Mating season

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We see Carmelita and Dimitri making large cages as Babs and Diana saw them

Babs: Hey guys what's up?

Diana: And why are you both making large cages?

Carmelita: Remember when Dimitri told you guys about our mating season?

Babs: Yeah.

Dimitri: Well in just a few hours the savage sides of us come out.

Carmelita: So we're making these cages to keep us from getting to Ashton and Jessica.

Babs: So that's why we saw Ashton hiding in his secret area.

Diana: And why Jess has kept herself in her room in solitude.

Babs gets a text on her phone from Jessica and Ashton

Babs: *reads the text* And you'll never find us!

Dimitri: *checks the watch* Well we better get in the cages.

Carmelita: And promise us this, no matter what we say or how much we beg YOU WILL NOT LET US OUT!

Babs: We promise

Diana: Farewell Babs. You are on guard duty.

Babs: Ok... Wait what?!

We later see Dimitri balled up in a corner rocking himself as Carmelita was shaking her cage trying to get out

Carmelita: LET ME OUT!

Babs: Sorry, but I'm under direct orders not to.


Babs: Sorry, but I can't let you out no matter what you say or how much you beg, you said so yourself.

Carmelita stopped shaking her cage as both cages fell silent. Eerily silent.

Babs: Maybe you guys want to talk this out? Guys?

Babs walked to the cages and saw they weren't in them.

Babs: They're gone! *opens the cages and walks in* Where did you guys go?

Then the cage door was shut closed as Babs turned and saw she was locked inside while Dimitri and Carmelita were outside the cage

Babs: Guys, can you open the cage?

Carmelita: No.

Dimitri: We have dates to find. Arrivederci!

Babs: But you'll never find them.

Carmelita: Dimitri if you may.

Dimitri then closed his eyes and used his sense of smell as he got the locations of Jessica and Ashton.

Dimitri: Got it. Ashton is in his mansion's panic room.

Carmelita: Thank you.

Dimitri: And Jessica is in her room.

Babs: Leave them alone!

Carmelita: We're sorry, but it's only our natural instinct. You will understand later. Bye!

They then left as Babs was locked in the cage.

Babs: Oh boy. I gotta warn them.

We go to Jessica as she was hiding in the closet in her room

Jessica: I am going to die. I am going to die. *gets a text from babs and reads it* They broke loose! Beware! Oh man I'm too young to die from *cough*

Then she heard footsteps as she then covered her mouth to stay quiet.

Dimitri: There's no point in hiding Jessica, I may not see you but I can smell you. Btw nice perfume.

Jessica: *gulps in fear*

Dimitri: Jess if you come out I'll give you scouts honor that I won't hurt you.

Jessica then looked through the keyhole and saw Dimitri's eye looking back at her

Dimitri: I see you.

Jessica then screamed as she locked the door and backed up to the wall.

Jessica: Try to get through that. *sees Dimitri unlocking the door as he held up a claw* Aw nuts.

Dimitri: I promise I'll be gentle.

Jessica: How do I know if you're telling the truth?

Dimitri: I have no fingers tied behind my back as I have flowers for you.

Jessica: Let me see.

Dimitri then showed Jessica his hands as she saw a bouquet of flowers in his hand

Jessica: Oh.

Dimitri: Jessica, I know that you are scared but to tell you the truth so am I

Jessica: Really?

Dimitri: Yes, I'm worried that I might hurt you if I do this. But no matter what I do I can't fight my own instincts.

Jessica: Oh. Well if this is what it'll take to satisfy your instincts, then I'll do it.

Dimitri: Really? But I might hurt you if we do it.

Jessica: It's a price I'm willing to pay. For you.

Dimitri: You sure? There's no going back from this.

Jessica: Like I said, it's a price I'm willing to pay. I just hope Ashton is protected.

We go to Ashton as he was hiding in his panic room as he got a text from babs saying Carmelita is coming for him as Ashton grabbed a pistol with a long silver barrel.

Ashton: Ok all I need now is tranquilizers *looks and sees he has no tranquilizers* Which of course is outside of the panic room.

Ashton opened the door and looked around to see if Carmelita was around.

Ashton: Ok gotta find the darts and i'm all set.

Ashton then started going through some of the drawers looking for the tranquilizers.

???: Are these what you're looking for?

Ashton turned and saw Carmelita as she was holding the box of tranquilizers in her hand.

Ashton: Stay back! I'll shoot!

