Bakugo x Deaf reader

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Sorry for yet another Bakugo oneshot but he's just got so much personality and honestly very fun to write about. Enjoy!


Your POV:

I stood nervously in front of the huge door to my new classroom. On the other side of this door my teacher, Mr Aizawa, was presumably telling the class about me.

I was transferring from Shiketsu High because of all the bullying I was forced to endure there because of my hearing disability. Hopefully, UA would be different.

I jumped as the door cracked open and a man with long black hair motioned for me to enter.

I walked in and stood in front of the class. I looked at all the curious faces watching me expectantly. They all looked pretty nice except for a boy with spikey ash blonde hair. He was sitting with his legs on the chair in front of him and looked like he didn't want to be here.

I doubted any of them knew sign language so I took out a notebook I had prepared beforehand. I held it up for them to see and flipped to the first page:





A few of the girls nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and put my notebook away.

I saw Mr Aizawa say something to the class before turning to me again. He pointed to a free seat. The one in front of the angry boy.

I nodded and sat down, hoping the boy was actually very nice and only looked mean on the outside.

Once class was over, the girls all walked over to my desk and started to write me notes and introduce themselves.

They were all very nice and I could tell that I was going to get along just fine with them.

What's your quirk? wrote Mina.

Water Manipulation. Yours?

We talked for a while until I felt someone grab my shoulder roughly. I turned around and saw the blonde boy say something angrily. I looked around nervously.

He started to yell, probably asking why I was ignoring him. I grabbed a piece of paper off my desk and wrote hastily:

I don't know what you're saying, but I'm sorry if I did something wrong.

He abruptly stopped yelling, finally realizing that I was deaf. He sat back down and didn't saw anything else.

What did he say? I wrote to Uraraka.

He was just being mean and yelling at you for no reason. That's kinds just how he is. Don't worry though, we won't let him bully you :)

I felt slight vibrations as the bell rang and students started sitting down. I put my communication notebook away and got out my math notebook.


I ate lunch with Uraraka and her best friends, Midoriya and Iida. They were both really nice to me and Midoriya even showed me his quirk analysis journal.

After lunch we had practical hero training. I got changed into my hero costume in the locker room with the other girls.

My hero costume was a f/c body suit with a long hooded cape and a belt where I was able to store a few bottles of water that I could use. I usually just collected water droplets from the air, but sometimes that wasn't enough.

I walked outside where All Might himself told the class about what we were doing. Afterwards he walked up to me and handed me a sheet of paper, smiling brightly.

Dear L/N,
For today's lesson we are sparring. Everyone has been assigned a partner to train with for the rest of this lesson.
We have been informed of your condition and quirk and think that Bakugo will be a suitable match for you.

Plus Ultra!

I smiled at the last part. I wondered who Bakugo was. I was fine with fighting with anybody as long as it wasn't-

Ugh, of course it was.

Bakugo, the angry blonde from earlier, was trudging reluctantly towards me. By the looks of it, he wasn't any happier about the pairing that I was.

Somone must have blown a whistle to signal the beginning of the match, because Bakugo launched himself towards me by creating explosions with his hands.

So that's his quirk. For once, I was happy I couldn't hear because I'm pretty sure this would've killed my ear drums.

He sent another explosion at me which I managed to dodge. I gathered up some water into an orb in the air and shot it at him as fast as I could before he got the chance to attack.

While he stood momentarily stunned, I ran up to him and swept my leg behind his feet. He started to fall bet caught himself.

I tried to dodge his next attack but I was too slow. Bakugo aimed a full force explosion right at the back of my head.

All Might running towards us, scolding Bakugo, was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


I woke up in a strange bed, looking up at a white ceiling.

I sat up quickly and imidiatly wished I hadn't when my head started to throb. I was pushed back down by someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked to the side, expecting to see the school nurse, but instead I saw...


You need to rest, idiot. He signed.

Wait, Bakugo knows sign language!?

Wait, you know sign language!? I signed back.

Why didn't he say something earlier?


I rolled my eyes.

Why do you know it? Is one of your friends deaf? I asked curiously. He scratched the back of his neck, looking a little embarrassed.

No. It's just useful to know. He signed but I had a feeling that wasn't the whole truth. I looked at him expectantly, silently urging him to continue.

And, he paused, My hearing isn't the best either. Y'know, from all the explosions...

He pulled a hearing aid out of his pocket to show me. I nodded and asked:

Is that why you're always yelling?

He looked surprised at that I gave a small nod. I smiled and was about to say something else, when a small old lady bustled in and shooed him away.

Get well soon, extra. And... sorry.... for y'know, that. He gestured at my bandaged head. I smiled brightly, telling him all was forgiven.

He left and Recover girl unwrapped the bandages to check on my wound.

I think me and Bakugo will get along fine. Who knows, we might actually become friends, I thought happily.



You're probably wondering why this sounds so familiar. It's because half of it is based off of 'A Silent Voice'. Go watch it right now if you haven't. So yeah, hope you enjoyed it even though it wasn't very original.


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