y/N): I think they're following me

Kara: Dude, they imprinted on you.

(Y/N): What?

Kara: They did, they totally think your their mom

(Y/N): what oh no umm i'm not your momma little fellas it is not possible

The creatures just floated around you in circles.

(Y/N): Look, just stop following *the wisp then went under him and picked him up as they floated him around* meeeeeee kara go on without me these guys seem to only want me

Kara then flew off as she then found Selina in a room with a magnet as she grabbed a metal ball.

Kara grabbed a big metal ball

Kara: That's it! I'm not playing around anymore!

Selina: I am.

She pulled a lever as the magnet was turned on as the ball Kara was holding was pulled to it as she tried to pull it off, then more balls coming to it as they hit Kara. Kara went to a room as catwoman was there as she was sitting on a machine as she was humming hauntingly asshe flew at catwoman only to get zapped by the machine. Catwoman was seein in a room as she released some Helium and Sulfur Hexafluoride as Kara came in.

Kara: *in high voice* I've had just about enough of you!

Kara covered her mouth as she heard her high pitched voice as she then walked over to the Sulfur Hexafluoride.

Kara: You can't *low voice* make a fool out of me!

She then got angry as she sees catwoman looking at herself with a pocket mirror as she fired a laser at her but catwoman used her mirror to reflect the laser as it popped a balloon as the gases made an explosion.

Kara: Oh, come o--

caught in the explosion as Catwoman went to the gem exhibit.

Selina: *meows* Looks like I'm the cat who got the cream.

Then she heard Kara yelling as she looked to see Kara come in looking extremely angry

Kara: I'm so mad I can't even think of more cat puns!

Kara began to chase her through the exhibit as she started running from her Kara were hot on her tail as she hid behind a lead-lined case as Kara had her cornered.

Selina: Please, stop! Don't you both know you shouldn't corner a cat?

Kara: I'm gonna corner you, and I'm gonna un-corner you, and I don't even know what that means!

Kara then smashed the lead case and sent Catwoman to the ground as she looked at Kara.

Kara: So, who's the dumb one now?

Then catwoman smiled as she pulled out a green stone

Selina: Still you.

Then Kara began to feel weak as Catwoman walked to her.

Kara: Wha... What is that?

Selina: Oh this old thing? Just a chunk of your home planet. Apparently, it sucks away all of your superpowers. Haven't heard of it? It's called Kryptonite. Oh poor mouse. You walked right into my trap.

we see catwoman dragging kara to a giant chess board as she had many jewery with her.

Selina: Such a purr-fect plan, if I do say so myself. You see, Supergirl I knew this little beauty would be greatest weakness. Just like I knew you would be the only one to come here as well as Blue Racer.

Kara: What?

Selina: That's right. I knew that you'd hear me smash the skylight. I knew that you wouldn't see what was inside that lead-lined case. And I also knew that you were the only one strong enough to smash it. In a way, we're sort of... partners in crime. Don't you think?

Then Kara pulled out her phone as she tries to call the others for help as Catwoman saw her and took the phone from her.

Selina: Ah-ah-ah Only two partners in this caper. *puts the Kryptonite on her head* Here's your cut of the loot. I'll just have to make do with the rest. Ta-ta, my dear.

She then left leaving Kara alone as her phone was placed on a giant chess piece.

With sonic

(Y/N) was still trying to get the wisp off of him when he saw catowman escaping from a window

(Y/n): she's getting away, uhhh listen guy i can't stay longer i gotta catch a villain and i don't think you guys can help

Just then the green one went up to him

(Y/N): What are you doing?

It then went inside him as he began to glow green and transform into this

(Y/N): Whoa, ok you know what, you guys can stay but what did you do to me *begins to float in the air* woah woah okay so i can fly now, let's use that

He then flew out but then saw kara on the ground

(Y/N): kara!

He then came to her.

(Y/N): What happened?

Kara: Catwoman knew we were coming and planned this all along

(Y/N): wow what's going on with you you look weak and such and what's with that rock on you

Kara: It's kryptonite, it drains my powers

(Y/n): oh no let me great rid of it *picks it up and throws it away* There.