Carmelita: Oh Ashy, you wouldn't shoot me would you?

Carmelita walks closer as Ashton cocks his pistol

Ashton: I mean it! Back off!

Carmelita: Oh Ashton you should know that you would never shoot your own girlfriend lest she...

She quickly charges at Ashton dodging his shot pinning his gun down her leg bringing her face to Ashton's

Carmelita: Makes you look like a chump.

Ashton: This isn't going to end well, isn't it?

Carmelita: You've been a bad boy. So no it isn't.

Ashton: Have mercy!

Carmelita: I think you need a little nap sweetie.

She then used the tranquilizers on Ashton making him fall asleep as she picked him up and held up his gun.

Carmelita: You won't be needing this my love.

She then walked to Ashton's room and locked the door as Ashton woke up and noticed he was tied to the bed and saw Carmelita with a smirk on her face.

Ashton: I'm totally screwed!

Carmelita: In more ways than one.

Ashton: Mommy. *turns white in fear*

Carmelita: Mommy. That sounds very nice. Let's get started on that right now.

Ashton: That wasn't what I meant. Wait!

Carmelita then tackled Ashton as we go to sweet justice as Ashton limps inside using a cane to keep himself upright

Kara: You alright dude?

Ashton: Do I look alright? I have claw marks on my face, hands, bite marks on my neck, and I'm walking with a cane! How do you think I am!?

Zee: I hope Jessica is ok, I can only imagine the things Dimitri is doing to her.

Jessica: Someone mention me?

The others turned and saw Jessica with Dimitri.

Zee: Jessica, your ok.

Ashton: Some people have all the luck.

Babs: What happened Jess, we thought you were gonna end up in the same fate Ashton had.

Jessica: Well it turns out Dimitri was somewhat in control of his instincts.

Kara: So he was able to stop himself?

Jessica: Well no, I allowed him to continue

Zee: What?!

Jessica: I know it seemed it wasn't a wise choice but it was a price I was willing to pay.


Ashton put his hood down revealing the marks to the group

Zee: Oh my.

Jessica: It doesn't look too bad.

Ashton: Easy for you to say. I'll have to take medicine to get rid of these!

Babs: Well look at the bright side, at least their mating season is over.

Ashton: I guess. Now I'm forever ugly because of these.

Zee: Come on Ashton, they'll go away in time.

Kara: Here's a question, did Dimitri and Carmelita use, oh I don't know, oh yeah protection!?

Ashton: I tried but she wouldn't listen. She didn't listen! She just wouldn't stop!

Jessica: Well we didn't but it shouldn't be a problem.

???: What shouldn't be a problem?

Everyone turned and saw Carmelita standing there causing Ashton to scream in fear

Ashton: Get away from me!

Zee: You do realize mating season is over right?

Ashton: She still scares me!

Carmelita: Ashton I'm sorry for what I did, honest. And Jess what was it you were saying wasn't a problem?

Jessica: I was just saying that me having a baby this early is unlikely.

Carmelita: Well the opposite can be said for me. Because I am having one.

Ashton: *gulps* Uh oh.

Zee: Uh quick question, how does a beastman baby even happen?

Carmelita: Well the baby would be born more human looking but with traits of the animal like ears or a tail.

Dimitri: But once they get older they'll be able to learn how to control switching to human and beastman.

Jessica: But what happens if a human and beastman have a baby?

Carmelita: We honestly have no idea this will be the first one.

Kara: But Jess, what makes you sure that you aren't you know?

Jessica: Well, I'm going to take a test later to be double sure.

Babs: But Jess if there's a chance that you are you know, that means you can't do any hero work.

Jessica: Babs, it's like I said it's a price that I'm willing to pay.

Carmelita: Same here.

Ashton: Shh. I hear something.

Ashton's ears prick up hearing a woman screaming

Ashton: I'll be right back. And I'm going alone.

Dimitri: Alright. Be careful.

Ashton got up and limped outside and walked to a nearby alley where a group of men were surrounding a pink bunny woman

Ashton: Hey! Pick on someone your own size!

Goon: What like you?

Ashton: I may be walking with a cane it doesn't mean I don't know how to defend myself

The goons then came at Ashton as he then used the cane as a weapon as he knocked out all the goons as he came to the woman.

Ashton: You ok? And by the looks of it, you're a beastman as well?

Lexi: Yeah I'm Lexi by the way. And if it isn't too much trouble what happened to you?

