Bakugo x reader (pt 2)

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This is a continuation of the last Bakugo chapter I made, where Izuku is your best friend and Bakugo has a secret crush on you.


Your POV:

Something was off. Bakugo hadn't bothered Izuku in while and I couldn't figure out why. Don't get me wrong, it was good that the bullying had all but stopped, but it was so uncharacteristically... not Bakugo of Bakugo.

He definitely hadn't been being nice, though. He was just... avoiding Izuku? Or maybe he was avoiding me?

"What's wrong, Y/N?" asked Izuku, concern written all over his face.

It was currently lunch break and, sure enough, Bakugo was staring almost determinedly in the opposite direction of us.

"Bakugo." I muttered, looking back down at my food.

"What about him?" wondered my best friend "Now that you mention, he hasn't bullied me in a while."

"That's just it." I murmured "Why?"

"Maybe he's changed." shrugged Izuku.

"I doubt it." I said, looking at my food without really seeing it "It's like he's avoiding us."

I took a bite of my food, still lost in thought. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling he was specifically avoiding me.

And I was determined to find out why.


Bakugo's POV:

Lately I can't stand to be around Y/N. She makes me feel weird and it's driving me crazy.

Whenever I'm close to her I feel... nervous? I don't know when or why I've started thinking about her differently and what exactly I'm feeling, but I'm determined to ignore whatever it is.

Whenever I couldn't take it anymore, I told crappy hair about it. That didn't help at all, though, because he said it was 'lOvE' and that can't be true!

But what if it was?

Was it because she was strong, kind, brave, beaut- NO. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT.

I stared purposely away from her, avoiding looking at her all during lunch.

If I couldn't push whatever these feelings were down, I would just have to stay away from her until they went away on their own.

I hated her! She was friends with stupid Deku!

I kept telling myself that it was nothing. That we were rivals, at best.

Then why couldn't I stop thinking about her?


Your POV:

"Hey, Y/N?" asked Izuku nervously while we walked home from school.

Today I was going over to his house to eat dinner with him and his mom, or 'Mama Midoriya' as she insisted I call her.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, noticing that he looked down.

"Remember when you told me to tell you if Kacchan said anything mean to me again?" he asked, not meeting my eyes.

"What did he say?" I asked as calmly as I could, though I couldn't stop my hand from forming a fist.

"Nothing like last time!" he assured me hurriedly, referring to the time Bakugo told him to jump off of a roof "He just told that'd basically, I'd never amount to anything..."

He trailed off, looking at his feet.

"When was this?" I asked, feeling anger build up inside me.

"When you went to the bathroom." he muttered.

So Bakugo really was avoiding me...

Was he scared to insult Izuku in front of me?

No, that probably wasn't it...

Then what was it?

"Don't worry, Izuku." I said to him "I'll make him regret it."


"Bakugo!" I half-yelled at the blonde as soon as class ended.

He slowly turned around. For some reason, he wouldn't meet my eyes.

"What do you want?" he snapped.

"To talk." I said menacingly. I waited for everyone else to file our of the classroom before continuing.

"Izuku told me what you said you him yesterday." I said angrily.

"Yeah, so? It was true."

"First of all, no it was not! Izuku is strong and we both know it. He's more of a hero then you'll ever be." I spat "Second of all, why won't you look me in the eye!? Are you a coward?"

"No!" yelled back Bakugo, finally meeting my
e/c eyes with his red ones.

"Listen, if I hear that you've said anything like that to Izuku ever again, I'll make you regret the day you were born, got it!?" I said, stepping forward and stabbing a finger into his chest threatening.

"Whatever." he muttered.

He must have been really angry, because his face was slowly turning a deep red shade.

He stepped back and turned around quickly.

Bakugo left the room without another word. I took a deep breath to calm myself and left the room as well.


As the weeks went by, Bakugo had surprisingly not bullied Izuku.

It was a mystery to the others as to why though. I doubted that it was because of my threat, but either way I was glad he had mostly left Izuku alone.

"I wonder why Bakugo is avoiding me?" I wondered aloud for the umpteenth time to Izuku during our lunch break.

"You sure do talk a lot about Kacchan." said Izuku quietly, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean??" I demanded, glaring at him and feeling my face heat up slightly.

"You tell me." he told me, unfazed by my roughness.

"Aren't you curious?" I asked "The only time he insulted you was when I wasn't around! Why?"

