Recovering and learning (CH4)

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izuku help rei to recover her mentally and a successful


finally gonna keep his favorite food and add a favorite drink


Izuku: *wake up and saw hes on a medical room* where am I?
*he look around and saw a food and drink prepare for him*
Izuku: *stomach noise* I should start eat it * take a bite* wow its delicious *drink a soda called "mountain spew"*
*a bird person with a mask enter*
???: are you feeling better?
Izuku: I little bit *finishing up his food and drink*
Izzurius: I'm Izzurius *take out a pink potion* drink this
Izuku: *take the potion and drank it* this taste likw watermelon
Izzurius: your body gonna heal real fast
*izuku broken and damaged body been completely heal except mentally*
izuku: thank Izzurius
Izzurius: your welcome, they coming
izuku: *confused* who coming
* 3 people enter*
Retrospecter: thanks goodness your okay
ace: good thing I saw you
sakuroma: I brought some new clothes for you
Izuku: who are you?
Retrospecter: oh right forgot about it, well I'm retrospecter or retro for short
ace: im ace or kamex
sakuroma: I'm sakuroma
Izuku: wow your quirks look interesting

Izzurius: I have tell you important kid
Retrospecter: your in hell
sakuroma: but your safe from our place and locations
ace: please don't brake your mind
Izuku: *trying to reboot back from this sudden information*
Izzurius: you okay kid?
Izuku: kinda
Retrospecter: what happen to you?

*izuku explain everything from his horrible life and ex family and friends*

Retrospecter: *getting into rage mode* they fucking what!!!!
ace: calm down retro
Retrospecter: calm down! his fucking and family neglected to him!
sakuroma: retro stop it, you can't used your beserk and its not worth
Izuku: she's right, since I'm stuck here forever and can't be a hero
*the 3 of them look each other and notted*
Retrospecter: hey kid I have a question
Izuku: yeah?
Retrospecter: wanna be adopted
Izuku: ....... YES!
ace: so who gonna do the paper work?
sakuroma: oh we know who will~
Retrospecter: I'm gonna call him since I own him a favor *leaving and calling a overlord*
sakuroma: I'm gonna be your mommy
ace: I also be your dad
Izuku: *crying* I have 2 dads and a mother, thank you
Izzurious: well you gonna have aunts and uncle
Izuku: what?
sakuroma: oh yeah since we have a polyamory relationship
Izuku: *confused* so I have uncles and aunts
ace: yes
Izuku: cool
*retrospecter return*
Retrospecter: good news, axl stared the document much faster and probably take a week to finish since our adopted son is a human
sakuroma: what's your name?
Izuku: Izuku, no last name
Retrospecter: that make sense
ace: hey guys is this good timing to introduce others?
Izzurius: probably tonight since Izuku need to learn about our place
Izuku: is there any books about this place?
Izzurius: yeah actually you should go to Infernal Paradise University but you need someone to help you
ace: I'm gonna go with him *smile*
Izuku: thank you
sakuroma: what about me
Retrospecter: your lust sakuroma and this kid is not ready for it
Izuku: what?
sakuroma: anyway I brought some clothes for you
ace: is that retro clothes?
sakuroma: maybe
Retrospecter: *sigh* this is expected from her -_-
Izuku: are you sure I wear this new clothes?
ace: I'm go to a shoe store for you izuku
Izuku: thank you

*izuku went to change*

a/n: only the pants, shirts and still wear his worn shoes

Izuku: I like it but I still have my old used shoe
ace: what color you like?
Izuku: light blue or retrospecter color
Retrospecter: I like your color choice
ace: ok, I'm gonna get your shoes
*ace left *
Retrospecter: lets go izuku
Izuku: I'm ready

*50 minutes later*

Retrospecter: remember izuku when you finish studying about hell meet me at food court while eating mountain spew
Izuku: ok

*at the university library*

Izuku: wow so many book to read and understand it
*many demons student rush by*
Izuku: huh?
Random demon student: come on before the book sold out
R.D.S: yeah I know we can't able to buy it since almost 4 months the book is very popular and unable to buy it
Izuku: *listening it* huh, might be interesting it

*izuku went to the library and the library have a bookstore included*

Izuku: ah man *see many empty books* is there a poster or ads for the popular book?
*izuku saw a ad for it*
Izuku: hm? "Helluva Life Symbol Elements (Hazbin Hotel/HB x Skullgirls x RE8 x Villianous)" by AdrianGonzalez917 ? the cover look very interesting but sadly looks like its already sold out
*when to the history book section and knowledge about hell*
Izuku: its big brain time

