Hate Triangle

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In outer space we see two green blurs as it showed Jessica and Hal Jordan training.

Hal: This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz.

He made a green bo staff and charged at her.

Jessica: Wait. What? What does that mean?

She made a green bo staff as well as she blocked hal's attack as they were face to face.

???: No, no, no.

They looked down as they saw they were upside down as they saw an alien in a green lantern outfit as he was not happy as they floated down to an asteroid he was on.

Kilowog: Cruz, what's the plan here? Hope the pizza guy happens by and distracts him?

Hal: Eh, could be a good strategy, actually.

Kilowog: Quiet, Jordan! If you were fightin' anyone other than this poozer, you'd be in the infirmary right now.

Hal: told you, Kilowog, Jess doesn't fight.

Kilowog: In the green lantern corps everyone fights.

Kilowog made a hammer and tried to hit Jessica as she made a shield to block it.

Kilowog: Your weight is only as strong as your willpower. Fear weakens your mind.It renders you're ring useless.

Jessica continued to block with her shield only for it to break.

Kilowog: Why won't you fight back? Are you afraid?

Jessica: I'm not afraid!

She made an octopus as it clamps on Kilowog's face.

Hal: *laughs* She's beating you with sushi.

Kilowog got the octopus off of him as looked to see Jessica as she made a rug and pulled it making him fall.

Jessica:I just believe that when it comes to fighting, there's always another way.

Kilowog got up as he looked at Jessica.

Kilowog: You got lucky. Well, you won't be able to keep that up, forever. Sooner or later, you will have to learn to fight.

At earth Jessica and Hal returned as they returned to earth and were in their normal clothes.

Hal: Yeah, Kilowog's right, you know. You're gonna have to hit someone, eventually.

Jessica: Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things?

Dimitro: About what kind of things?

Raze: Does it have to do with green lantern stuff?

Hal: No.

Jessica: It's cool Hal, they're with me. That's Raze and Dimitri. Raze is a son of wolverine and mystique, and Dimitri is the son of an alien race.

Hal: Really? Does that mean Dimitri's kind has taken over the earth?

Dimitri: No you idiot. Homeworld and Earth are at peace.

Hal: But what even makes you an alien? You look completely human to me.

Dimitri pulled down his shirt to reveal his gem to Hal.

Hal: Are you sure you're a dude?

Dimitri: Yes I'm a dude, my mom is human but my dad was a gem.

Hal: Was? you mean he's... dead?

Dimitri: Not exactly, my father gave up his physical form so i could be born.

Raze: But Dimitri does have not only his father's gem, but his powers and intellect as well.

Dimitri: It's true and what was it that you were talking about.

Jessica: Trying to tell Hal that in fighting there is always another way.

Dimitri: That is true, Hal, you have to understand that in a battle there are other ways to defeat your enemies than pummeling them.

Hal: Whatever, I stopped listening after "Hal" *sees a bus* Oh no!

He then hid behind a trash can as Raze saw someone as his eyes widened as well.

Raze: *jumps behind the trash can* Make some room.

Hal: I didn't know we were playing against them.

Jessica: Hold on is the great Hal Jordan really afraid of the other team?

Dimitri: And Raze too?

Hal: It's not the team we're scared of! I've finally been tracked down by my greatest enemy.

Raze: Mine too!

They looked to see two girls one dressed as a cheerleader and the other wearing a purple shirt and gray skirt.

Dimitri: What? Behind the cheerleader and girl?

Raze: It is the cheerleader and girl!

They saw them and got really angry looks on their faces

Hal: I think they saw us!

???: Who saw you?

they turned to see a girl with green hair and eyes and wearing a green and black outfit

Raze: Bea get out of here now!

Then the cheerleader went behind the benches as the girl went to a different set of benches as the Hal and Raze were cowering in fear.

Jessica: Will you calm down you big babies? We're sure they're.... *sees a pink glow and crystals shining* harmless?

Carol: Thought you got rid of me didn't you hal jordan? Well now your mine!

Casey: Raze!

Dimitri turned to see a second Fire coming out from the benches.

Dimitri: Am i losing my mind or is there a second Bea?

Bea: I see it too but i'll stop her *tries to use her powers but couldn't* My powers, they're gone.

then the second fire blasted fire at them as they ran and took cover behind a popcorn stand. as Dimitri and Raze were at a different stand.

Dimitri: Raze, who is she?!

Raze: Which one? the crazy one or the brazilian one?

Dimitri: You know which one I mean.

Jessica: Hal who is that?

Hal: Her name is Star Sapphire and she is super clingy.

Raze: And that one is Casey Krinsky and she is absolutely insane.

Dimitri: We can see that.

Jessica: Is she some kind of super maniacal space princess or something?

Dimitri: And is the other a shape shifting, power stealing super villain?

Hal: Worse. She's... my ex girlfriend

Raze: Casey is also my ex girlfriend.

Dimitro: Wait what?

the stand was blasted as they started to run.

Jessica: Leave it to you to date a supervillain.

Dimitri: Raze why would you date someone that is absolutely insane?

Raze: Hey give me a break.

We then see them behind a new cover.

