Chapter 3

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Deku was really nervous. Not only was he going to a village with mystical creatures, he was still holding hands with a beautiful, half-tiger spirit girl. Jayori didn't mind the slightest, in fact it felt comforting.

Deku was lost in his thoughts. He was a little scared to be going to a place filled with creatures thought to be dangerous. But he kept glancing at the half-blood and remember that maybe it wasn't true. "You okay Izuku?" Deku snap out of his thoughts and looks at the brunette. "What?" He asked dumbfounded. Jayori looks at him, "You were muttering." She says and giggles when his face became red, "Ah! S-Sorry. It's an old habit I haven't really dealt with much." He apologize.

Jayori smiles, "Heh. It's fine, but try to not do it too much on your first day to meeting the 'Mythical Creature Village', okay?" Deku stares at her, then gives her a closed-eye smile, "Thanks." He said. The half-blood looked forward to hide the blush on her face, "What is this boy doing to me?" She asks herself mentally.

They keep walking for a while until they spot some small buildings. Deku gets nervous but also excited. "Is that?" He asks. "Yes." Jayori answers, "Welcome to the village within the Forbidden Forest. Or what some call it 'The Hidden Village.'" The green-eyed boy and blue-eyed half-spirit stop just outside of the unknown town.

"Ready?" Deku turns his head to look at her. He nods his head and looks back at the village, determination in his eyes, "I'm ready." Jayori rubs her thumb on his hand in a soothing manner, "Okay. Let's go." With that they enter the village.

(With Class 1-A)

The protectors and council members were going over preparations. Even though they were hesitant in sending people into the forest, they knew nothing could stop the group of teens from getting their friend back.

The teens were getting everything they need for when they return to the forest. Their families were a little worried. "Sweetheart, please return safely." Jiro hugs her father, "Don't worry dad. I will." She smiles at her dad and continues packing. "You know what to do incase if anyone or anything attack you?" Mrs. Asuii asked, worried for her daughter, "Yes mom. And don't worry my focus is as good as ever." Her mother breathes out a sigh of relief.

Everyone else is spending time with their families before they head into the Forbidden Forest. While the council members were working, All Might watched all the families hugging, warning, or talking to their kids. "I hope you know what you're doing." The retired hero looks to his side to find Aizawa standing next to him. He looks back at the families, "You're going in there with them, right?" He asked.

Aizawa looks at him, "Yeah." He answers blandly. The blonde smiles a little, "Then I don't think there's anything to worry about. You did help with their training." He says. The tired man is not one for showing emotion, but he's grown fawn of the group of teens. Some people in the village call him teacher with the way he looks after his "students."

"Don't make me regret this." He says, then walks away to talk to the other protectors. All Might is left alone and wonders in his thoughts, "Midoriya, I know you are capable of amazing things. But I still worry for you." Unknown to anybody, All Might had secretly trained Deku in hopes that he would become a great protector.

The boy reminded All Might of himself, and after seeing Deku save his childhood friend Bakugou, All Might saw that he had a heart that cares more for others than himself. The skinny man looks over at Inko with Mitsuki, "You are strong Midoriya. I know you will come back."

With Deku (In the Hidden Village)

The village is filled with such unique 'beings.' Each time Deku turn his head, his eyes land on creatures he's never seen before. He sees ogres, trolls and even a bunny hybrid, this place is definitely something.

"Whoa." Deku said, in awe of what he's seeing. "What do you think?" Jayori asks. Deku looks at her, "It's amazing!" He exclaimed excitedly, eyes sparkling. This caught a few citizens attention. Deku covered his mouth and his face turn red, "Sorry. That was loud." He apologized. Jayori smiles, "It's fine and-Hey! Boran!" She looks pass Deku and starts waving at someone.

Deku confuse, uncovers his mouth and looks behind him. Only to be seeing a large man that looks to be some kind of ogre. "Well, well if it isn't our little tiger cub." He said in a gruff, but gentle voice. "And who's this little guy? I never seen him before." He continued. Jayori lets go of Deku's hand, "This is my friend. I found him hurt and offered to let him stay with me."

As she explains, Deku takes in the appearance of the large being. He is definitely an goblin; he's quite tall and well built, has light green skin, and two tusks that points out of his mouth. Deku was in awe of the creature before him, "So, What's your name?" He jumps and looks to see the ogre looking at him.

"Oh! I'm Izuku Midoriya and as Jayori said she's letting me stay with her and offered me to explore the village here in the forest." He answers. The goblin smiles and extends his hand, "Well kiddo nice to meet you. I'm Boran, a humble merchant and bodybuilder." He says. The greenette takes his hand and shakes it.

"Hate to interrupt, but me and my friend have some matters to attend to. And it involves putting food into our stomachs." Jayori says. Boran lets go of Deku's hand, "Oh sure, sorry. It's just that I haven't seen another human since-" he stops himself. Deku was confuse, "Since?" He asks. "Never mind." The goblin finish.