(izuku studying while listen the library music)

*couple of hours later*

Izuku: *yawn and closed the last book* great I finished everything and knows everything, I should go back, he probably waited for me
*izuku left and walk to the food court but suddenly a husky hellhound looks like need some help*
Izuku: need helping?
husky hellhound: yes please 
*izuku gather the husky hellhound papers and books*
Izuku: is that everything?
husky hellhound: thank you, its kinda strange that not many demons won't help others
Izuku: heh just like to help you
husky hellhound: you know what take this book
*husky hellhound give to izuku*
Izuku: *see the cover* is that the popular book!?!?
husky hellhound: yeah as a thank you gift
Izuku: but why you give me this popular book
husky hellhound: because I know who's the author of that book *smile*
Izuku: really?
husky hellhound: yup, anyway see yah kid
Izuku: you too
husky hellhound: (heh that kid didn't know that I'm the author of my book) *smile*

* the husky hellhound left

Izuku: *stare the book cover* I probably read it later and retrospecter is waiting for me

*at the food court*

Retrospecter: *munching his mountain spew* 
Izuku: hey retro im here
Retrospecter: are you hungry?
Izuku: yes, hope the food court have katsudon

*someone at the Japanese theme*

???: hello whats your order?
Izuku: 1 katsudon please 
Izuku: I don't know
Retrospecter: mountain spew
???: ok 
*he went to cook*
Izuku: he looked sad
Retrospecter: your right he look sad
*bell ring*
???: here your katsudon and mountain spew
*Izuku take it*
Izuku: I have a question
???: go for it
Izuku: why are you sad?
???: well because I didn't make the audition 
Retrospecter: whats your name?
Y/n: y/n l/n

thats right reader here is my own y/n

Izuku: what type of audition?
y/n: well be a main character from a movie and voice actor but sadly I didn't made it
Retrospecter: is there any positive?
y/n: yeah I'm the background characters same with voice acting
Izuku: maybe if you don't give up, you might have your dream role
y/n: thank you kid, you know the director whats his name again? thebattlecats2001?
Izuku: well don't give up
y/n: thanks

*izuku and retro left while izuku eating his food and drinking mountain spew*

Retrospecter: you know kid 
izuku: yeah?
Retrospecter: did you decided have a different last name since me and the others don't have last name
Izuku: oh its easy my new last name is cardinal
Retrospecter: I like it

*went to retro home to meet others*

Retrospecter: hey guys! meet our new member
Izuku: nice to meet you *smile* I'm izuku cardinal
sakuroma: ive already met him
izzurius: me too
Insatian: hello izuku welcome to our club, my name is insatian
Hivemine: hope you like BLT
izuku: a sandwich?
Hivemine: no its Barry, larry and terry or in short BLT also my name is hivemine
izuku: very interesting name
Atrocean: hey kid the name is atrocean
Izuku: *smile*
Dozirc : yay we got a new member, I'm dozirc
Izuku: nice to meet you all
*ace came and hold a shoe box*
ace: hey izuku i got you new shoes
*Ace give izuku shoe box*
izuku: *crying*
hivemine: are you ok?
izuku: *wiping tear away* yes, this is my very first time I received a gift
Retrospecter: can you tell us what happened?

*Izuku tell his new family about his neglected from his ex family and friends*

Retrospecter: *about to used his berserk but stopped* 
ace: retro please calm down
sakuroma: yeah I know how you feel retro but please calm down
Retrospecter: *calm down* thanks
izzurius: that kid pride is much worse
sakuroma: as a lust being this is not loved or lust, this is cruelty 
izuku: don't worried about it have my new family
ace: thats sweet, also here your new shoe
*Ace let izuku  to open the shoe box and see agreenish and light blueish color combine and mix color shoes*
izuku: *wear it* its feel much better, thank you dad
*everyone is now silent*
Izuku: *embarrassed* sorry about it
ace: naw its okay if you me as your dad
Izuku: really?
ace: yup
Izuku: hey retrospecter and sakuroma? can you be my parents?
sakuroma and retrospecter: yes!
*izuku hugs his new parents*

*meanwhile at the yagi home kitchen *

toshinori: why do I feel like I'm been replaced?
inko: me too like someone replace me to a new mother *tears coming and inko don't know*
izumi: why my heart hurt?

End of chp 4

music of the day

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