Super Who

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It was 6:45 AM and the radio turned on to make the morning announcements.

Female Reporter: And in this morning's headlines, Superman is at it again.

Kara then groans and smashes the radio clock. Later, Kara gets up and gets dressed for the day and heads to school with a headset on while listening to the news.

Female Reporter: And after such a trying ordeal, it was all thanks to Superman that the orphans were saved. In other news, Superman...

Radio Announcer: Metropolis's Big Blue Boy Scout, Superman, a hero for all of us--

Tourists: Superman! Superman! Superman!

Kara arrives at Metropolis High and takes off her headset.

Kara: *sighing* Finally, a place where I don't have to see his annoying face–

A skateboarder came by as a newspaper hits her in the face as she looked to see the article was about superman as she then groaned in frustration as she then dropped the paper and walked off stepping on it as we see the paper showed a girl named Lois Lane as we go to the dailey planetoid in school as Lois was working on the computer

Lois: Olsen! Where's my art? Layout's in five! Cruz! ETA on the Enviro-Beat column? Gimme words!

Jessica: Almost done, Lois!

(Y/N) then walked in holding a paper about sonic

(Y/N): Lois this paper on sonic is amazing he's truly the fastest thing alive

Lois: That is swell (Y/N).

(Y/N): say what if I can tell I can give you big lead on him some behind the scene

Lois: I'm listening.

(Y/N): I know a lot about him in fact I know where he likes to go and such maybe one day I can ask him if he can do an interview

Lois: I like the sound of that.

(Y/N): If I do run into him I'll see what I can ask him.

Lois: Very well.

As she was seen working on her laptop it was closed as she looked to see Kara was there.

Lois: What's buzzin', cousin?

Kara: *shows Lois the latest newspaper* Why are you printing stuff about him in the school paper?

(Y/n): hey don't forget about sonic he's on the front too

Lois: What's eatin' you, Danvers? Those are legitimate stories and I'm a legitimate reporter. Got it? *opens her laptop* Now who's got a pencil?

Kara: *closes the laptop* There are way more important stories out there than Superman.

Jessica: *shows an article of dumping chemicals* She's right. I've got a lead on some terrible chemical dumping.

(Y/N): I agree, that can be a very serious problem if that's not taken care of properly, that's very bad for the environment, good thinking Jess.

Jessica: *slightly blushes* Oh uh thanks.

Kara: What if I told you there was another hero out there, hmm? A better hero, with all the same powers as Superman but even awesomer.

Lois: I like your potatoes, Danvers, but where's the meat? What other hero's gonna get me an internship at the Daily Planet?

Kara: Ever heard of Supergirl?

Lois: Super who?

Kara: Supergirl.

Lois: Eh, sounds like a retread to me. If this Supergirl of yours did anything to earn the front page, trust me, she'd be there. Now will someone please get me a pencil?

(Y/N): Try checking your-

Kara then grabbed the pencils out of Lois' hair and broke them.

(Y/N): hair

Lois: Ah, there they are.

Kara then walks off in frustration as we later see her along with the girls and (Y/N) in science class.

Kara: "Sounds like a retread to me." Ugh. What does that even mean?

(Y/N): I think she meant-

Kara: That was a rhetorical question

Kara then dumps some potassium into a liquid chemical as Karen got worried.

Karen: "Uh, um, Kara? Maybe just a few grams of that potassium, please."

Kara then grabs some lithium chloride and dumps it into the liquid.

Kara: If anyone's a retread it's him. Did you know I was 12 when Uncle Jor-El and Aunt Lara had him? I used to baby-sit him back on Krypton!

(Y/n): So you're actually older than him?

Kara: Yeah, but since I was stuck in space stasis I didn't even age.

(Y/N): Whoa, I feel sorry to hear that

Babs: Really? I mean, dude, that bites! No wonder you're so mad.

Babs was holding a beaker with a pair of pliers as Diana looked at it with a smile.

Karen: You know what's mad? Adding too much lithium chloride..

Kara was dumping some more powder into another beaker and throwing it away.

Kara: I could've gone to Earth first and then everyone would love me, but no, I had to get stuck in space stasis while he was down here becoming a... "Man." I mean, I have the exact same power as him. I come from the exact same planet. I practically have the exact same backstory--

The chemical then exploded in Kara's face as the others looked at her.

Kara: Oops.

