Hate Triangle

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In outer space we see two green blurs as it showed Jessica and Hal Jordan training.

Hal: This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz.

He made a green bo-staff and charged at her.

Jessica: Wait. What? What does that mean?

She made a green bo staff as well as she blocked Hal's attack as they were face to face.

???: No, no, no.

They loooked down as they saw they were upside down as they saw an alien in green lantern outfit as he was not happy as they floated down to an asteroid he was on.

They looked down as they see they were upside down as they see an alien in a green lantern outfit as he was not happy as they floated down to an asteroid he was on

Kilowog: Cruz, what's the plan here? Hope the pizza guy happens by and distracts him.

Hal: Eh, could be a good strategy, actually.

Kilowog: Quiet, Jordan! If you were fightin' anyone other than this poozer, you'd be in the infirmary right now.

Hal: I told you, Kilowog, Jess doesn't fight.

Kilowog: In the green lantern corps everyone fights.

Kilowog made a hammer and tried to hit Jessica while she made a shield to block it.

Kilowog: Your ring is only as strong as your willpower. Fear weakens your mind. It renders your ring useless.

Jessica continued to block with her shield only for it to break.

Kilowog: Why won't you fight back? Are you afraid?

Jessica: I'm not afraid!

She made an octopus and it clamps on Kilowog's face.

Hal: *laughs* She's beating you with sushi.

Kilowog got the octopus off of him and looked to see Jessica as she made a rug and pulled it making him fall.

Jessica: I just believe that when it comes to fighting, there's always another way.

Kilowog got up and he looked at Jessica.

Kilowog: You got lucky. Well, you won't be able to keep that up, forever. Sooner or later, you will have to learn to fight.

At earth, Jessica and Hal returned as they returned to earth and were in their normal clothes.

Hal: Yeah, Kilowog's right, you know. You're gonna have to hit someone, eventually.

Jessica: Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things?

(Y/N): hey Jessica what's up *eating a chili dog*

They turned and saw (Y/N).

Jessica: Oh, hi (Y/N).

Hal: Who's that Jess? Your boyfriend?

Jessica then blushed to hear what Hal had said

(Y/N): what no we're just friends, names (Y/N)

Jessica: Yeah, we're only friends, he's not my boyfriend

(Y/N): so are you also part of the core, you got the same ring as her

Jessica: That's right, (Y/N) this is Hal.

(Y/N): pleasure to meet you, Hal. So Jess, what were you talking to him about? I feel like I missed something.

Jessica: I was just explaining to Hal that there are other ways to solve problems.

Hal: And I was telling Jess that sooner or later that she will have to hit someone

(Y/N): well I think that's up for her to decide if she doesn't want to fight then so be it, she can make her own decisions, I'm sure there are other ways to solve problems than hitting

Jessica: Exactly, which means people should at least solve things in their own way you know?

Then two Cheerleaders and someone wearing a hamster mascot costume saw Hal.

Cheerleader: Go get him tonight, Jordan! Nibble on, Hamsters!

Trio: Whoo!

Hal: Nibble on. Whoo!

(Y/N): Was he even listening? Cause he is more focused on

Jessica: Unfortunately no.

(Y/N): is he always like this

Jessica: Apparently so.

(Y/N): Oh.

Jessica: Hey. Life isn't like a sports match, Hal. There are more ways to perform a touchdown than punching people.

Hal: Yeah, whatever. I stopped listening after "Hal." *Gasps* Oh, no!

He saw a bus with a football team as he got scared and hid behind a trash can.

Hal: I didn't know that we were playing these guys.

(Y/N): What's going on here?

Jessica: *laughs* Hang on! Is the great Hal Jordan actually afraid of the other team?

(Y/N): Yeah, are you a chicken?

Hal: It's not the team I'm afraid of.

He looked to see who was coming out of the bus.

Hal: I finally got tracked down...By my greatest enemy.

It was revealed to be a cheerleader.

Jessica: What? Behind the cheerleader?

(Y/N): I don't see anyone behind her.

Hal: It is the cheerleader!

(Y/N): your scared of a cheerleader, that's a dumb fear

He looked as he saw that the girl suddenly saw him.

Hal:*gasps and hides behind the trash can* I think she saw me!

(Y/N): That is embarrassing dude.

We see the girl look made as she walks over behind the bleachers as we see Hal hugging himself.

