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In a city we see in the distance was a blue blur speeding across town as an aircraft was seen chasing after it as the scene comes closer and reveals the blur is actually a young man with blue hair and has hedgehog ears as he was running in supersonic speed as the aircraft fires at him but misses making an explosion as the scene pauses like a movie.

(Y/N): (Voice over) So, I know what you're thinking. Why is that incredibly handsome man being chased by a madman with a mustache from the Civil War?

The scene unfreezes as the chase continues to see the aircraft firing lasers at you as you were seen dodging them.

(Y/N): (Voice over) Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life. Is this too much? Am I going too fast? It's kind of what I do. You know what? Let's back up.

We see the scene rewind as it goes to an island

We then see a blue blur running around it.

(Y/N):(voice over) This is the Island where I'm from. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops. And I never had to catch a school bus because I could run across the entire island in less than two seconds.

We then see the blur up close to see a young boy running at fast speed.

(Y/N): (voice over) Also, there was no school. I know, pretty sweet island, right?

We then see the boy run up the ramp as he continues running through the island.

(Y/N):(voice over) I was born with extraordinary powers and was told to keep them secret. And like any kid, I did the exact opposite

We then see him roll up into a ball as he was seen rolling into a small house and enters it and jumps up playfully bumping into a woman with owl wings.

Imagine her as a human

(Y/N): (voice over) That's Longclaw. She took care of me.

We then see young (Y/N) out of his ball form and was laughing

(Y/N): (voice over) She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi, If Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice.

Longclaw: (Y/N), someone could have seen you.

Young (Y/N): Nobody saw me, I'm too fast! And I wanted to bring you this. *Holds up a sunflower*

We see Longclaw was about to take it but looks out the open door to see a group of masked warriors aiming their weapons at them

Longclaw: Get down!

She then came to young (Y/N) and closes the door as the weapons hit every side of the house as one breaks a window.

(Y/N): (voice over) Turns out, with great power comes great power-hungry bad guys. And I led them right to us.

We see the warriors climbing to the house as they were ready to capture the two but we see one get knocked out of the house as Longclaw was seen flying in the air carrying (Y/N) as the warriors fired their arrows at them as one arrow hits Longclaw causing the two to plummet to the ground as Longclaw got up and looked at (Y/N).

Longclaw: Listen carefully (Y/N). You have a power unlike anything I have ever seen, and that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden.

Longclaw then held up a satchel as she takes out a gold colored ring and throws it as it grew in size and revealed another world at the other side

Longclaw: This world is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there.

Young (Y/N): I don't want to go without you!

Longclaw: You must. *gives (Y/N) the satchel* These Rings will be your most important possession. If you are ever discovered, use one. *Pushes (Y/N) to the portal* Never stop running. Now, go!

We see young (Y/N) as he began to run but turned to see Longclaw facing the warriors as they were charging at her.

Young (Y/N): Longclaw!

Young (Y/N) tried to run back to the portal but it disappeared before he could get into it as he saw that he was now by himself and must do as Longclaw instructed. Ten years later we see the scene change to see a city called Metropolis as we look to see people around the town going about their own business as we see a woman carrying her groceries as she tripped and then spilled her items as a feint blue blur came by as the woman stood up she looked to see all her groceries were back in their bag leaving her surprised but shrugged it off as she picked them up and continued on with her walk as we see a turtle walking by the street and a truck was seen coming to it's path but the blue blur came by and saved the turtle as it was revealed to be (Y/N) who was now in his teens as he was seen holding the turtle.

(Y/N): Whoa, buddy! You almost got yourself killed out there. What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie? *Gently pats the turtle* It must be rough being slow all the time. Tell you what. Today is your lucky day.

We later see the turtle as it was revealed to be carried by (Y/N) as he was running in supersonic speed holding the turtle with one hand.

(Y/N): Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Have you ever felt so alive?! *Does an airplane impression with the turtle* This is great! You're doing amazing!

The turtle suddenly flew out of (Y/N)'s hand as his eyes widened.

(Y/N): Oh geez!

He then ran back and was seen running with the turtle in his hands seeing if it was ok.

(Y/N): Good recovery!

He continued running through the town as we see him arriving at the woods and places the turtle down who was shaking after their run.

(Y/N): Let's keep this our little secret, okay? You never saw me. *In a mysterious voice* I was never here.