Kara: Thanks, but I still need some time. I should have listened to Diana. I can't... believe this was almost how it's going to end. Powerless, friendless, surrounded by nerd stuff... Wait... I'm surrounded by nerd stuff.

Diana's voice: You are now in check, Kara. This is why you must learn to think strategically, to anticipate my next several moves.

She then saw a pearl and rolls it as it made it's way to the gears as it clogs them as they came apart as it cut's the ropes of a hot air balloon as it was popped bye an exhibit as it smashed a t-rex skeleton as it hits a pendulum as it hits dominos as they tumbled down and hit the chess piece that her phone was on as her phone was now in the air.

Kara: Yes! Checkmate, sucker!

Then she saw her phone land on her head as it hit her very hard.


Then her phone slid off her head as she was in so much pain.

Kara: Why does pain hurt so much? How do people live like this?

(Y/n): you get use to it, look i'll go catch up to cat woman she didn't plan everyting, i got new weapons *hovers out of the building*

Kara then reached to her phone and called the superhero girls as we see Catwoman at the rooftops.

Selina: I think I'm gonna like it here. Gotham City was nice, but this place is the cat's meow.

(Y/N): i don't think so

She looks behind and sees sonic in his new form flying towards her

(Y/N): *hovering to her* Thought you could get away that easy?

She tried to run but saw Kara in front of her.

Kara: Going somewhere?

She hissed as she tried to get away but was blocked off by the others but was then started to hover in the air as (Y/N) was seen raising his hand out

(Y/n): i figured out what's so special about that meteor, there were creatures inside it

Kara: Catwoman, I'd like you to meet my real partners. My friends. Who were, like, really nice to save my butt after I've been such a jerk lately.

(Y/N): Not so tough now are ya?

Then (Y/N) glowed as we see him become normal again as we see the green hover wisp as it looked tired and fell asleep.

(Y/N): Note to self, these new powers have limits

We see Selina as she stopped hovering as she then jumped off the roof as the others looked to find she was gone

Kara: Yeah, she does that.

(Y/N): Look at the bright side, at least she didn't get away with the jewels. We better get these back to where they belong.

Just then the other wisp fell toward them as they circled around our heroes playfully

Diana: Great hera, what are these creatures?

(Y/N): these little guys helped me get catwoman i think I'll call them wisps

Kara: They imprinted on (Y/N).

Jessica: They think (Y/N) is their caregiver?

(Y/N): i thought i made it clear to them that i was not their momma

Jessica: You do realize that you were the only one they first saw and you can't just leave them.

(Y/n): your right, i guess these guys can stay with me.

Jessica: That's the spirit.

(Y/N): Now let's this jewels back to the lexporium.

We see them leave as we see Selina as she was walking through the streets in her normal outfit.

Selina: Hmph. Now I have to get a new bag. And then, I've gotta get some new friends.

As she was seen walking away we see a small crimson colored wisp noticed her

It then went to (Y/N) while circling around his head very fast

(Y/n): woah there buddy what is it

The wisp looked at the direction and back to you.

(Y/N): Follow you?

You then went to where the wisp looked at and sees Selina walking down the sidewalks

(Y/N): oh i get it, i had a hunch it was her

We see Selina walking down but sees you.

(Y/N): Hey there lil kitty or should i say cat woman

Selina looked at you in shock.

Selina: How do you even know?

(Y/N): i have a little help

The wisps then came and surrounded her

(Y/N): you probably didn't plan on these little guys to be in that meteor, i didn't either but now their on my side but look for your sake since I feel that you would go to school I'll do us both a favor and keep this between us ok

Selina: Really?

(Y/N): Of course, just try not to steal as much okay

Selina: I can't promise that but I'll look forward to seeing you again.

(Y/N): Come on guys, let's head back.

The wisps then went to (Y/N) as they followed him as they left as Selina watched him while smiling.

Selina: I think I'll love it here knowing he's around.


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