Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in the village. Children playing, adults working, and teenagers getting into trouble. The teens of the village wish for exploring, to see what lies beyond. But the only thing stopping them is the Forbidden Forest. The forest held creatures of myth and legend, many who went in rarely come out with their sanity. But some such as one young boy thought that there was more than appearance.

"You kids are going to get yourselves killed and I won't be held responsible for when it happens." Aizawa a.k.a. EraserHead was sort of a guard of the village, but he would usually be seen taking a nap in his iconic yellow sleeping bag. He had long, black hair along with huge eye bags making it look like he hasn't slept in days. Who he's talking to are the infamous nicknamed "Class 1-A" who are known for getting into trouble unintentionally.

"Sorry Sensei! We were only having lunch, when Bakugo made it an eating competition!" A tall, blue haired teen with glasses explained. "Actually it was Kirshima who started the contest and then Bakugo got mad since he lost and started chasing him." A tall girl with black hair in a ponytail added. "Momo and Iida are right. But we never meant to cause trouble." A girl with short brown hair and big brown eyes apologized.

Aizawa sighed while rubbing his forehead, "Look I know you kids are tired of this boring village, but you need to learn that this is for your own safety." He explained. The other kids nodded their heads but had annoyed expressions. "B-but maybe if we had-had a guide we could go into th-the forest?" A boy with messy green and black hair and big green eyes asked.

Izuku Midoriya is his name and despite being very shy, he always dreamed of exploring beyond his village. "OI! DEKU!" He jumped when he heard the name his childhood friend used, " Why do you think we need anyone as a guide!!? I don't need any weaklings!!!" An ash-blonde boy said and that boy is Katsuki Bakugo. "I-I'm just saying K-Kacchan! We don't know what's out there." Deku defended, stuttering a bit.

Before either could continue, Aizawa got between them holding Bakugo back, "Enough. You kids are giving me a headache. Alright look I don't make the rules around here. It's for your own safety. No matter how strong you think you are." He said. Everyone nodded their heads, "Alright I'm going to get some sleep. If I hear any of you cause another scene. I won't be too easy." He added with a scary look. "Yes Sir!" Everyone said.

With that the teens were left alone. "Alright! Who's up for some nighttime fun?" A boy with red spiky hair and pointy teeth said. "What?! Kirishima we can't risk that we'll be in major trouble!" Iida exclaimed, making a chopping motion with his hands. "We'll bring supplies. And come on you want to go into the forest as badly as the rest of us." A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt streak said. Iida admited defeat, he wanted to explore just as much as the others. (But he never admit it out loud for Denki to hear).

"It would be an experience and I can get us weapons to defend ourselves. Ribbit." A girl with long dark, green hair tied in a bow  at the end said, "That's a great idea Tsuyu!" "Thanks Ochako." Tsuyu thank the brown haired girl. "Alright anyone else?" Kirishima asked. "Count me in!" "You bet!" "Might as well." Mina, Hagakure, And Tokoyami said. Everyone else agreed.

"What about you Deku?" Ochako asked. "Oh of-of course!" Everyone decides to meet at midnight once everyone else was asleep. "We best be back before sunrise. Otherwise people will get suspicious. Ribbit." Tsuyu said. Deku looked at the frog-like girl, "Yeah we probably should my mom would have a heart attack if she found out I was in the forest." He said.

Time skip (Midnight)

Deku was waiting patiently. But deep down he was extremely nervous, because this will be his first time going outside the village. His home ever since he was little. Everyone else soon arrived and Iida and Momo started explaining, " Even though we don't know what's in the forest, it be best if we separate but also be in groups." Momo started.

"Provided by Asuii, the weapons we have are only made for self-defense only. So no whacking each other for whatever reason." Iida explained. Everyone was given one and after assigning who will be with who they ventured into the mysterious land.

Deku was with Ochako and Iida, being that the three were best friends. "Wow." Ochako said in awe. There were fireflies lighting the forest along with some unknown bugs. "These are unlike any species I've ever seen." Iida said, fixing his glasses. Deku got out his notebook and started writing down notes. A hobby he's had since he was a kid.

"I don't understand why this place would be considered dangerous. Look at these flowers!" Ochako exclaimed bending down to inspect some pretty purple flowers. "Uraraka! Keep your voice down we don't want to attract unwanted attention." Iida warns her. Ochako apologized and went back to admiring the beautiful plants.

Deku was too busy with the scenery and writing notes he didn't notice the little cliff he was about to fall down. Ochako notice but before she could warn him it was too late. "AH!" Deku screamed and started tumbling down. "Ow." He groaned. "Deku! Are you alright?" Ochacko yelled. "I-I'm fine!" Deku assures his friend. When he got up he found his notebook and put it in his bag, that miraculously stayed on during the fall.

But before he could find a way to climb up, he heard growling from behind him. His heart starts to beat fast. He slowly turned around only to be meant with a pair of glowing yellow eyes. "Okay, okay Izuku don't panic maybe if you stand really still it'll go away." He thought trying to reassure himself.

