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Mew throw all his cloth from his bag ontop of the bed. He is looking for his phone.

"Damn it, I've must leave it at my house.What I'm supposed to do now.Idiot." He slap his own forehead and throw himself on the piles of cloths on his bed.

"Now I don't know how to contact him. You fucking idiot. You should have remember his phone number." Mew roll on his bed as he scream in his head.


Two day has pass and Gulf still doesn't heard from Mew. So he decide to go and ask Mew friend about where he is. In case they know about him.

"Mew?? Ohh, he at his parents house. Its kinda far from here. We usually take about 6-7 hours to go there from here." Gulf nod his head and look at Mew friend.

"How do you guys know where he is?" Gulf ask just to make sure.

"Well, I heard from our friend that stay at Mew house area. He said he saw Mew go back to his parents house."Kae said as he look at his phone. Then show Gulf the text message from his friend.

"Bring me to him. Now." All of Mew friend (Lhong, Kae,Dawn) look at Gulf as he is a crazy person.

"Oii we can't, our professor gonna kill us if we skip classes." Dawn make an big 'X' using his hands. Whilst Lhong and Kae nod their head.

"Don't worry about the professor. I'll take care about that. You guys just need to take me to him. About cars, food, basically everything, I'll handle it." Gulf said assure the three.

They all look at each other with a smile. "People with money are indeed different. If you say so, then deal. We'll meet infront of the gate at 4pm sharp." Gulf nod his head and walk away.


"Any of you know how to drive a car?." Gulf ask as they all stand infront of him. "My driver can't drive us today, he kinda sick. And I can't drive. So?"

"Well, we all can drive. " Lhong said and smile. "Let just take turn guys." Dawn and Kae nod their head.

Gulf just shut his lips tight on the road. Only those three been talking nonstop.

"Btw Gulf, Why you suddenly want to meet Mew? I thought you guys hate each other." Lhong ask and look at Gulf thru the side mirror.

"There something I need to ask him. And I can't wait till he come back. Cause I don't know when. " Gulf look at the road and sigh.


"Son, your friend are here. Wake up please." Mew open his eyes hearing his mom voice. 

"Who?" He ask as he grab his sleeveless shirt that hang behind the door. "Ask whoever that is to wait for a while. I need to wash my face first." He walk toward the bathroom and brush his teeth before wash his face.

Approximately 5 minute,he make his way to the living room. Wearing just boxer and his sleeveless shirt.

"Oii, Dawn! What are you doing here? Don't  you have class?" Mew smile as he saw his friend. He walk toward the guy who stand up and smile brightly.

"Haha, We miss you so we come.Beside theres someone outside want to meet you."

"Who?" Dawn just make a signal to Mew that he can go and see it for himself.

The tall guy walk toward the front door and saw his other friend. "Guys, do you miss me that much huh?" They all laugh as they hug each other.

"You wish.. Its not us who want to meet you idiot. Its the rich kid."Mew furrow his brows.

"Rich kid? Who?" Mew scratch his head as he think. After a few second his face change from confused to shock.

"GULF!!??" he look at his friend to confirm it and they all just nod their head. Mew eyes wander around, but doesn't saw Gulf anywhere.

"He at the car, he left his phone. So he go bac-  Awwww...." Lhong didn't get to finish what he want to say, because Mew just run away leaving his friends.

He stop running the moment he saw Gulf closing the car door. He take a deep breath and walk toward the other.

Without waiting for a second, he backhug Gulf and place his chin on Gulf shoulder. He know that he miss that guy so bad.

Gulf feels shocked with the sudden hug, but the moment he saw the bracelet around the arm that wrap around his waist. He can't help but to smile.

Both of them miss each other. No one say anything, but the touch of each other enough to tell how they feels of each other.

"I'm sorry, I accidently leave my phone. So I can't call or text you." Mew said as he slowly release the hug and turn Gulf body to make guy look at him.

"Mew, do you regret of what happened that day?" Gulf look at his phone. He doesn't want to look at Mew face yet. He scared that the guy infront of him. Mighy jave a little bit of regret in him.

"Gulf, look at me. I actually like you for a long time now. I scared to admit it a first. I never like a guy. It just new to me. I realized that it hard to control my feeling whenever I'm near you. I get jaelous, mad whenever I saw somebody try to talk to you. And bout that night, there is no such thing as regret. I feel happy, the moment I saw your face when I woke up. I knew that I love you so much. And nothing can change that. I promise you." Mew hands cup Gulf face try to assure him, and make he look at Mew.

Without realize Gulf tears fall on his cheeks. He wrap his arms around Mew neck and hug him. Mew smile as he place his arms around Gulf waist.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you past this years. I try hard to hide my feeling. But I guess I failed. " Mew laugh after he peck on Gulf neck. "And yeah, about the pairing of our assignment. I didn't ask anyone for a change. Cause I want to be with you. Selfish right?" Gulf nod his head and giggles.

"I love you Mew."

Gulf look right into Mew eyes with a smile on his face. Mew smirk and lift Gulf up.

"I love you more Gulf Kanawut."


Thank you for reading, and supporting this.. But sadly this chapter is the end of this short story😌😊❤🙏😭


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