Wrath acid (CH7)

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1 year later

Izuku: I'm ready dad
Retrospecter: are you sure son, I mean your 10
Izuku: remember I said that I will take the challenge to improve it
Retrospecter: *smile* I'm proud of you
Izuku: let's do this
Retrospecter: come to my area to train and your anger within you
Izuku: hai

Izuku: wow dad
Retrospecter: welcome to the gate
Izuku: gate?
Retrospecter: yeah its my area since I'm wrath
Izuku: I'm ready
Retrospecter: now we start with your anger
Izuku: I have so many anger and wrath
Retrospecter: good now you have it, you used at as strength
Izuku: ok but is there any cons?
Retrospecter: yeah the con is berserk mode, in berserk mode your attack increased but lose control of it
Izuku: cool
Retrospecter: now released your anger
Izuku: *close his eye and gather his anger*
Retrospecter: focus son
*izuku scream and a symbol appear at him*

Izuku: wow!
Retrospecter: I didn't it expected it but since you have that emblem then you just unlock to summon us but if we aren't available then a copy version of would help you and you control the copy version of us
Izuku: this is amazing!
Retrospecter: theres one more left
Izuku: what?
Retrospecter: *point out izuku newly develope tail* you have my tail hand claw
Izuku: *see his tail claw* wow! its amazing *losing balance* woah
Retrospecter: *catch him* you ok?
Izuku: yeah I'm ok but *trying to move his tail claw* its kinda weird to used it
Retrospecter: hmm how about we train your physical body, strength and tail claw
Izuku: sounds good to me


Izuku: *practice his tail claw and almost master it* I'm getting there
Retrospecter: look good enough son *smirk*
Izuku: but I want to keep going
Retrospecter: don't push yourself too much it would hurt your tail claw
Izuku: *sigh* your right
Retrospecter: how about a rap song for a break?
Izuku: *smile 10k watts* yay!



Izuku: *punching and pulling weights at the same time with his tail claw* heh
Retrospecter: good
Izuku: thanks dad
Retrospecter: hows your anger and wrath doing?
Izuku: *still punching and pulling weight* getting used to it
Retrospecter: you can still hate your ex family but remember we're your real family son *smile*
Izuku: so how long I can used berserk mode?
Retrospecter: if you keep going then you can used it
Izuku: I need finish this training for today
Retrospecter: yup and brought some drink
Izuku: mountain spew?
Retrospecter: yes.
Izuku: fuck yeah!


Izuku: today is the day that I can used berserk mode to increase my strength but need to control it
Retrospecter: now you can used acid
Izuku: wait what!?
Retrospecter: yeah if you finish control your berserk mode then I will help you to control acid power much faster since in berserk mode your training is gonna be much faster
Izuku: ok and how do I used berserk mode?
Retrospecter: since you gather your anger you can used right now
Izuku: *gather his anger into strength and remember the suffer from his ex life*
Retrospecter: *feel his son wrath* you can do this!
Izuku: *roar very loud* ROAR!!!!!!

ok so I'm kinda pissed that theres no clips and sample noise for berserk retrospecter roar and the only to hear his roar is from youtube but it only contain the full gameplay of retrospecter mod

* Izuku able to unlock berserk mode*

Retrospecter: how do you feel?
berserk Izuku: I FEEL SO GOOD!
Retrospecter: time to get serious *draw out acid*
berserk Izuku: I'M READY!!!
Retrospecter: if you manage to make me mad then thats the final test
berserk Izuku: *rushed and slace at retro*
Retrospecter: *slam him down his hand claw to the ground* remember control your berserk without getting out of control
berserk Izuku: I KNOW DAD!
Retrospecter: *threw his acid to the ground to poison the area and punch Izuku the face*
berserk Izuku: *try to block it but still feel the poison effect* (shit, dad not even trying)
Retrospecter: *dash and upper cut from his tail claw*
berserk Izuku: *tried to used the acid* hope this work form all my training *threw the acid to the ground and cause to melt the ground*
Retrospecter: be careful using acid to your allies and villains during mission
berserk Izuku: NOTED
Retrospecter: *used his acid hand claw to attack*
berserk Izuku: *tried to block it with his tail claw but barely blocked due the acid* (think izuku!)
Retrospecter: *threw his acid to the air for semi rain acid but 1 of the rock spike from the top got hit and started to sizzle and fall off*
berserk Izuku: *see it and got a plan* (thats it! if this work then this is gonna be very useful maybe if I keep training from my uncles and aunts then I might create a new technique and weapons) HOPE THIS WORK!
Retrospecter: ?
berserk Izuku: *create his ice sword and combine the acid* HOLY SHIT!?!? ITS ACTUALLY WORK! *slash at retro*
Retrospecter: *blocked it but feel little bit of pain* this is very creative son but now, no more playtime
* Retrospecter gather his anger and wrath to become Zerktro*


play this song

Zerktro: TIME FOR SERIOUS! *smash down the ground to bring a flow if acid*
berserk Izuku: OH SHIT! *dodge it and bring out ice long sword cover in acid* LETS TRY THIS!!! * swing the ice long sword and threw acid from the ice long sword*
Zerktro: NICE ONE!!! *rush and attack with his claw* BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!
berserk Izuku: *blocked it with his ice long sword acid* I KNOW BUT I WON'T GIVE UP!!!
Zerktro: *smirk* THEN GIVE ALL YOUR FULL WRATH!!!!!! *break the ice long sword acid*
berserk Izuku: *create a ice ripper sword covered in acid* FULLLLLLLLL WRAAAAAAAAATTTTTTHHHHH!!!!!!!
*Zerktro and berserk Izuku clashed each other using the power of wrath*
Berserk izuku: *seeing a figure cheering him up*
???: you can do this grandson!
*the female figure disappear *
Berserk izuku: (who ever you are cheering me up thank you) *smile*
Zerktro: *being pushed back* (why this sudden power?)
Berserk izuku: *push him and used his ice great sword acid *
Zerktro: * tried to slam him but been down by the ice great sword acid*
Berserk izuku: CHECKMATE!
Zerktro: * smirk* you pass son

Stop the song or stop right here and listen the music

Berserk izuku: WHAT?
Berserk izuku: FUCK!
Berserk izuku: WHAT THE SOLUTION?
Zerktro: LET SING
Berserk izuku: OKAY


*after the song is over and both of them back to normal*

Retrospecter: *phew* were back to normal 
Izuku: yeah
Retrospecter: we should go back 
Izuku: I'm tired lets go
Retrospecter: *pat to his son back* your gonna be a very good hero son, I don't care if your an villain or vigilante your my son
Izuku: thanks dad *smile*
Retrospecter: even if you come an villain or vigilante we still support you since were in hell and we know the difference from good and bad while on earth think different from us
izuku: yeah your right

After that Izuku achieved to pass wrath from his dad and got special summon from his family. Now izuku is gonna prepare for harder challenge but he know that he never give up


music of the day


Gluttony food (CH8)
??? (CH9)
??? (CH10)
??? (CH11)
??? (CH12)
lust loved (CH13)

☟︎♏︎❼︎⬧︎ ♍︎□︎❍︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ⧫︎□︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ⬧︎⧫︎□︎❒︎⍓︎

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