But then more pairs of eyes started appearing some green, some red. The creatures came out one by one and Deku was then being faced with six, large wolves. "The yellow eyed one is the biggest of the group. Most likely the leader." Deku thought, he feared that if he were to move they would pounce. But seeing no choice he reacted in either a brave or stupid act.

He started to run and the wolves started chasing him, "DEKU!!" Ochako screamed. She and Iida could only watch as their friend ran away from the beasts. "Uraraka we need to go get help!" Iida said. "But-" Before Ochako could say anything else Iida started to drag her away, to find help, "Your smart Midoriya. I know you'll find a way." He said to himself. Ochako looked back worried for her friend, "Please be okay Deku." She prayed.

Meanwhile, Deku was running like he never ran before. The wolves were gaining on him. He looked back, but he accidentally tripped over a stump and fell. He tried to get up, but he felt a pain in his ankle. "No! Not now!" He mentally curse to himself, he look and saw the wolves had surrounded him once again. He backed up until his back hit a tree. He was trapped and all he could do is stare into the eyes of the leader. "I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry mom." He said to himself feeling tears down his face.

The yellow eyed wolf charged at Deku, the boy closed his eyes, bracing for the impact. But it never came. He opened his eyes only to be greeted by the sight of the leader being pinned down by a humanoid figure(it was too dark so it was hard to tell what it was exactly). He heard another growl and saw one of the other wolves ready to strike. "Look Out!" He shouted. The figure turned its head towards the wolf and punched it in the nose.

Deku was astounded by its fast reflexes but he heard more growling and saw two wolves approach him. He reached into his bag to pull out the small mallet he equipped himself with. Using all the strength he had, he hit the closest wolf sending it back a bit. Before he could land one on the other, he felt a sharp pain in his right arm. The second wolf sank its teeth into his flesh. Deku yelped in pain and hit it on the head, forcing it to let go.

He look back and saw the humanoid lift the leader with amazing strength and toss it to the others, knocking them down. Deku was in awe of the figure, but he saw a wolf was ready to pounce on it. Fueled with adrenaline, he got up ignoring the pain in his ankle and arm and hit the wolf mid-jump before it could land on the figure.

The yellow-eyed leader got up, the mysterious figure let out a roar that Deku could swear made the earth quake a bit. The wolves seemed to have got the message and ran off leaving the two alone. With the wolves gone and adrenaline fading, Deku started to feel dizzy. He dropped his mallet and fell on the ground. The last thing he saw before passing out, was a pair of beautiful, blue eyes.

(Time skip) A Few Hours Later

Deku blinked his eyes open, "What happened?" He asked himself mentally. Before he could get up he heard a voice, "Oh you're awake that's good." Deku sat up, his eyes wide and looked around to see who he heard. He found himself in some cave and saw he was lying on some kind of bed made out of some cotton material, cushioned by leaves. "Whoa easy. You don't want to hurt yourself after getting a little mauled earlier." Deku looked to where the voice came from and froze. What he was looking at was a girl. She appeared to be around his age, she has long, shiny, semi-wild, brown hair tied up in a ponytail. Fair skin, a lean build, and appeared to be pretty tall, along with having some noticeable muscle. But she also is very curvy. Most noticeable at the hips and chest.

"Are you okay?" Deku looked up to be greeted by a beautiful, but soft face and the same blue eyes he saw before falling unconscious. He realized he'd been staring and his face reddened. "Ah! S-sorry I didn't mean to-to stare." He apologized and looked away. The girl giggled and walked up to him, "It's okay. Honestly it's the least of my concerns and I should probably get some new clothes. Ancient clothe is comfy and all, but I should've known a shorts and crop-top would be a little distracting." She said with a little humor in her voice.

Deku look back at her and noticed something unusual. A long striped, brown tail and cat-like ears on top of her head. The girl caught on and answered his thoughts, "Yes. I'm not completely human. But being a descendant of the Tiger Spirit has its perks." She explained. Deku was taken back. "You're a ha-half-blood?" He asked. The girl gave him a gentle smile, "Yes. I am."

The boy didn't know what to say. He heard of half-bloods and read about them, but meeting one is unlike anything he's ever thought of. While he was thinking he felt something. "Sorry. I know it's a little awkward but that's what to expect when you're a girl with quite a chest. Now don't move I'm changing your bandages." Deku look down to see the half-blood removing the wrapping on his arm.

Realizing what he was feeling he turned his face away, blushing madly. Once the bandages were removed, the girl dispose of them and got more. She returned to Deku and clean his injury with a wet clothe she prepared. Deku snuck another glance at her. He saw she had sharp claws but the way she was treating him, it didn't bother him at all. Deku realized he doesn't know her name and decided to ask her despite his nervousness, "Um what-what is y-your n-name?"

The girl looked at him with those eyes Deku couldn't stop looking at, "Jayori Cocora." She answered. Deku looked at her, "I-I'm I-Izuku Mi-Midoriya. But you can call me Deku." He said. Jayori put a finger on her chin, thinking a bit. "I like Izuku better." She states. Deku didn't know what to say. Only his mother called him by his first name. "O-okay Cocora-san." He said.

