Luka Min

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"Don't you want to play a game...?"

(Name, Nickname, Villain Name)

"Tch, why do you care?"

Entire Name: Luka Chika Min.

Nickname(s): Witch (Everybody and/or anybody in the league)

Villain Name: The Villainic Mage - Chaos! (Let me know if you have another idea for her villain name! This is just what a friend of mine came up with, but I might change it if something better comes along.)

~ ~ ~

(Age and Birthday/Birthdate)

"Old enough to beat your [beep]!"

Age: 24.

Birthday: September 18th.

Year of Birth: 1994.

~ ~ ~


"What? Are you blind or somethin'?!"

Height: 5'4.5''

Eye Color: The female's left eye is white, her being blind in it. Meanwhile, her right is an airforce blue (That is an actual color, I'm not being weird with it-).

There is a scar that sits horizontally over her left eye. It reaches an inch down from her eye and an inch above her eye.

Hair Color: Light Auburn.

Length: Luka's hair reaches her lower jaw bone. It's short, straight, yet on both sides her hair curves in and just below her jaw.

Skin color: Luka is lightly tanned.

~ ~ ~

(Occupation, Gender, Sexuality, and Hobbies)

"Why do you need to know this?"

Occupation: She's a part of the league, but she also has an actual job. Luka is a barista at a coffee shop!

Gender: Luka is female.

Sexuality: Straight.

Hobbies: Luka enjoys her spell casting, practicing whenever she can. Something else she does is play the acoustic guitar, though it is rare for her to do this. When she does this, she is most probably upset or using this to get her emotions out.

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(Personality, Negative Traits, Positive Traits)

"My personality? If you haven't noticed, I've got loads of it!"

Personality: Luka can seem cocky at times, but once you get to know her, she stops acting that way. Luka is a misunderstood female, seemingly happy when what is underneath is rage and sadness. This sadness at times leads her to a 'depressive' mood. Although she carries rage and sadness, she's actually rather smart. It takes time to earn her trust, and sometimes someone must do something that will make them gain it from her. Luka is normally cautious of her decisions and thinks things through. Fear has struck her before, yes, but she always collects her bravery and gets back up again.

Negative Traits: Her rage and sadness. (This is technically negative... Right? Now I'm doubting myself... Move on!)

Positive traits: Her bravery, intelligence, and (To some people) her kindness.

~ ~ ~

(Fears, Likes, and Dislikes)

"Why do you want to know all that?"

Fears: Her number one fear is betrayal. (The reason will be given away in the backstory). Other fears she has are... death, spiders (creepy-crawlies), watching those she cares for suffering (that was her second fear, actually), and drowning to death.

Likes: Music, guitar, using her quirk, being herself, causing chaos (That's where she got her villain name from) and well... villaining about. ('Villaining about' sound weird, no? Just me? Mkay.)

Dislikes: Cruel criticism, Shigaraki (She thinks he's paranoid to the point it freaks her out), being caught playing the guitar (Though I wouldn't mind this happening in roleplay-), people bringing up her past, and being called rude things. (Being called a Witch isn't offensive to her because she believes her quirk gives off that vibe).

~ ~ ~


"That's none of your business!"


As a young girl, Luka absolutely loved music. Her favorite instrument became the guitar and her parents had signed her up for lessons. The female spent all her free time practicing and getting better until she no longer required lessons. She played the instrument for fun and wrote random little songs. As she grew up, she started making more and more sense with her songs and played meaningful ones. Kids made fun of her for her love for music and her being quirkless. The one insult that haunts her to this day is her being a freak.

Luka received her quirk just when she was fifteen, nine years ago. Though, when it was decided she had earned the quirk her father had, she wishes she didn't. Her father was the carrier of this quirk and had to pass it on to her. Unlike how One for All is traded down, it was painful. The reason she's blind in her left eye is that her father had to do so. Fear was something a person had to feel when this quirk was to be passed down and that was pumping through Luka's veins. In the passing of this quirk, the user that is passing the quirk on must allow some of their blood to drip onto the other person's. And so, that happened and left Luka with a path change. No-one stopped her father from doing that, why should she bother saving others? Luka's path shifted from becoming a hero into her becoming a villain. Of course, she decided this in the future, not at that very moment.

Luka knew better than anyone what betrayal meant and it stung. Music did help her get over it but... She now had trust issues and didn't grow close to almost anyone. She didn't commit petty crimes to start, she went straight for what she needed to go for: Her father. Though her father no longer had a quirk, she wanted her revenge. She was betrayed by him and he had it coming, or at least she thought so. The female didn't kill him, but she struck regret into her father. She was only nineteen when she did that.

As she continued on her journey in becoming a villain, she did stumble into trouble. Somehow, the League ran into her when she stumbled into it though. The female was alone fighting two heroes and was almost caught when one of the league members stepped in to help. Luka became rather good friends with Toga and after proving she was capable of fighting, she was allowed to become a part of the league.

Luka continues her life today as a league member, standing tall and proud. Though at times she falls into her 'depressive' moods, she gets through it with the help of music. She balances her 'normal' life and her villain life the best she can. Luka pushes through life the best she can.

"No matter what blocks my path, I will get passed it."

~ ~ ~

(Quirk, Drawback(s), Quirk Overusage, Villain Outfit, and Other Outfits)

"You're nosy."

Quirk: Mage.
This quirk allows the user to cast spells that come from a book that is created once her quirk is passed down to them. This quirk allows her a maximum of 5 not OP, but effective spells.

Quirk Drawback: With each spell she casts, some of her energy is drained, but not sufficient to make her pass out.

Quirk Overusage: Overusage leads to a severe drain of energy that can and will make her pass out.

Villain Outfit: (Imma just place the link here. I can't upload the image and I'm bad at describing stuff.) 
(It's that but without the cape, heh.) Along with that, she wears colored contacts that make her eye color look black. She wears a mask that covers her mouth. The mask is just black.

Other Outfits:

Outfit One- Her casual clothes are normally a pair of high rise jeans and a hoodie style crop top. She then wears either a pair of tennis shoes or some knee-high boots.

Outfit Two- Her barista uniform. (It's basically like a Starbucks uniform.)

Outfit Three- Formal outfit. (Link again, sorry!)

~ ~ ~

(Parents, Siblings, Friends, Relationship status, Crush/Love Interest, Enemy/Enemies)

"I'm not telling you. We don't even know each other."

Mother- Ruri Lii
Father- Kyo Lin

Siblings: None.

Friends: Basically the people in the league (Even though she dislikes Shigaraki, he's still a 'friend'.). She doesn't trust anyone outside of the league.

Relationship Status: Single.

Crush/Love Interest: N/A (Any ideas for this?)

Enemy/Enemies: Heroes, her father, and the Heroes in Training.

~ ~ ~


"What do you mean by stats? Would you screw off already?!"

Intelligence: 4/5

Speed: 2/5

Will to act/Bravery: 3.5/5

How trustworthy: (To random people or enemies) 2/5, (To her friends) 4.5/5

Cooperativeness: (To her enemies) 0/5, (To her friends) 5/5

Strength: 2/5

How attractive: 3.2/5

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