"Who cares." he shrugged, shoving noodles into his mouth. "As long as he's not bothering anyone."

"I guess you're right." I sighed, digging into my own food.

"Oh, Y/N, you've gone some rice in your hair." said Izuku, leaning forward to point out the grain's exact location in my h/c locks.

"Thanks!" I smiled, picking it out and popping it into my mouth.

"Ew!" exclaimed Izuku, watching me eat it "Why did you eat it!? It was in your hair!"

"Why not?" I asked "Where you going to eat it?"


Bakugo's POV:

I gripped the sides of my food tray harder as I watched Deku and L/N laugh together.

"You ok, bro?" asked Kirishima, coming up beside me, also holding his lunch tray.

"Stupid Deku." I muttered, looking away.

"Are you jealous?" smirked Crappy hair, looking from me to L/N "Of Midoriya?"

"What!? No, of course not, idiot!" I snapped, hoping against hope that my face was a normal color.

"Sure, bro." he snickered "Whatever you say."


Your POV:

That night I couldn't sleep.

I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

I was supposed to hate him. He had bullied my best friend for years, for absolutely no reason at all. Sure, he had mostly stopped now, but...

"Uggggh." I groaned, rolling over in my bed.

Why did he make me feel like this!? Why was I thinking about him constantly!?

Questions swarmed my mind, all of them unanswerable and all of them about a certain ash blonde hothead...


"Morning, Izuku." I yawned as we walked to school together the next morning.

"Morni- What happened to you!?"

"Gee, thanks." I muttered, rubbing my tired eyes "I didn't sleep very well last night.

"Why?" he asked, sounding concerned as always.

"I don't know." I shrugged, looking away.

I would rather die than tell him the real reason I was up so late last night.


Throughout the day, I tried to get Bakugo's attention- throwing little paper wads at him, waving at him, even calling his name, but nothing worked.

But now I was certain- he was definitely ignoring me.

Why did it bother me so much? I have no idea.

Maybe it was the same reason I kept thinking about him, one I kept denying, but knew was true.

So during English I formed a plan- after school I would approach Bakugo and ask him why he was avoiding me.

Yeah, it's the best plan ever created, I know.

I sighed, looking back up at the blackboard where Present Mic had written down today's lesson.

Then I glanced at Bakugo. To my surprise, he was looking right back at me.

He quickly looked away, pretending like I hadn't just caught him staring.

I shook my head, wondering what on earth was going on. One minute he's avoiding me at all costs, the next- he's staring at me.

In his defense, I had also looked at him, but that didn't matter right now.

I couldn't wait for the school day to be over, so that I could finally find out what was going on...


"Bakugo!" I called to the explosive blonde, chasing after him on my way home.

Midoriya had training with All Might, so I figured now was the best time to confront Bakugo.

He turned around, looking annoyed, but his expression changed slightly when he saw me.

"What?" he asked, stopping.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I questioned, deciding that being straightforward was my best option.

"What do you mean!?" he asked, but I knew he knew exactly what I meant.

"Look, I know we were never friends, but you won't even look at me!" I said.

"Why do you care?" he spat, looking away again.

"Is it something I did? I don't hate you, you know... Especially since you've stopped bullying Izuku."

He paused, processing my words.

"You don't hate me?"

"No! Why do you care if I hate you anyway? Look, I just wanted to know why you've been avoiding me." I sighed.

"I- " he started, before shaking his head "It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does." I said firmly, crossing my arms.

"No, it doesn't."

"To me it does!"

"Drop it."

"No! Tell me!"

"I said dro-"

"And I said, tell me!"

"FINE!" yelled Bakugo unexpectedly. "You really want to know why I've been avoiding you? The real reason!?"

I nodded wordlessly, waiting for his answer.

"It's because..." he took a deep breath and said quickly, not meeting my eyes "It's because whenever I'm around you, I feel weird. My face gets warm and I get nervous. Happy?"

He abruptly turned around started to walk away, leaving me frozen in shock at his words.


He turned around again, glancing back at me.


"How about we make a deal?" I proposed, regaining my composure and smirking at him "You promise to stop bullying Izuku, and I go on a date with you."

Bakugo's eyes widened as he considered my offer.

His face turned pink, but he smirked back as he said:




I hate this ending so much but, hey, at least we hit 2,19K reads!

Please request cuz I'm running out of ideas again. Love you 😘


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