Ashton: Long story. Hey, would you like some ice cream? My treat?

Lexi: Sure. But how do you know about Beastmen?

Ashton: I have a few friends who are beastmen and one of them is someone you might have heard of. Come on before my friends get worried.

they then went back to sweet justice as they came to the table.

Ashton: Sorry it took long, I had to help a beastman.

Lexi then looked at the girls and then saw Dimitri and gasped.

Lexi: I know you, you were that wolf that freed us!

Dimitri: Nice to see you too.

Kara: Wait, does every beastman that were once human know Dimitri?

Lexi: Yeah he saved us so why shouldn't we know him?

Kara: Good point.

Jessica: Quick question, how did you end up in the lab where Dimitri was?

Lexi: Well all I can remember was that these people came to me and gave me an offer to be part of an experiment that will change the world and when I refused they sprayed me with knockout gas and when I came to well you can guess what happened.

Dimitri: You were converted into a beastman.

Lexi clicks her tongue and points at Dimitri

Lexi: Bingo.

Zee: Did you see any others in the lab?

Lexi: Well I saw two girls with bat wings, three cats, and a scorpion.

Ashton: Those were the girls we met before.

Kara: But haven't you just tried changing to human to avoid drawing attention to yourself?

Lexi: I have tried I can't change back.

Carmelita: You don't think those people tried doing the same thing they did to me did they?

Dimitri: It's a possibility but to humans that became beastman, changing to human takes a lot of practice to master.

Ashton: Maybe Dimitri can teach you.

Lexi: Really he can help me change into a human?

Dimitri: Yes, I help you gain your freedom, I can help you with changing to your human form.

Ashton: If you ask me I don't see the point. I think you're pretty even like this.

Lexi: Oh, thanks. Not many people call me pretty.

Ashton: Well it's true. I just wish the same could be said for me.

Zee: Ashton, they'll go away in time.

Lexi: You can't be that scary looking right now anyway.

Ashton: They may go away in time, but they still hurt like nobody's business.

Lexi: What happened?

Ashton: Ask Carmelita.

Carmelita: Well I might have gone a bit overboard during mating season.

Ashton: *cough* Understatement! *cough*

Carmelita: I said I was sorry!

Ashton: I know. It still hurt though.

Jessica: It'll go away in time Ashton.

Ashton: Easy for you to say, Dimitri didn't scratch you up during mating season, or turn your face into sliced deli meat.

Carmelita: Come on Ashton, I'm sorry for what i did and I'll try to make it up to you.

Ashton: Alright, and Jess sorry for my rude comments.

Jessica: It's ok. And that Deli meat one was extremely rude because of the fact I'm a vegan.

Ashton: I know. I'm sorry.

Kara: But Jess when will you use the test to be sure that if you're not you know?

Jessica: In a few hours.

Kara: Ok.

Lexi: Wait, you think she might actually be pregnant after just one time?

Ashton: Carmelita is for sure.

Jessica: I'm just going to use it to be sure I'm not.

Lexi: I was given mind reading powers by those scientists I can check for you if I'm not being intrusive.

Jessica: No not at all.

Kara: Wait, those scientists were trying to make super beastmen?

Lexi: Kinda. They wanted to see if beastmen could be given powers and I was one of only six successful test subjects

Ashton: Six? Where are the other five then?

Lexi: They vanished as soon as Dimitri let us out.

Zee: So they could be anywhere?

Lexi: I guess. And now let me do my thing.

Lexi's eyes glowed pink as she placed her hand on Jessica's stomach as she smiled

Lexi: Congratulations Mommy.

Jessica: Wait, so I'm actually pregnant?

Lexi: Twins.

Babs: That means Jessica can't do any hero things since she's pregnant.

Lexi: No she can do hero stuff until she's more along with her pregnancy

Babs: Oh.

Carmelita: Same goes for me.

Kara: So now we have to do hero stuff while Jessica is having a beastman baby?

Lexi: Twins to be exact.

Kara: My bad. Twin beastmen babies

Jessica: But what are my moms going to think when they find out I'm pregnant?

???: Well we're slightly disappointed in you.

Jessica turned and saw two women.

Jessica: Moms! What are you both doing here?

Mrs. Cruz: We wanted to see why this place was so popular and decided to check it out but when we got here we found out about this.

Jessica: Mom, I can explain.

Ms. Cruz: Young lady, you are grounded. Until the babies are born.

Jessica: What?

