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A week has pass, Mew and Gulf almost finish their assignment. And as always Mew will eat dinner at Gulf place, since the boy keep asking him too. And Mew got no choice except to agree.

"Gulf!!!!" A sudden scream calling for Gulf make everyone turn their head around. A tall guy walk in and spread his arm. Gulf smile and hug the tall guy.

Mew put his spoon down and look at the scene infront of him with a poker face.

"Hi, I'm Earth. And you are?" The guy ask looking straight at Mew with a smile on his face.

"Mew. Gulf, sorry I have to go. "Mew stand up, grab his bagpack and his helmet and walk out from the house. He hate akward situation, and he feels like that if he didn't leave, its gonna be more akward.

But still, he kinda feel something when he saw Gulf hug the other guy. And Mew have to admit the feeling.


He start to like Gulf since middle school. Yes they go to the same middle school but Gulf doesn't remember him. On the day he bumped into Gulf. He actually was mad at the other person. It just when Gulf mention about money, he become furious. Since the guy seem to easily talk about money while he has a problem with it.

He know its not Gulf fault. It just when thing start to happen,he just go along with it. The moment he saw Gulf name as his partner,Mew think that this is the best way for him to be with Gulf.

But the guy that come to Gulf house just now make Mew uncomfortable. But he doesn't want to assume anything. So he just left.

The next morning, the moment Mew arrived at the university he saw Gulf come out of the car and the driver is the guy from yesterday.

"Mew, this is yours right? you left it in my room." Gulf hand the book to Mew with a smile on his face.

"Thanks." Mew grab the book and walk away. Gulf is left dumbfounded. A week knowing the guy, Mew doesn't seem bad in Gulf eyes. But now he see a new side of Mew. Those eyes look scary.

Gulf sigh and ruffle his hair slowly. He walk toward class with a heavy heart.


"Today is the last day right?" Mew ask without looking at Gulf. He lay down on Gulf bed whilst playing with his phone.

"Ermm, Yes." Gulf pulled out his ipad from his bag, and sit beside Mew. He look at the guy, trying to control himself from smiling. But he fail.

"You look stupid."

"Huh?" Gulf eyes wander around as he slap himself in the mind. 'you idiot,Gulf.'

"Stop looking at me. I know you always look at m-..."

"Gulf, where is my ph- Oh hi there. Mew right? Are you guys doing some school work?" Earth suddenly open the door making Mew put his phone down and just look at the guy. And he is shirtless too.

"Yes, so could you please close the door back P'Earth." Gulf get off the bed and grab a phone on the table before walk toward the guy and hand him the phone.

"Thanks baby, now enjoy your time okay." Earth pat Gulf head before step out of the room.

"STOP CALLING ME BABY!" Gulf close the door and walk toward Mew again.

"Who is he actually are?" Mew ask, and this time his eyes look straight at Gulf eyes. Gulf suddenly feels the chill along his spine. Mew kinda look scary right now.

"My older brother." Gulf sit on the bed.




"You sure?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I'm sure. He is my flesh and blood. I have one older brother and one sister. "

"Aren't your brother supposed to be at Japan right now?" Mew said looking confused.

"That is not my brother, that is my brother in law. My brother's husband. Ehh Wait, how do you know about he go to Japan.?" Gulf raise his left brow.

"Ohh, I heard someone said that your brother is in Japan."

"Nah, they may have mistaken him for my brother in law. Well because I kinda more close to my brother inlaw instead of my own brother."

Another silent moment. A minute pass with no one say anything. Gulf close his eyes and take a deep breath.

"I like you. No, I love you , Mew." Gulf decide to break the silent and confess to Mew what he feels.

Mew is speechless as he heard that. He sure he heard that right.

"Yes, you heard that. I love you. Since the first time I saw you. And we always in the bad term from that first meeting. I know that it a one sided love. But I think this is the right time to tell you. Its has been 2 years Mew. I'm sorry if this will make you mad. But at least I alrea- hmmpph..."

Gulf eyes enlarged as Mew suddenly cup his face and kiss him. Gulf body stiff by the sudden action. But Mew, he move his lips slowly, savouring the taste of Gulf lips.

Gulf close his eyes , his body and mind are giving up. He follow Mew rhythm. And when the kiss break Gulf realize that he already on his bed.

"Shit.." Mew sigh and look at Gulf. "This is your fault." And again their lips met. Only the moon and the star witness of what happen in the room.

yes I draw the fanart..😉

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