(Y/N): Look, if you want people to see you in action as Supergirl then show them what you got.

Kara: Yeah, you're right, I should go and show them what I got.

Diana: A word of caution, Kara. When we seek glory, it can sometimes blind us to the greater good.

Kara: Hmm. You're right. I'm gonna knock his grinning face off the front page.

Kara then left as (Y/N) looked at her.

(Y/N): I'm gonna go keep an eye on her.

(Y/N) then left the room as we went to metropolis as we saw an elderly woman was walking down the sidewalk as a man stole her purse and ran off. Kara then punches the guy as she gives the woman her purse back. Jimmy is seen taking pictures, but it's not Kara it's actually Superman stopping a money car from running off.

Lois: Oh!

They both ran passed Kara as they see a vehicle make its way from the bank only to be stopped by superman we then see a blue blur came as it took the robbers in the car as well as the one Kara was holding as we see the robbers were brought to jail tied up as we see it was (Y/N) who was the one who caught them as we see Kara holding a newspaper with an article of superman and crumbled it as (Y/N) looked at kara while reading a newspaper with an article of him on it as the headline was "Robbers get a super sonic slammer escort". We see Kara as she held herself between the part for the train track to pass as she looked she saw the rest of the track destroyed as the train was about to fall.

Kara: Ahhh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

We then see Superman came as he caught the train and placed it down but we then see (Y/N) speed by as he was seen repairing the entire train track and was seen spinning around the train making a tornado as it placed the train back on the tracks as everyone cheered for him as we see Kara tearing up the newspaper with Superman's article on it as (Y/N) smiled reading his article on the newspaper as the headline was "Railroad back in a heartbeat." We then see a building on fire as we see Kara was getting the people out of there but Superman then came as he lifted a water tower and used the water to put out the fire but we then see (Y/N) come by as he started to take injured people one by one to the hospital as a newspaper was seen as the headline was "Sonic, one man ambulance." We then see a meteor was heading to town as we see Kara came and was slowing it down but caused it to knock off the orb for the daily planet as it was about to fall on people Superman came and caught it and tossed it back in place as (Y/N) then came and welded it back in place as he gave a thumbs up to the crowd as they cheered as the headline for the next newspaper read "Fastest welder to daily planet" We then see some people drowning in the sea but were grabbed by Kara but everyone turned to see Superman punching away sharks that were coming but saw (Y/N) sped by and took each shark that was injured to the animal hospital as the next article for the newspaper read "Sonic friend to all animals fierce and small" as Kara got angry and used her heat vision to burn superman's newspaper as we see Kara stopped an oil spill from a ship, caught a bus and stopped a bomb from blowing up by covering it up.

Kara: Phew. Yeah!

Kara looked to see superman and the citizens at a tree as he hit it and caught a cat and gave it to an old woman as the townspeople cheered for him but everyone saw (Y/N) running in supersonic speed as he was seen giving each person an animal as a pet to have a forever home as everyone started to cheer for him as they watched superman fly off as Kara looked mad.

Kara: (Y/N), on my back, now.

(Y/N) then jumped on

(Y/N): alright here we go, let's see how fast kryptonians are

Kara then flew off into the sky with (Y/N) in tow as she followed Superman and fly near him and get his attention.

Kara: Hey. Hey! *groaning*Hey!

Superman: Huh? What?*sees Kara*Supergirl? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?

Kara: Uh, it's Saturday. And what I'm doing here is telling you to back off!

Superman: Back off? Ha, I don't follow.

Kara: I've been working my butt off for days trying to save people in Metropolis. But every time I do something to prove we're heroes, there you are--

Superman: Being a hero?

Kara: Yes! I... I mean no. Ah uh, I, I mean...

Superman: Listen, cuz, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times. Being a real hero takes time and experience. Experience I have. As an adult.

Kara: *scoffing* Adult? You were Superboy, like, last summer!

(Y/N): hey Superman, we haven't met I'm sonic, fastest thing alive

Superman: Ok...

(Y/N): I know that you hadn't noticed me cause I was super fast and I knew that what you did was better, I did it excellently.

Kara: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh, right, this is between you two, umm what Kara is saying is that you're hogging all the attention and a question, was it true that you were Superboy last summer?

Superman: It was two summers ago, and that's besides the point

(Y/n): well don't you think you could give your cousin a chance to shine she's been working her butt off all day

Kara: Yeah, what he said.