Dimitri: Alright let's hero up.

We then see them change to their hero outfits as Hal's ring was sputtering

Raze: Dude what's wrong with your ring?

Hal hid his ring behind his back.

Jessica: *gasps* Hal are you scared?

Raze: He totally is! He is afraid to fight his ex girlfriend!

Hal: Dude! She really really freaks me out.

Then a blast destroyed their cover.

Dimitri: Guys to the locker room. *creates five clones of himself* I got your backs.

The two then ran as Dimitri's clones covered them by blasting any of the blasts coming as Jessica made a green bubble.

Jessica: What did you two do to them?

Hal: Nothing.

Raze: They're mad cause we broke up with them.

Carol: Worst text EVER!!!

Jessica: Wait!

she then stopped the ball as she made it vanished.

Raze: *smacks Hal upside the head* What is wrong with you!?

Jessica: You two broke up with them over text?

Raze: Hal yes, me heck no.

Hal: I put a smiley face in it. I'm not the joker.

Carol: Well now there's a frowny face *makes a heart with a growing face on it* On my heart!

Raze: Dude, remind me to kick the tar out of you later.

Dimitri: Forget beating Hal, run!

then the two began to run.

Jessica: How could you do that to her?

Carol: You broke my heart!

Jessica: That's the lowest thing you've ever done.

Carol: I cry myself to sleep every night!

she then threw the heart at them sending them to the air as jessica caught hal as Raze got his hoverboard out and flew as dimitri got on Dragon.

Hal: Will any of you please just hit them?

Jessica: If anyone deserves to be hit it's you!

She then made a wall and they headed to the locker room and saw boys were in the locker room.

Boy: Girls!

they then ran away screaming as they looked confused as Jess then slapped Hal in the back of the head.

Hal: Ow! Come on! I didn't know she was a violet lantern when i started dating her, she was just Carol.

Jessica: A violet what?

Hal: A violet lantern. you know how our rings use willpower, her's uses love.

Raze: Lame!

Dimitri: And dude what's Casey's beef with you Raze?

Raze: She went all psycho when i broke up with her.

Carol: *outside* You can't run from me Hal Jordan! Love will always find a way.

Hal: If only I weren't so effortlessly charming and ruggedly good looking then she wouldn't have any power.

Dimitri: Wait a minute, you might be onto something.

Jessica: Dimitri's right.

Hal: Oh so you think i'm ruggedly good looking huh? *gets slapped by jessica* Ow!

Jessica: She's powered by love right?

Dimitri: So we have to make her and Casey not love you two. and what better way to do that...

Jessica: By making you ugly.

Hal: Good luck with that.

We then see Jessica trying to mess up hal's hair as every style only made him look handsome.

Hal: See lost cause.

then whistling was heard as they turned to see a boy walking with towels.

Garth: Oh hey guys, what's up.

Jessica: Garth. Take off your clothes.

Dimitri: Wait what?!

Garth: Wha?

he was then grabbed by Jessica as he was now seen in a towel as Hal was wearing Garth's clothes as Raze was wearing the same outfit as well.

Dimitri: Oh that's what you meant by that, for a minute there I thought you meant something else.

Jessica: Garth we just need to borrow your style for a bit.

Garth: Yeah, you're not the first to tell me that. Everyone loves my flava.

Jessica: Ok guys slouch down a bit.

the two then slouched a bit.

Dimitri: Shorten your necks.

they shorten their necks.

Jessica: Stick out your guts.

they then stuck their guys out a bit.

Dimitri: Little more.

they did a bit more.

Jessica: Perfect. That's super unattractive.

Garth: Wait what?

then the two were pushed out of the locker room as they both looked outside as they both got to their looks and walked out to Casey and Carol.

Carol: There you are.

Hal: Greetings Carol. You wanna hear all about my new allergies?

Raze: What he said.

then the two started to place their hands on their mouths and went down a bit.

Jessica: It's working.

Dimitri: Keep going.

Hal: Or maybe, maybe you wanna come check out my... *whispers to garth* Hey garth what's something dumb that you like?

Garth: Star battles comic books but they're not dumb.

Hal: My star battles comic books.

Then garth started to get offended by it as the two started to go down a bit more.

Hal: Look at us we're such loser-y nerds. Ooh!

Garth: *offended* Hey!

Then the two came to the ground.

Carol: What happen to you my beautiful hal jordan?

Hal: Sorry baby, this is the real me.

Raze: The same with me too.

Casey: Look at you so sad, so pathetic, so gross.

Carol: No one can love you like this Hal. *powers up* Except me. I'll love you forever! only i can see the beauty behind the geek! No one can love you like i can Hal Jordan, not even *points at Jessica* HER!!!

Casey: And no one will stand in my way for you Raze, not even... *points at Dimitri* HIM!!!

Dimitri and Jessica saw them pointing at them and then pointed at themselves to be sure as Dimitri saw a fire blast coming at him as he dodged it and was near Dragon.

Dimitri: Dragon, you wouldn't have anything to handle a friend's crazy ex girlfriend would you?