(Y/N): oh my god dude chill it's just a cheerleader what's the worse that can happen

Jessica: Oh, stop it, you big baby. I'm sure she's... *sees a pink light* harmless.

We then see the light grow as they see what looked like the girl who was in a pink princess dress and she was really pissed

Carol: Thought you got rid of me, didn't you, Hal Jordan? Well, now, you're mine!

She fired a heart-shaped blast at Hal and it blew up the trashcan he was hiding behind.

(Y/N): holy crap, forget what I said, she's not friendly! Not friendly at all!

We then see her fire more blasts at the field as we see (Y/N), Jessica, and Hal run to cover.

Jessica: What's going on Hal? Who is this girl?

(Y/N): it looks like she has the same powers as you guys but she's pink

Hal: Her name is Star Sapphire and she's super clingy!

(Y/N): Noted!

Jessica: We noticed Hal. Is she some kind of super maniacal space princess or something?

Hal: Worse, she's... My ex-girlfriend.

(Y/N): your ex? You mean you once dated her?

We then see their cover gets blown away as they see Carol firing at them as we see them run to a different cover.

Jessica: essica: Come on, Hal. As Kilowog would say, "Let's stop this bruiser." In brightest day, in blackest night.

Hal: No evil shall escape my sight.

Jessica: Let those who worship evil's might...

Hal: Beware our power...

Hal and Jessica: Green Lantern's light!

Jessica was now in her green lantern suit as Hal's ring started to sputter.

Jessica: What's wrong with your ring

(Y/n): yeah nothing happens to you

Hal then hid his ring behind his back as Jessica gasped in realization.

Jessica: Hal, are you scared?

(Y/N): what's fear gotta do his powers

Jessica: Fear makes our rings useless

(Y/N): oh in that case this guy is scared out of his mind no doubt, i would be as well if my ex was trying to kill me, speaking of which how did she become your ex what's the story on that

Hal: I'll explain later, but right now... She really freaks me out.

We then see the cover gets blown up by Carol's blast as we see them hit the ground.

Jessica: Run Hal to the locker room!

We see Hal start to run as Carol fired heart projectiles at them but Jess shot them away with a bow and arrow we see Jess run to Hal as (Y/N) came with them as Jess formed a bubble.

Jessica: What did you do to her, Hal?

(Y/N): Why is she like this?

Hal: Nothing, she's just mad that I broke up with her.

Carol: Worst text ever!

(Y/n): you broke up through text? I'm confused is that a bad way to break up with someone I'm still learning

Jessica: Wait!

She then stopped the bubble and made it vanish.

Jessica: You broke up with her over text?

Hal: I put a smiley face in it. I'm not the Joker

(Y/N): so is breaking up through text a wrong way to do it

Jessica: It is wrong.

Carol: Well now there's a frowny face *makes a heart with a frown* On my heart!

(Y/N): Well in times like this there is only one thing to do *slaps Hal in the face* that's for being an idiot.

Hal: Ow!

Jessica: You read my mind

(Y/n): should we even be helping him I feel like this is between him and her

We see Hal start to run as we see Carol was after her while Jess and (Y/N) were following him.

Jessica: How can you do that to her?!

(Y/N): you brought this on yourself!

Carol: You broke my heart!

Jessica: That's the lowest thing you've ever done!

(Y/n): You're a horrible boyfriend!

Carol: I cry myself to sleep every night!

(Y/N): I don't wanna help you anymore!

We then see Carol throw the heart making an explosion sending Hal in the air but was caught by Jessica.

Hal: Well either of you please just hit her?!

(Y/n): no but I'll hit you again *slaps him*

Jessica: That's right, if anyone deserves to be hit it's you!

(Y/N): I'll do it again *slaps Hal*

Jessica then made a wall blocking off Carol as we saw them run into the locker room and saw there were many boys in it.

Jock: Girl!

They then started to run away screaming

Jessica then slapped Hal on the back of the head.

Hal: Ow! Come on! I didn't know she was a violet lantern when I started dating her, she was just Carol

(Y/N): a violet lantern, there are other color lanterns, what does her power come from?

Jessica: A violet what?

Hal: A violet lantern, you know how our rings use willpower, her's uses love.

(Y/N): Do you mean she somehow still loves you? That's just sad. Why couldn't you just talk to her instead of breaking up over text?