We then see (Y/N) run off as we see him arriving inside the trunk of a tree which has various things and he's having a real blast, mimicking a singer, doing calisthenics, playing guitar, and jumping rope

(Y/N): *Narrating* So what were you expecting? A dirty little boy eating berries and struggling to survive? Think again.

We see (Y/N) sitting down on a bean bag as he was seen reading comic books at super speeds

(Y/N): (voice over) Because I am living my best life on Earth. I've got a library,

The scene changes to show (Y/N) running on a makeshift treadmill from an old washing machine.

(Y/N):(voice over) a home gym,

We then see (Y/N) as he was seen wearing a ninja headband and was seen wielding two pairs of nunchucks.

(Y/N): (voice over)and a state-of-the-art security system.

(Y/N) waves the nunchucks around until he hits himself in the face. We then see him playing ping pong against himself as he was seen going at the two sides at fast speed as the ball hits Longclaw's satchel of rings spilling some of them.

(Y/N): Oh, no!

We then see (Y/N) run to the rings as he gathered them up and placed them back in the bag as he looked at the piece of paper and picked it up.

(Y/N): (voice over) And if I'm ever discovered, I'll follow Longclaw's instructions and use my Rings to escape to a new planet.

(Y/N) holds up a Ring to the map against Earth on the map. He then hovers it over another planet, represented by mushrooms.

(Y/N): (voice over) A nice, safe world filled only with mushrooms.

He then threw the ring as it opens a portal to the mushroom planet as many mushrooms small and large grew like a forest.

(Y/N): (Voice over) Gross, smelly mushrooms.

(Y/N) looked at the planet with an annoyed look on his face.

(Y/N): I hate mushrooms.

The scene changes to see (Y/N) in the town of Metropolis

(Y/N): (Voice over) But let's not worry about all that! This is Metropolis, the greatest place on Earth.

We then see (Y/N) speed off as we see him looking at the many people from the rooftop.

(Y/N): (Voice over) these are my people, and, dare I say, I am their loveable space creature. So what if they don't know I exist?

We see (Y/N) looking at a girl who was seen wearing a green dress and hat as she was seen with a ring on her finger.

(Y/N): (Voice over) That's Green Girl, a lady who cares about everything involving the environment and peace.

We then see (Y/N) look at a girl who was seen with purple hair as she had on a formal outfit.

(Y/N): (Voice over) And over there is Magic Girl.

He then heard loud music and turns to see a blonde girl in a punk rock outfit playing a guitar.

(Y/N): (Voice over) And over there shredding the guitar is Rockstar Girl, she really knows how to rock out.

He then looked to see a girl in a brown and yellow sweater reading a book.

(Y/N): And over there happens to be Bee Girl. She's a real bookworm.

We then go to a restaurant as we see an old man was holding up what looked like a drawing of (Y/N) but drawn very poorly

(Y/N): (Voice over) There is one person in town who's actually onto me. He calls me the blue devil!

Crazy Carl: I almost caught him last night.

A flashback was seen as Crazy Carl was in the woods as we see a blue blur speed by setting off many bear traps as Crazy Carl watched

(Y/N): (Voice over) Say hello to Crazy Carl.

We see Crazy Carl trying to catch (Y/N) but only to be caught in his own snare trap

(Y/N): (Voice over) We had a lot of fun together.

Crazy Carl: I know you're out there! And I know you're real!

(Y/N): *From a distance* No I'm not!

We then go to a penthouse apartment as we see Zee was in a room as she was with her father on the couch as (Y/N) was seen peeking out the window.

(Y/N): Movie night is my favorite.

We see (Y/N) slowly raising his hands revealing his fingers were crossed.

(Y/N): Please, please, please, please.

He then looked to see the movie's title, Speed, appear on the television

(Y/N): Yes! Keanu! You are a national treasure.

Jack on TV (Keanu Reeves): When I find you–

Howard Payne on TV (Dennis Hopper): Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on the bus.

(Y/N): "Pop quiz, hotshot." *Makes a chef's kiss gesture* It's a classic line.

(Y/N): (voice over) Basically with those four girls, we're like a family. Even though we haven't met yet.

We then go to a therapy room as we see (Y/N) wearing glasses and a tie acting as a psychiatrist

(Y/N): *In german accent* You don't zink your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy, perhaps?

We see (Y/N) lying on the chair playing the patient.