Superman: Look Kara is just not ready.

Superman then flies off as you turn to Kara.

(Y/N): Don't let him get to you, you are ready, besides, what does he know?.

He looked and saw Kara was looking mad.

Kara: (Y/N), off.

(Y/N): but we're still in the air

Kara then grabbed (Y/N) and dropped him as he was heard screaming as Kara went lower to the ground as it was revealed she dropped him on a rooftop as (Y/N) had his eyes closed and was screaming and flailing his arms and legs around like he was falling to his death.

(Y/N): *closed eye* AHHHHHH THIS IS THE END, I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA....*opens his eye* oh i'm okay, ummm what you gonna do now

Kara: Giving Superman a piece of my mind.

(Y/N): Hey, can I help? I always wondered who would win in a fight against someone like Superman

Kara: Fine.

(Y/N): great just get him down here and I'll do what i can

Kara then nodded as she then flew off and charges at Superman.

Kara: I'll show you ready!

Superman: *dodges* Oh, ho, ho! See? Not even close.

Kara then charges at Superman again as he dodges her.

Superman: Behind you!

Kara keeps attacking Superman as he keeps dodging her.

Superman: Missed me! I mean, seriously, you call this fighting?

Kara then hit Superman hard enough that he went through the roof of a building.

Superman: You have a lot to learn, kid.

Kara: Ha! That's what I said to you when you were potty training!

(Y/N): Oh Superman, you just got burned!

(Y/N) then spin dashed towards superman and curled up and hit him like a cannonball as he then spun around like a tornado sending Superman up to the air and towards KAra as they clashed to each other.

Superman: *while fighting* You're just jealous I'm--

Kara: *while fighting* A pompous bonehead?

Superman: *while fighting* I'll show you bonehead!

Kara: *while fighting* No, I'll show you.

Then Kara and Superman head butt each other hard enough that it hurts both of them.

Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Superman: *fixes his hair* Your messing with the look.

(Y/N): let me tell you something Superman, Kara is definitely ready to be a hero, you don't' get to decide if she is or not.

Kara: Yeah, you can't just decide if I'm ready.

Kara then came at Superman as they both continued to fight

Superman: Stop acting like a child!

Kara: Why don't you make me, Clark?

Superman: Don't call me Clark, Kara.

Kara: Whatcha gonna do about it, Clark?

(Y/N): Why are you calling him Clark?

Kara: That's his name.

(Y/N): Ooooh, that makes more sense.

He then ducked as a heat vision laser came by and slices a pipe open as a mass amount of chemical dump into a dumpster as the chemicals formed into a creature of acidic nature as Lois and Jimmy spot the creature and follow it.

Lois: Opportunity just knocked, kiddo. Ready to earn that Daily Planet internship? *turns to the creature and picks up a rock*"Hey, goo guts! Turn around and smile for the camera! *throws the rock*

The resulting throw made some of the creature's acidic body splashes at most of the city block as it turns to Jimmy and Lois.

Lois: On second thought, run now, pictures later!

Lois and Jimmy make a run for it as Karen sees the creature.

Karen: *shrieks**gasps* Hmm.

Later, with Kara and Superman, they're still fighting each other by just slapping each other like toddlers.

Kara: *while fighting* Quit it!

Superman: *while fighting* You quit it!

Kara: *while fighting* You started it!

Superman: *while fighting* You did!

Kara: *while fighting* You did first!

(Y/N) only stood and watched the two continue to slap each other.

(Y/N): Wow, for superheroes that is embarrassing.

He then turned and spotted the chemical creature.

(Y/N): Oh, now I can see why Jess wanted to do the lead on the chemical dumping. I need to get their attention, but how.

(Y/N) then spotted a rock as he then tossed it at a fast speed as it hit both Clark and Kara but the force felt like a pebble hitting them as they turned to see (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hate to cut this short but there's a giant chemical monster

Superman: Playtime's over, kid.

Superman then grabs Kara and tosses her at a long distance and lands in front of the creature.

The Crowd: Superman! Superman! Superman! Superman! Superman! Superman!

Kara sees Superman being cheered by everyone as he dodges every attack from the creature. Kara then gives up and walks away until Karen flies in front of Kara as (Y/N) runs to the two.