"Anyways you two should head to the bar. They've got some rare chicken." Boran continues. "Oh! I hope they've still got some of that spicy sauce I like." Jayori says, her ears twitching in excitement. The two teens say goodbye to Boran and continue on their mission for food.

Deku looks at Jayori and notices a little sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks. The half-blood looks back at him, "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you some other time, okay?" She said. Deku didn't want to make her uncomfortable so he nods and continues walking. Once they made it to their destination they could smell some food within the building.

"I'm starving." The broccoli boy said. "Well we better get in and order something before we die of hunger." The half-tiger spirit says and grabs Deku's arm and enters the place. Unknown to her, the boy's face darkens a little, "Why does her touch make me feel like this?" He asks in his mind.

The inside had quite a comfortable feeling to it. Deku saw their were a lot of creatures eating, talking, and some laughing. Jayori pulls him towards the bar and sits down in a chair patting the one on her right side. Deku sat down and looks at her, "Isn't this place for adults?" He asked. At home only people who were 21 and over could sit at the bar. "Well actually it's a little different here and this place doesn't have alcohol so it's cool."

Deku sighs in relief, "Mom would kill me if she found out I drank underage." He told himself. "Probably would." The half-blood replied. The two laugh at their mini conversation and then the bartender came and asked what they want to drink, "Two waters will be fine." Jayori answers. The bartender nods and leaves to get their drinks.

"Well, if it isn't the beautiful but dangerous Cocora." A sly voice was heard. The two look behind them to see someone. "Hello there Marsen." Jayori greeted. Deku looks at the person before him. They appear male with short, wild, white hair on his head but what caught his attention is the long snake-like tale. He also has scales in a light blue coloring, with dark blue accents and the only article of equipment he had was a belt with a small knife and a canteen.

"Looking as gorgeous as ever. And who's the newbie?" The green-eyed boy look up to be met with golden eyes in silts. "Oh! Sorry, uhm I'm Izuku Midoriya. But you can call me Deku." He answer. The male looks at him with a hypnotizing stare, "Well Deku, I'm Marsen. And if you haven't catch on, I'm a naga." Marsen introduces.

Deku looks over at Jayori, who had a bit of a smirk, looking at the snake boy with her tail swishing a bit. "So are you two friends?" He asks her. The tiger girl looks at him and nods her head, "Yeah we've known each other for a long time. But he can be a little shameless." She says. "I mean why hide such a nice body." The naga says posing a bit.

The bartender came and gave the greenette and the brunette their drinks. "Do you wish to know today's special?" They offer. Deku pause before he took a sip. "I'll take the spicy chicken and this young man will have a...." Jayori looks to Deku with a glance. Deku catches on and looks at the bartender, "Uh? A burger?" He guesses. "Ah! Will the 'Goblin Slayer do?" They ask.

He looks to Jayori and she nods her head giving the all clear, "Yes." He says. "Excellent! They'll be right out!" They left and the boy, tiger girl, and snake male were left alone. "So? How did you come across one another?" Marsen ask.

Deku looks at him and blushed a bit, "I was chased by a bunch of large wolves and Jayori saved me." He explains. "But Izuku saved me too a few times. But he was injured so I took him back to my place. And now we're here for some food." Jayori said and looks at Deku. The boy looked into her eyes and the two just stare into each other's eyes.

"That's sweet. Well I'll leave you two alone and keep rocking that body Cocora." Marsen nudged her chest and slithered away. The half-blood rolled her eyes and waved him off. Deku was confuse and a little red. Jayori looks at him and sees his confused face, "What's wrong?" He catches her worried glance, "Are you okay with th-that?" He gestures to her chest.

"Oh." She smiles at him, "It's fine. Marsen isn't like that, he's actually very nice and he says I have the biggest chest and best butt he's ever seen for a girl." She humors the last sentence. Deku relaxes a bit but feels a little jealous, "He should at least be a little less handsy." He thinks to himself. He hears giggling and looks to see Jayori covering her mouth, "What?" He asks. She calms down, "You look cute when you pout." She says.

Deku's face turns beet red, "R-really?!" He  exclaims and covers his mouth, "Sorry." He whispers. Jayori's ears twitched a bit but she smiles and flashes him her fangs, "It's fine. And you are." The young boy uncovers his mouth and looks at her happy expression. He didn't know why but he lets three words out before he could stop them, "So are you."

Jayori's ears shot up and her face reddens a bit, "Thank you." She said smiling at him. Deku's face was still red but he kept calm and smiled back. "Here are your orders. Enjoy!" The bartender set their plates down and leaves them alone. The two break their gaze and looks down at the plates of food.

Deku swears he's never been more hungry in his life. The burger looked so big and so good. He looks at Jayori and sees her tounge stick out of her mouth. She looks to Deku and puts her hands together. Deku understood and does the same, bowing their heads.

"Thank you for the meal." They immediately start chowing down. The two took a moment to gain their breath and and look at each other, laughing a bit at their antics. The two only known each other for a day, but they already feel like they are the best of friends.

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