(Y/N): Crazy? Me? No way, Doc. You got me all wrong.

He then resumed his psychiatrist role.

(Y/N): *german accent* And despite all these so-called friends of yours, deep down, *Takes off the glasses and resumes his normal voice* you're still rather lonely?

We see (Y/N) as he was seen walking away from Zee's home and looked back at it seeing her and her father together as he smiled at them.

(Y/N): (Voice over) Perhaps afraid you'll be alone forever?

(Y/N) then frowned as he walked away as we go to a baseball field as we see (Y/N) was there as he was wearing some sports equipment and was playing the role of a batter on home plate.

(Y/N): Bottom of the ninth, tie score. And exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the line– (Y/N)!

He then ran to the pitcher's area as he played the role of the pitcher from the opposing team.

(Y/N): But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Metropolis--also (Y/N)!

He then swap back to the role of the pitcher.

(Y/N): Okay. Focus, (Y/N). If you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Metropolis.

(Y/N) then began to play the role of an infielder, (Y/N) does a secret code with his fingers, straightens his cap, slaps his face a few times, does a couple of armpit farts, flaps his hands and cups them against his mouth

(Y/N): Hit it to the guy in left! He's a real space case.

We then see (Y/N) as he was playing the role of the left outfielder who was spacing out blowing a bubble of gum as he then resumed the role of the pitcher

(Y/N): Ugh, I can't with that guy.

He then played the role of the empire

(Y/N): Hey batter (Y/N), Hey Batter (Y/N). "Suh-wing," batter (Y/N).

We see (Y/N) throw the ball and speed to the batter position as the ball makes its way towards home plate and he hits the ball high. As the outfielder, he smells a flower in the grass and sees the ball

(Y/N): I got it, I got it, I got it!

(Y/N)tries to catch the ball but is unsuccessful

(Y/N): I don't got it.

As the role of the pitcher (Y/N) runs to first base and rounds second while he throws the ball as the outfielder and he dodges the ball in slow motion as the batter and he comes up to third base and plays the role of a teammate

(Y/N): Go home! Go home!

(Y/N) rounds third base and he plays the umpire again.

(Y/N): Come on!

jumps up and makes a dive for home plate, the umpire catches the ball and he makes it.

(Y/N): Safe!

(Y/n) slide to a stop and jumped with joy

(Y/N): Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes! I did it! Did you see that? I did it! I did it.

He holds up his hand, but sees that the baseball diamond is completely empty and silent, there was no one in sight, just him, he was all alone

(Y/N): I really am alone. All alone... forever.

(Y/N) whips off the batter helmet and starts running around the perimeter of the baseball diamond at a very fast speed, his anger and sadness increasing and energy building with each lap. Finally, (Y/N) lets out a loud yell as a bright blue electromagnetic pulse explodes in the air, causing the lights in the baseball diamond to explode. The brilliant pulse blooms outwards and spreads across the city. Several cities blackout, plunging into darkness. Even a satellite is disabled by the EMP.

(Y/N): I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right?

He then sped off as we go to four houses which was Kara, Zee, Karen Jessica's home as they noticed the power went out but then sees something glowing blue as each one went outside and saw what looked like a quill that was blue in color as it happened to be glowing as they each picked one up. Meanwhile we see (Y/N) walking through the town in the pitch black of night.

(Y/N): Just wish there was a way to be noticed. But it would take a miracle for that.

Just then a newspaper come flying by hitting him in the face as he pulled it off his face and looked to see the article was about a monster defeated by a woman in armor and saw the title of the article said "The Wonder Woman"

(Y/N): The Wonder Woman? Hey it looks like she has got a lot of attention.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as he was suddenly struck with an idea.

(Y/N): Hold the phone she's a superhero and superheroes get a lot of people's attention and they love them, so if I became a superhero people will want to be my friends and I won't have to hide my powers

(Y/N) looked at the newspaper and looked to see a comic book store as he placed his face on it and saw a comic book about a superhero and alongside was his alter ego who was a mild mannered citizen.

(Y/N): Right, rule number one. A good superhero always has a secret identity.

(Y/N) looked at his reflection and looked at how old he is.

(Y/N): I look like a school student. *gasps* Hey that's it, I'll just go to school and act like a normal teenager. That's smart, smart move (Y/N).

We see (Y/N) as he sped off to his home to prepare himself for a day of school and a life of adventure as a superhero.


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