Jayori finished re-wrapping his arm and waved him off, "Please call me Jayori. I prefer that more." Deku nodded his head. Jayori started sniffing the air, "Oh! Stew is ready!" She went to a pot hanging above a fire and took the lid off. She got a bowl, that seemed to have been carved from some wood. She grabbed a wooden spoon and used it to pour some of the stew into the bowl. She then grabbed a smaller spoon and walked towards Deku.

She gave him the bowl, not wanting to be rude Deku accepted it. "Careful, it's a little hot." The half-blood warned. The broccoli-haired boy nod and blew on the stew a little, putting it into his mouth. His green eyes widen at the taste of the food. "Wow! This is amazing!" He exclaimed digging into the stew. Jayori giggles at his antics and thanked him.

After Deku finish his meal, Jayori took it and place it on a nearby table. "That was really good." Deku complimented, laying down on the bed. Jayori smiled, "Thanks. It's my own recipe. It's got some meat and veggies I found here in the forest." She said. Deku looked at her again, "Do you live here all by yourself?" He asked. "Yeah, but it's not too bad. Whenever I run low on stuff and can't find anything in the woods, I go to the village to get some and have some fun there too." The cat-looking girl explains.

This made the boy sit up again, "You've been to the village?! How come I've never seen you before? Can you hide your ears and tail to look more human?" Deku kept asking questions, until Jayori laid a hand on his knee cutting him off, "No, no, I mean the village within the forest. And no I can't hide my tail or ears, but I can grow and look more like a tiger." She explains.

Deku pauses, "A village? In the Forbidden-Forbidden Forest?" He asked. All his life he was told that the forest was a place that held terrible creatures and too dangerous for any being to live peacefully. But meeting Jayori and seeing how she's been so nice to him, maybe there's more to this enchanted land than meets the eye. "Yeah. When you're ankle is healed I'll take you there. Trust me the people who live there are very welcoming." She says with a smile.

He didn't know what to say, but he smiled and laid a hand on Jayori's, "Thank you, Jayori." He thanked her. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence. Green eyes looking into blue eyes. The half-blood's ears twitched a bit and got up. She went to the entrance of the cave and looked outside, "What's wrong?" Deku asked. Jayori looked back at him, "Oh, nothing big. Just some music playing in the village. To have a little fun." She explained.

Deku nodded his head, "Oh! I almost forgot." Jayori walked over to a little corner of the cave, "I believe this is yours." She said. Deku saw that she had his bag. She gave it to him. "I hope you didn't mind, but I read a few pages in your notebook. Really good stuff." She said. Deku took his bag and thanked her, "It's okay. And thanks."

But then a thought occurred to him, "Oh my gosh! My friends! They must be worried sick!" He started rambling. Jayori place her hands on Deku's face forcing him to look at her, "Hey, it's okay. I know it's scary, but as much as I love to meet other people. I'm afraid that if I were to reveal myself, the people in your village might try to attack the people living here in the forest." She said, finishing with a sad look.

Deku looked at her with a confused look, "What do you mean?" He asked. Jayori let go of his face and sat down, "Its a long story, but let's just say that a long time ago the creatures of this land had to go into hiding because," She pauses, her tail drooping a bit. "What?" Deku wanted to hear more and understand her reasoning as to why she won't let him find his friends. She looked back at him, "Because the settlers thought that due to their appearance and abilities, they were a danger. To protect future generations the creatures went into hiding. Some of them keep guard of the forest so that no other human will bring harm to them. But most of us think that humans can be trusted, but others think differently. And it has been a long time, so only time can tell." She finish with a sad look on her face.

Deku was speechless, all his life he was told that monsters terrified them and would not show mercy. But Jayori has been treating him with care and kindness, could it be that the people in his village have been wrong this whole time? He took one of Jayori's hands making her look at him, "Well, you saved me. I thought I was gonna die and never see my friends and mom again. But even though your not fully human, I don't care." He had a look of determination and continued, "I've always wanted to explore outside my village, and now meeting you, I want to understand more of this place. Even if it means staying away for a while, I want to understand your friends and the people here so that one day there will be no more hiding."

Jayori didn't know what to say. Instead she hugged him, surprising him a bit, "I think they are going to like you." She said her tail wagging a little. Deku didn't know what she meant, but for now he hugged her back. He didn't know why, but he felt warm and safe in her arms. After a while, they pulled away from each other, "Alright, I better check your ankle. Just lie down and relax." The cat girl said. Deku nodded and lays down.

While Jayori was busy treating his ankle, Deku got out his notebook and started writing down notes. "What are you writing Izuku?" Jayori asked. The green-eyed boy look at her with a blush, "Just some notes." He answered. Jayori nods and goes back to treating him. Unknown to her, Deku was drawing a half human, half tiger girl in his notes. He didn't know what was going to happen but it was gonna be exciting.

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