Karen: Supergirl! Listen! You--

Kara: What are you doing here? Come to see the great hero, too?

Karen: No, listen! You have to stop him before he hits that thing! It's filled with hydrogen fluoride and antimony pentafluoride! It's 20 quintillion times more corrosive than sulfuric acid!"*sees Kara confused* He's made of super-dangerous glop!

(Y/N): So that means if Superman punches that monster it won't just destroy it but-

Karen: The splatter will be so massive it'll reduce Metropolis to a smoking hole in the ground.

(Y/N): That is not good, I don't like to live on a planet with a huge hole in the ground, even more than I hate that mushroom planet. Kara, we got to stop it.

Kara: But... I don't know how to stop it!

Karen: "Remember chemistry class? High temperatures can break chemicals down to their base elements!" *sees Kara confused*

(Y/N): In english.

Karen: Get him away from Superman and blow him up!

(Y/N): Kara, I'll stop your cousin from trying to hit that blob, get it as far away as possible and blow him up.

Kara: Alright.

Just before Superman punches the creature, we see time had moved in slow motion as we see (Y/N) coming to him and then pushed the chemical monster away a few feet and then gets in front of superman and holds back his punch as we see time resume and Kara flew towards the chemical monster and grabs the creature and takes him all the way to space and destroys it with her heat vision. We then see Kara come back as we see (Y/N) looking at Superman.

(Y/N): Dude, you are so glad I came to stop you.

Superman: Wait what?

(Y/N): Yeah, that monster was made of some very dangerous chemicals, if you punched it it would turn our town into a big hole, so I decided to do us both a favor and stop you from making a big mistake and being seen as the one who would destroy our town.

Superman: I... Wha...

(Y/N): If you want to help out, try getting those guys who were dumping the chemicals that made that thing to dump it to a more proper place to be disposed of, so your welcome.

Superman: Well... Alright...

Superman then flies off as we see Kara then heads to her friends in her civilian outfit and turns to them.

Kara: "Hey, guys."

Babs: Kara! *hugs Kara* That was amazing!

Jessica: You just saved the entire city!

Lena: Yeah.

Barbi: Very impressive.

Zee: "And talk about a spectacle! Brava!

Kara: "Yeah. I guess it's good that someone pays attention to chemistry.

Karen: But it was you who saved the day!

(Y/N): Hey! I helped too! *To Jessica* By the way Jess, we should get Lois to work on that lead for that chemical dumping thing cause that, and i know just how to do it

The next day

We see lois lane doing an interview with sonic

(Y/N): If you ask me Lois, I think we should be helping the world much more be stopping those who dump dangerous chemicals into our community

Lois: What are your reasons for it, Sonic?

(Y/N): well just yesterday a chemical waste dump caused a giant waste monster to rampage the city and Superman almost spread its destruction by punching it, but with the help of me and supergirl who is very helpful we were able to save Metropolis.

Lois: I see, anything else you like to comment on.

(Y/N): I think you should try out some of other people's ideas, like Jessica Cruz for example, she cares for the environment I do as well. And I think you'll become a great news reporter, you just need to find the right story

Lois: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, also maybe do a little less on Superman he gets enough attention

Lois: Alright, I'll try out different stories.

(Y/N): You do that, well it was nice talking to you and I gotta jet. I'll chat with you again sometime.

(Y/N) then sped off as he left a blue blur trail behind

That same day

(Y/N) was seen at Sweet Justice with the girls as he had a newspaper in his hand.

(Y/N): Oh hey, check this out.

He showed them the cover of the newspaper as they saw it was an article that had a picture of Sonic and Supergirl in it as the article read "Supergirl and Sonic prevent Superman from turning metropolis into giant crater"

Kara: Hey, that's pretty good.

(Y/N): It's about time you shined in the spotlight.

Kara: Glad that Superman isn't in it now.

(Y/N): speaking of which, i wonder what he thinks of this


We see superman who was now disguised as Clark Kent reading the paper

Clark: Great. Just what this needs.

He then started to rip up the paper into shreds as we went back to the others.

Kara: I think I hear paper being torn apart, probably my cousin.

(Y/N): Well too bad he can't rip up the billions of copies delivered today, so now everyone knows that there are other superheroes in this town. And one of them is Supergirl!

The others then raised their hands up to the air for Kara as she smiled knowing she was finally acknowledged as a hero.

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