Hal: Hey I said I put a smiley face in it.

(Y/N): and how does that make it any better, you're smiling because you're dumping her

Jessica: He's right that doesn't help at all.

(Y/N): None of this would have happened if you just be a man and talk to her like a normal person but instead, you chose the cowardly way, you don't deserve to be a Lantern

Jessica: I have to agree with him, that was pretty stupid.

(Y/N): If anything you should go out there and take your punishment

Hal: While she's all powered up like that? No way!

(Y/N): you made her like that that's on you

Hal: Didn't you hear what I said, her ring is powered by love

(Y/N): *get an idea* that's it we'll make her hate you, you're already on a head start

Jessica: He's right. (Y/N) could be on to something. She is powered by love right, so we just need her to not love you.

(Y/N): Alright Hal tell me what does she hate

Jessica: Not what I meant, I meant we can make her not love Hal, by making him ugly.

(Y/N): Oh I got a way for that *punches Hal in the face*

Hal: Ow!

(Y/n): just hold still, we'll make your face so bruised up you'll be too ugly and she won't want you

We then heard whistling as they turned to see a boy with black hair with towels in his hands.

Garth: Oh hey guys, what's up?

Jessica: Garth, take off your clothes!

(Y/N): okay that sounds so wrong

Jessica then grabbed Garth as he was seen in a towel and we see Hal wearing Garth's clothes.

(Y/N): Oh, now I see.

Jessica: Thanks Garth, we just need to borrow your style for a bit.

(Y/N): No hard feelings dude

Garth: Yeah, you're not the first to tell me that. Everyone loves my flava.

(Y/N): oh well good for you buddy

Jessica: Okay, Hal, slouch it down a little. *Hal slouch a little* Now, shorten your neck. * He shortens his neck.* Stick out your gut.* Hal sticks his gut out.* Little more. * He sticks his gut out more.* Perfect! That's super unattractive!

(Y/N): I wanna punch him again he's so ugly

Garth: Wait what?

(Y/N): he broke up with his ex through text, I'll explain later.

We see Jessica push Hal outside as we see them hide behind a trash can.

(Y/N): You got this, all you gotta do is make her not love you by acting the opposite of how you act.

Hal then looked and saw Carol as he then started to walk towards her as she sees him.

Carol: There you are.

Hal: *nerdy voice* Greetings, Carol. Do you want to hear all about my new allergies?

She started to get a bit grossed out by what he said.

Carol: Eww.

She started to lose power

Jessica: It's working. She's losing power.

(Y/N): Keep going, say something else to her.

Hal: Or... Or maybe...Maybe you want to come check out my... *softly* Hey, Garth, what's something dumb that you like?

Garth: Star Battles comic books. But they're not dumb.

Hal: My Star Battles comic books.

Star continued to lose more power as she landed on the ground looking at Hal.

Hal: Look at me, I'm such a losery nerd. Ooh!

Garth: *offended* Hey!

Star: *gasps and walks to Hal* What happened to you? *starts to cry* My beautiful Hal Jordan.

Hal: Sorry, baby. This is the real me.

Star: *whimpers* Look at you so sad. So pathetic. So gross. *sniffles* No one can ever love you like this. Except me. *Starts to power up again* I'll love you forever!

(Y/N): Guys, our plan is not working, where did we go wrong

Carol: No one can love you like I can, Hal Jordan. Not even...Her!

She pointed at Jessica and they then looked at her as Jess pointed at herself

(Y/N): wait you think those they are dating

Carol: Once you're out of the picture, there'll be no one left between me and my Hal Jordan!

Jessica: Oh, wait! You think...*laughs* No. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no! No. No, no, no, no, no. We are not together. Not even close to being together.

(Y/n): yeah their complete opposing, Jess is sweet and caring, and Hal is dumb and selfish

Jessica: Exactly, I would never go out with someone like him.

Hal: So you would go out with him then? *points at (Y/N)*

(Y/N): Not the point dude!

Jessica: We couldn't even be less together-

She then dodged a blast from Carol.

Carol: You will so regret the day you stole my Hal-ey Wal from me!

(Y/N): Jess, I don't think she's in a listening mood, she's more of in a jealous mood.

Hal: *To Jessica* Powered up like this, who knows what destruction she'll cause. You have to fight her.