Then dragon began to glow as Dimitri started to float in the air as he saw pieces of armor come out of Dragon as they came to Dimitri as the pieces formed armor around his arms, legs, and chest as wings were formed on the armor as a helmet was then made.

Then Dimitri flew at Casey and hit her as he saw the armor.

Dimitri: Woah, nice upgrade.

He then saw Casey throw fireballs at him as Dimitri summoned his trident and spun it deflecting the balls away as he then dodged Casey charging at him.

Dimitri: Raze, does Bea have any weaknesses?

Raze: Well she can't get wet when she's fired up.

Dimitri: Raze get some water ready let's give Casey a cool down.

Raze: I see what you're going with this.

Dimitri then turned to see casey as he then came at her and made two clones as they had tridents as they started to fight her as Raze started to get water as Bea watched the fight.

Bea: Raze, your friend is like a one man army.

Raze: He sure is.

We then see him with a large container of water.

Raze: Dimitri catch!

he then threw it as Dimitri caught it.

Dimitri: Got it.

He then saw Casey coming to him as he then dodged her and then sent the water at Casey soaking her and then charged at her sending her to the ground as she got up and aimed her hands at dimitri and saw no fire came out.

Casey: What?! What's going on? Why can't I use fire?

Dimitri: One little flaw with you Casey. You may have stole Fire's powers, but you also have fire's weakness too.

Raze then came from behind Casey.

Raze: Surprise!

He then kicked Casey sending her to a wall as she was now out cold as Dimitri came with a device as it attached itself to Casey and green energy was seen going into it as Casey changed back to herself.

Dimitri: This belongs to someone else.

He then threw it to Bea as it then sent the energy to her as her hand was on fire.

Bea: My powers are back.

we then go to jessica as she was dodging carol's attacks She made a bow and arrow and shoot at carol's blasts only for them to bounce off

Hal: Powered up like this, who knows what destruction she'll cause.You have to fight her.

Jessica: No. There's got to be another way.

She made a safe and trapped carol in it as she bust out of it and sent a barrage of blasts at Jessica as she flew away from them and made a wall only for Carol to destroy it.

Hal: Just hit her.

Jessica: No!

Carol sent a powerful blast at Jessica as she blocked it with a shield she made as she was holding her ground.

Carol: Hal Jordan is mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!

Hal: Come on guys. Fight, fight.

Dimitri, Raze, Hal and Garth: Fight, fight.

Jessica: There's no other way. I have to hurt you.

Jessica was still holding her ground as her shield began to crack then she sent green hands at carol as they grab her

Carol: What... What are you doing?

Jessica pulled Carol to her and hugged her.

Jessica: Carol, he doesn't love you.

Carol: *crying* No!

Jessica: I'm sorry. I know it hurts. He doesn't love you.

Hal: That is not how you hit!

Jessica: Listen, Carol, I get it.We all want to be loved, but you can do so much better than Hal Jordan.

Hal: *scoffs* Good luck.

Jessica: I mean, look at him.

Hal: Huh?

Jessica: His face is way too small for his head.

Hal: Hmm.

Jessica: He's got terrible breath.

Star: It smells like dog food.

Jessica: His real name is Harold.

Hal: My name is Hal!

Jessica: The only book he's ever read is a playbook.

Carol: : I tried to get him to read Pride and Prejudice once, and he asked where the pictures were.

Jessica: See? He's a smelly, freakish, nincompoop.

Hal: Uh, hey, Star, hit her.

Jessica: Listen, Carol, you'll find the love you need, when you learn to love yourself.

She started to feel a power as she found love in herself.

Carol: Thank you, Green Lantern. I don't think I've ever felt love like this.My blind desire for Hal Jordan kept me from seeing how much love I had inside of me.You're right, if he can't appreciate me, then he isn't good enough for me. So be warned, Hal Jordan, one day, I will make you good enough for me!And then you'll be mine, forever!

She then laughed maniacally and flew into the city.

Raze: That doesn't look good.

Jessica: Yeah... That's not really a healthy attitude either.

Hal: You know, you could have just hit her, Jess. Now that she loves herself, she'll be totally unstoppable. Trust me, I've seen a million chicks like this.

Jessica punched Hal in the arm.

Hal: Ow!

then Dimitri and Raze turned to see Casey was gone.

Raze: Where did Casey go?

Bea: I would like to give her a piece of my mind.

Dimitri: Forget her you two, she's not worth it.

Raze: Then why do I have a feeling we'll be seeing her again?

Dimitri: But if she does come back *summons his gauntlets* we'll be ready.

Jessica: *sees Dimitri in his dragon armor* Where did you get that armor from?

Dimitri: Dragon had it in him.

Raze: Well I think you look tough in that armor.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Then the armor on him vanished as Dimitri looked at Jess and smiled while blushing with his gem glowing.

Raze: Dude, your gem is glowing again.

Dimitri: It is? *sees his gem glowing*

Hal: Why is it even doing that?

Dimitri: It's reacting to my emotions.

Raze: And it's glowing because you are in love.

Dimitri: What?! Of course not... maybe a little bit.

Dimitri then looked at jess as he then smiled at her knowing that he was in love.

And done

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