Chapter 10

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Has they finish eating they head to a very open area so ash could summon his Pokémon

Ash:I feel like there's more to the hole showing my Pokémon thing
Kukui:Sharp eye well you see in alola there not that many Pokémon so this is for them to learn more and don't forget that Lillie has a fear of Pokémon
Lillie:I do not
Ash:Then of about you touch my most nicest Pokémon to see if that help
Ash:Well here we go every one come out

Has all his Pokémon including the Tauros appear

Ash:Well guys what do you think
Sophocles:You have so many and how many Tauros are there
Kiewai:Ash were are you fire types
Ash:Oh fire boys get over here

Has the fire type Pokémon:Charizard,Typlosion,Torkoal,Infernape, Emboar and Talonflame appear

Kiewai:WOW a Typlosion
Ash:I see you really like fire types how about you bring out your so they can meet mine but don't bring out your charizard
Ash:Charizard has a habit of fighting any one of his kind or a dragon type
Kiewai:Oh okay Turnator and Marowak come out

Has his two fire types appear

Ash:WOW this is a weird looking Marowak
Kiewai:Oh this is and Alola form Marowak it's actually a fire and ghost type

Has he then sees Lana with his water types and Mallow with his grass types

Ash:You two really got attached to does guys

Has Snivy,Leavanny and Bayleef go to there trainer and nuzzle him

Mallow:WOW Ash Bayleef,Servine and Leavanny really like you
Ash:You could say that and speak of Leavanny can you come with me you two can accompany if you want

Has the four of them go to we're Lillie was

Ash:Lillie this is Leavanny she is the nicest Pokémon I have but strong and she is one of the Pokémon I can trust a lot so you can trust her

Has she extended her arm she felt hesitant but then Ash grab her hand

Ash:Don't be afraid and believe in yourself

Has she gets closer and touches Leavanny head

Ash:Was that so hard
Lillie:WOW thanks Ash
Ash:Your welcome thanks Leavanny
Leavanny:Your welcome I'm happy to help
Ash:I know you do now guys let's go back with the others

Has they head back.The day started to end and Ash was with kukui and was going to his house has they arrive they open a door to see Kukui wife

???:Oh honey your back and you brought company
Kukui:Hey Ash this is my wife and also a researcher Professor Burnet
Ash:Oh hello there
Burnet:Hello make your selves had home
Ash:Actually I came to talk to Professor kukui and then I'll leave sorry

Has they go down in kukui's lab area

Kukui:Sow Ash what's the problem having thought about the school
Ash:You could say that
Kukui:Whats up
Ash:You see I have traveled thru many region,faced strong trainers and survive a lot of things that could kill me he knows he almost kill ones
Mewtwo:Hey I already said I'm sorry
Kukui:And so
Ash:You see kukui Pokémon school seen like a nice plays and I could learn actually but I think I have had to much experience out side of school that I think I'm gonna stay until next moth
Kukui:WOW really
Ash:Forgive I thank you guys but I think I might do does island challenges and journey thru the islands finding new z-crystals and making my Pokémon strong
Kukui:Well okay but you should also tell principal oak
Ash:Yeah don't worry I will but don't tell the others until I'm gone
Kukui:Well but promise me this when you go to the other islands tell me so I can give you a ticket so you can go by boat and I will also tell the kahunas your going
Ash:Deal but I think I'll challenge the Kahuna here ones I'm done
Kukui:Okay but before you leave take this three with you

Has three Pokémon appear out of there pokeballs and they were Trumbeak,Jangmo-o and Lurantis

Ash:WOW they look nice Hi there my name is Ash Ketchum nice to meet you
Trumbeak:Hello there
Jangmo-o:Hello there are you gonna be are trainer

Ash smiled had Lurantis and then she starts blushing

Lurantis blushing:Hello there Ash
Kukui:You see there trainers abandon them and I have been looking for a trainer that can give them the kindness and love that they deserve
Ash:Sounds okay so do three wish to join me
Trumbeak:You seem pretty nice and I think you might be the trainer we have been looking for
Jangmo-o:Same here
Lurantis Blushing:Sure I'll join you
Ash:Sounds good
Kukui:Great here are there pokeballs

Has he hands him the pokeballs

Ash:Well thanks Proffesor have a good night
Kukui:Good night you Ash
Burnet:You be careful

Has he leaves back he then gets out his Pokémon sow he can introduce themselves to the new ones

Ash:Well guys let's give a warm welcome to are new family members Jangmo-o,Trumbeak and Lurantis
The three of them:Hello there
The rest of them:Hi

Has they all got along with Trumbeak

Trumbeak:So you were all captured by ash and have reached your final stage in evolution
Pidgeot:Yes I was the first
Noctowl:I'm the second
Swellow:I'm the third one
Staraptor:The fourth one
Unfezant:The fifth one
Talonflame:And I'm the six one and it's good to see another flying type of another region in are group we welcome you with open arms
Trumbeak:That's nice

With Jangmo-o

Jangmo-o:so are you guys the only Dragon type Pokémon Ash caught
Noivern:Well there is brother Goodra but he is still in Kalos
Gabite:But for now it's just the 3 of us just can't wait to see your final evolution

With Lurantis who decided to stay close to Ash has you can see she has a crush on Ash but it's shy then the grass types cane close to her

Bulbasuar:Hello there don't be shy we are friends
Ash:He is right Lurantis don't be shy they are friends

After a few minutes she got along with the grass types then she had a conversation with the female grass types

Bayleef:So do you also have a crush on him like us
Lurantis:Well you could say that wait why did you say us
Servine:Well you see me,Bayleef,Leavanny,Unfezant,Newtwo and Pidgeot have also a crush on are trainer and now that he can understand us it will be embarrassing to tell him all had the same time
Lurantis:Oh them how about in a specific point we ask him all together but that just when he is alone
Bayleef:For being the new girl it is kinda weird
Servine:Don't be but you have a point later will tell the other girls

Has then they all decided to sleep

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