Jessica: No, there's got to be another way!

(Y/N): maybe gotta give her some tough love, make her show that Hal doesn't want her anymore

He then sees a blast of violet energy coming as he then dodged it.

(Y/N): I know you want to solve this in your way but please hurry

We see Jessica make a safe and trapped star in it as she busts out of it and sent a barrage of blasts at Jessica as she flew away from them and made a wall only for Carol to destroy it.

Hal: Just hit her.

Jessica: No!

(Y/N): Stay out of this Hal!

Carol sent a powerful blast at Jessica but she blocked it with a shield she made as she was holding her ground.

Carol: Hal Jordan is mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!

Hal: *to Garth* Come on. Fight! Fight!

(Y/N): Stop trying to make Jessica fight you can't force people to fight

Jessica: There's no other way. I have to hurt you.

Jessica was still holding her ground as her shield began to crack then she sent green hands at Carol as they grabbed her.

Star: What... What are you doing?

Jessica pulled Carol to her and hugged her.

Jessica: Carol, he doesn't love you.

Star Sapphire: *crying* No!

Jessica: I'm sorry. I know it hurts. He doesn't love you.

Hal: That is not how you hit!

(Y/N): *punches hal* there is that better for you

Jessica: Listen, Carol, I get it. We all want to be loved, but you can do so much better than Hal Jordan.

Hal: *scoffs* Good luck.

Jessica: I mean, look at him.

Hal: Huh?

Jessica: His face is way too small for his head.

Hal: Hmm.

Jessica: He's got terrible breath.

Star: It smells like dog food.

Jessica: His real name is Harold.

(Y/N): Seriously? Harold?

Hal: My name is Hal!

Jessica: The only book he's ever read, is a playbook.

Carol: I tried to get him to read Pride and Prejudice once, and he asked where the pictures were.

(Y/N): You know what carol he doesn't deserve someone like you you can do so much better, i mean i bet anyone would be better than a guy who breaks up through text

Jessica: Exactly. See? He's a smelly, freakish, nincompoop.

Hal: Uh, hey, Star, hit her.

Jessica: Listen, Carol, you'll find the love you need, when you learn to love yourself.

(Y/N): trust me carol there is someone out there for you, that perfect someone just waiting for a girl like you. But like Jess said, you need to find the love in yourself before you find someone

We see Carol as she starts to glow as she has found love in herself.

Carol: Thank you, Sonic and Green Lantern. I don't think I've ever felt love like this. My blind desire for Hal Jordan kept me from seeing how much love I had inside of me.You're right, if he can't appreciate me, then he isn't good enough for me.

(Y/N): exactly, don't worry carol i know you'll find your special someone one day

Carol: Very well, then listen, Sonic, one day I'll be good for you and you'll be mine!

She then flew off into the city.

(Y/N) ye...wait what

Jessica: That isn't a healthy attitude.

Hal: You could have just hit her, Jess, now that she loves herself and (Y/N) she'll be totally unstoppable.

(Y/N): *punches hal* shut up man

Hal: Ow!

(Y/N): But Jess about what Hal said, would you really go out with me over Hal

Jessica: Well I would go with you but only because it's not Hal.

(Y/N): right, right i understand.

Jessica: Well right now I see you as a friend but I will only choose to be with you only if I find you more interesting

(Y/N): of course, you do you, i don't mind, well i'm heading home now, later guys

(Y/N) then sped off as Hal and Garth watched.

Hal: He's fast.

Jessica: Well, he is the fastest thing alive


We go to the next day as we see (Y/N) as he was seen going into town as he spots Carol at the park and comes to her.

(Y/N): Hey, you're Carol, right?

Carol: Yes?

(Y/N): Well yesterday I saw you at the football field so I thought I could get to know you.

Carol: Oh, ok.

(Y/N): So anything interesting happened with you?

Carol: Well I'm just over Hal now, I found someone more interesting to me.

(Y/N): Well good for you. Maybe we can hang out sometime.

Carol: Yeah, maybe.

(Y/N): Well, see ya later Star.

He then left as Carol watched him and smiled at him feeling a connection for (Y/N) but then felt something was off like he somehow knows who she really is, she then turned around and saw that he was gone but looked down to the ground and noticed a blue quill as she picked it up and looked at it in curiosity as she then went off home

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