Mrs. Cruz: Jessica, what were you thinking? Not telling us we were gonna be grandparents.

Jessica: I was worried about you disowning me.

Ms. Cruz: We would never do that.

Ashton: Hey I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom.

Lexi: Let me help you. You must still be hurt.

Ashton: Thank you.

Ashton and Lexi both got up from the table and headed towards the restrooms when they heard a scream and crash

Ashton: That doesn't sound good

Lexi: Let's check it out someone might be hurt.

They both went to where the scream and crash came from and saw a young man in a purple and black outfit with a lightning bolt on his chest

Ashton: Hey dude you ok?

Lexi: What happened?

Static: I'm Static and I was fighting some of my worst enemies when they actually managed to beat me. I'm dying.

Ashton: We can get you to a hospital.

As Ashton reaches for Static's hand Static shocked him and soon drew his last breath and launching Ashton into a wall as electricity sparked around him

Lexi: Ashton are you ok?

Ashton: I'm fine. Just got a little jolt is all. Is Static ok?

Lexi walked to Static and checked his pulse and felt nothing

Lexi: He's dead.

Ashton: Great, now what do we do?

Ashton then placed his hand on a lamppost as he then saw it light up.

Ashton: Did the lamp just turn on?

Lexi: Yeah.

Ashton then let go of it as he saw the electricity around his body.

Ashton: Hey, I'm a human generator. I wonder what else I can do?

Ashton then saw a trash can lid and charged with electricity sending him skyward

Ashton: WOOHOO!!!

Lexi: That is pretty sweet but should we head back to the others?

Ashton: That's a good idea.

They both headed back to sweet justice as they saw the others.

Ashton: What did we miss?

Carmelita: Just Jess getting the scolding of a lifetime.

Lexi: It was because they found out Jessica is pregnant isn't it?

Kara: Yup.

Jessica: But we managed to work out a deal.

Ashton: Which is?

Jessica: I'm grounded until the babies are born.

Ashton: I remember now.

???: Everyone on the ground now and no one gets burned!

They turned and saw a man with no face and another with fire like hair

Fireman: Just give us Static and we'll be on our merry way.

Ashton: Maybe I can help hothead.

Ashton covered his fist in electricity sending the fire man flying

Carmelita: Did Ashton just?

Lexi: It's a long story.

Shadowman: You're gonna pay for that punk!

Dimitri: I'm afraid you're mistaken, he isn't the one who will pay.

Ashton: I got this Dimitri. Just sit tight.

Dimitri: Alright.

Ashton: Let's take this outside spooky.

Ashton then came at the shadowman and sent him outside of Sweet Justice.

Shadowman: Hotstreak get him!

Ashton turned and saw the fireman coming at him as Ashton was sent crashing outside Sweet Justice as well as the others watched as Ashton turned to the shadow man and a saw blade flew by him cutting his arm off as he saw it.

Ashton: Hey!

Then his severed arm began to make a stream of electricity as it reattached itself to Ashton's body.

Ashton: I can reattach my body parts with electricity? Awesome!

Dimitri: Gives it a whole new meaning to "pull yourself together."

Ashton then saw a fire hydrant and looked at Hotstreak.

Ashton: Time to put you out!

Ashton then used an electric blast at the hydrant making water come out as he used a trash can lid and aimed the water at Hotstreak dowsing his flames out.

Ashton: One down, one more to go.

Ashton then saw lamp posts and used the electricity to power them and aimed the lights at Ebon causing him to scream in pain

Ebon: Next time you won't be so lucky!

He then vanished in the shadows as Ashton came back to the others.

Carmelita: Start talking. Now.

Ashton: Ok, long story short, I met static shock and at his dying breath he gave me his powers.

Kara: So you're the new Static Shock?

Ashton: Yeah.

Babs: Come on we gotta get you some gear.

Ashton: Ok.

Babs then grabbed Ashton by the arm and ran off fast towards the mall.

Lexi: Should we follow them?

Kara: Uh yeah!

The others then started to follow Babs as Dimitri looked at Jessica.

Dimitri: We're actually going to be parents.

Jessica: Yeah, parenthood is a big price, but it's one I'm willing to pay.

Dimitri: Then we will do what it takes for us *places his hand on Jessica's stomach* and our children will grow up loved.

Jessica: Yeah I want our kids to have a good future.

Dimitri: And they will.

They were seen walking together as they were both holding hands.

And done!

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