Chapter 7

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"Okay. Everyone ready?" Iida says. Three days after All Might and Tsuyu went into the Forbidden Forest, Class 1-A have snuck out of their village to find their friends. And nothing is going to stop them this time.

"Thanks for agreeing to this man. I know you rather let the adults handle this, but it wouldn't be the same." Denki said. Iida was hesitant to come along, but as 'representative' of the group and not wanting to lose his friends he of course came along.

They have had enough of waiting, they decided to leave before sunrise. Even if it's a huge risk, they were ready. "We all go in together. Whatever we face, we face together." Momo said. Everyone looked at the forest and started to walk in. Despite the dangers, they will not be stopped.

"I still can't believe we're doing this. But it's for our friends." Sero said, nervous still. Mina nudges him, "Yeah. But no one can stop us. And who knows maybe they encounter some friendly creatures?" She says to lighten the mood.

There was a snap and everyone stops. Shoji, Tokoyami, and Todoroki all walked up to the source of the noise and what they saw was just a little white bunny. "White. I'm more of a black and dark kinda guy." Tokoyami states. Some of the group laughed and continued on.

"Party pooper." A voice only Tokoyami heard said. "What was that?" At least that's what he thought. The emo boy looks to find Bakugo. "Nothing." He coughs and follows the group. Bakugo didn't buy it but follows the group as well. He couldn't help but feel like he's hiding something. Ever since the night Deku went missing, some members have been acting a little suspicious.

Kirishima walks up to him and taps his shoulder. The ash blonde looks at him with his usual scowl while the red head just smiles. "Y'know Mina could have a point. After all it has been a long time since there's been any actual threats. Just at least don't yell at them." Bakugo just rolls his eyes and continues walking.

"Even if they don't mean any harm, one wrong move and I'll make them regret it." He thinks to himself. Bakugo looks over to Todoroki and sees determination in his eyes. He glances to find Ochako, her usual bubbly demeanor replaced by ambition to find her friends.

"Fear not everyone. Midoriya and Asuii will be found and our group shall be whole once again. All Might will be waiting." Aoyama says with his sparkling flare. Everyone looks to him and smile. Then with determination ignited once again, "Plus Ultra!" They shouted.

With Deku(A few hours later)

"So, you've actually been doing okay without us?" All Might said. Within the Half-Tiger spirit's cave, Tsuyu and All Might have been learning about Deku's time and his connection with Jayori. "Y-Yeah." Deku stutters.

The green-haired boy and skinny blonde haven't had a proper talk due to the unannounced arrival and needed time to grasped the situation. But now, they are speaking. All Might inhaled a bit, Deku expected a lecture but instead, "You have truly outdone yourself." He looked up to find a smile on the older man's face.

"B-but I thought you would be mad? I-I have been g-gone for almost a month?" Deku asked. "We were extremely worried about you Midoriya. But actually, we're just happy you're okay." He looks over to Tsuyu. The frog girl has been sitting with Jayori, the two having developed an instant friendship and have been watching the conversation between the adult and teen.

All Might coughed and all eyes were on him. "What I'm saying is, for years fear has lead people to make rash and unreasonable decisions. However, the creatures that inhabit this land are instead very similar to us. But running away and hiding isn't always the right way."

The three teens look at him, all with curiosity. He looks over at Jayori, "You have kindness and strength within you. But pain as well. Trust me, I know." The half-blood's ears perk up at his statement.
"When I returned from my journey, I never told anyone what happened. But it's time that I do." The blonde takes a sip of tea and sets it down.

"I was traveling through the forest because I was looking for a rare fruit, that is said to have incredible healing abilities. But I heard a call of distress and like the man I am, I went to help. When I arrived I found an enormous beast that I can't quite identify, and it was terrorizing a family. I rushed in and stopped it from stomping on them. I was able to distract it long enough for the family to escape, but the beast was tougher than I thought. We fought for a long time, I was using up a lot of my magic. I felt myself getting weaker and it took advantage and bit the side of my stomach."

"I was wounded, tired, and bleeding. I look into it's eyes, it was about to charge and with every last ounce of magic I had. I delivered a blow straight to the head, killing it instantly. I was weak from exhaustion and fainted. When I awoke from my slumber, I found myself in a house. And looked to find a troll. She found me along with her husband. They took care of me and I soon learned of the village, right here in the forest."

"I meant other creatures and they treated me with kindness. I, for most of my life, thought of them as monsters, but in the end they were people too. Once I was back to full health, I had to bid goodbye, if I told everyone about my encounter with them, they would think I was crazy. And I asked them to keep my stay secret just in case. So I had to wait, for the day when both humans and creatures could live in peace. I then had to look over our home with extra precaution. And I learned more about who was living among us in disguise."

Once All Might finished, everyone looked at him in shock, awe, and understanding. Jayori got up and walked towards him. She bent down, her tail stiff but swishing slightly. "I had no idea that there was any other human who encountered the Hidden Village other than-" she paused. Deku notice this, she would always have a sad look in her eyes when mentioning 'the encounter' he calls it.

The tiger girl shook her head and continued, "but I'm glad you're okay. And thanks for protecting them. It means so much, there are families here too." She says. All Might smiles, "It's only fair. After all I only wish to help people. Am I right Midoriya?" Deku looks at everyone in the cave. Tsuyu looks at him with her usual frog face, All Might with his proud look, and Jayori with her beautiful, blue eyes and smile.

He stands up, "I always thought there was more to appearance and now I know there's a chance to live in a world without as much fear." He walks over to All Might and Jayori. The brunette stands up, "I will ensure that everyone knows that creatures may have differences, but are also like us. So I will remain here and learn as much as I can." He looks over to the half-blood, "Jayori, you are the first person to welcome me. And you showed me so much that I just can't help but be thankful. I want you by my side for when the day comes that both of our worlds come together. And you are a living embodiment of human and creature, so will you be beside me?"

Deku grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. Jayori was baffled by this, but meeting Deku has been one of the best things to have ever happen to her. She smiles and hugs him, "Of course Izuku." She said, in a soft voice. Deku hugged her back, he didn't feel as nervous but still had butterflies in his stomach.

They soon part, but held each other's hands. Tsuyu got up and walked to them, laying a hand on one of their shoulders, "I think the future is in good hands." She smiles. All Might joined the group and at that moment, nothing else mattered. A tender moment between four people who have faced hardships and now can finally feel lighter.

But, they would be in for a surprise in the Hidden Village.

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