Chapter II: Leaving

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"Once you grab your belongings, you will be arrested."

That is all that echoed through their heads as they slowly walked back to the dorms. They looked up to see Eraserhead, to them Aizawa looking at them with pity. They all knew the system was corrupt and this proved it.

Aizawa tried to give them a smile, but only tears came down his face when he noticed their state. It was as if Izuku had his hope removed, Shoto's dedication destroyed, and Uraraka's tenacity terminated.

All he could do was give them a group hug farewell.

Izuku made the first step inside, where their classmates looked at them with worry, shock, and excitement.

"Yo Mido-bro! That was a sick takedown of the Hero Killer! So manly!" Was all Kirishima stated before Izuku broke down crying. "Hey- what's wrong bro?"

Uraraka, who walked in behind Izuku then came to him, saying "Just turn on the news. We came to say goodby-" was what she could get out before breaking down, holding Izuku.

Jirou, who heard what she said quickly turned it on.

*Due to their unprovoked use of quirks against an individual, the three former heroes have been expelled from UA under Commission order and will be arrested immediately after*

All their classmates could do was stand in shock. How was it unprovoked?! What type of cover-up is this?! Are they mad the new heroes are strong? There were so many questions that had no time to be answered.

Bakugo walked up to them and got on his knees to face Izuku eye to eye. Then he pulled him into a hug. "This was not how I was supposed to beat you you need! Heck I put you down all these years yet you don't deserve this!"

"Bakugo is right, class"

Izuku quickly turned around to see his Heroics teacher and mentor. "All Might?!" Izuku then went and whispered into his ear "So you're not taking it away?"

"Izuku, my boy! How could the Hero Commission detain a future hero such as yourself when you were defeating a villain who was going to kill Native?! My trust has long since left my body for them since this has happened, which is why I got Hagakure to make a risky call for you three!"

Izuku, Uraraka, and Shoto looked up at him in shock.

Shoto then spoke first, "How is that going to help when we are going to be arrested?!"

"Ah, Mr. Shoto. You see, I noticed a person on the recovered security tapes from the media break-in day and realized Ms. Hagakure was sort of selling us out!"

Uraraka looked to her friend in betrayal, along with the rest of the class.

"You betrayed us?!" They all yelled in unison.

Hagakure then frantically waved her sleeves to explain. "No, I was giving my dad's cousin the schedule so he could drop by for lunch. I didn't realize he was Kurogiri! But it helped since that allowed Nezu to detain Toga and get her into the Villain to Hero Class!"

All Might nodded at her statement to the class's shock.

"Wait she was telling the truth?!"

"Yes she was class! In fact, Kurogiri was just under orders from Shigaraki and was able to break himself free of his link to the League! The League is now all but gone thanks to Stain talking them down in his interrogation!" All Might said with his signature smile. "But there is a good to come out of it! For example look behind me!"

Then a purple portal of mist opened up in front of the television revealing Kurogiri, who Aizawa stood beside.

Aizawa then decided to take the reigns on the conversation. "Yes this is Kurogiri, and he was in fact my highschool friend along with Present Mic. He will give you the option to disappear and I will give you permanent financial aid. We can avoid your arrest by saying they were kidnapped by Kurogiri before anything happens."

The three then looked to their classes who gave a small mod, telling them to do it. They nodded back and Uraraka grabbed Izuku's hand, walking them through the portal, with Shoto following. Then Kurogiri came through along with Aizawa.

"Aizawa-sensei! Why are you coming?" Izuku said, letting a bit too much of his formal Japanese leak out.

"Well, someone has to teach you all how to be vigilantes since I know you will be heroes no matter what." Aizawa said as he pulled out three cards. Provisional Hero Licenses. Then he gave his sadistic smile. "Now what are you all waiting for, it is time to train."

To be continued.
781 Words

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