(Hawks x reader) 'Paparazzi' pt 1

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^For the reader's quirk, villain name and costume, I will be using those of one of my OCs, Akemi (learn more about her in my book of MHA OCs).

Quirk: Flash- user can create flashes of varying brightness with their palms which can temporarily blind their opponent.

Villain name: Paparazzi


Your POV:

I dragged the half- conscious pro hero, Native, across the League Of Villains hideout living room.

"Why is it always me?" he grumbled groggily, before his head hit the leg of the coffee table and he passed out again.

I continued to mercilessly drag him all the way to the closet, where I shoved him carelessly inside and locked the door.

"Mind if I leave him here for a while?" I asked Himiko, who was lounging on the couch, drinking what I hoped was cherry juice.

"Sure!" she smiled, showing her fang-like teeth.

"Great." I said "Just don't kill him. He's been through a lot, poor dude."

"Isn't that the one Stain attacked?" she wondered, eyes never leaving the closed closet door.

"Yep." I answered.

The reason I was putting him in the closet was because I had orders not to attack any more pro heroes unless I was told to, but since when do villains follow orders?

Me and Himiko had a sort of understanding that if she didn't tell Shigaraki or Kurogiri I was keeping kidnapped heroes in the closet, I would let her get a little taste of their blood.

It was useful for the League if she could transform into various pro heroes and I got the pleasure of taking them out. It was a win-win.

After I made sure Native's little prison was secure, I went to see what my fellow league members were up to.


"... villain known as Paparazzi has been spotted in downtown Musutafu earlier today. She took out the pro hero on patrol, Native and he has not been seen since..."

I froze as Shigaraki, Twice, Spinner and Kurogiri looked slowly away from the TV and towards me.

I gulped.

"It was... um... My eviler twin! Yeah, she did it! I would never attack or kidnap a hero unless I was told... hehe..." I said nervously.

Shigaraki rolled his eyes, apparently not in the mood to disintegrate me.

I let out a breath of relief as Kurogiri said:

"Paparazzi, we actually have a mission for you. But if you want to do it, you have to promise to stop targeting pro heroes without our permission. Understood?"

"First of all, when have I ever done anything like that? Second of all, yes, understood! What's my mission?" I asked eagerly.

"We want you to keep an eye on the number two hero, Hawks. You can easily blend in with the rest of the paparazzi and take notes on how he acts towards his fans, his fighting styles and things like that. For now, we just want you to observe him. And when you're done with that, you can blind him with one of your flashes. We'll be able to do a lot more if Hawks can't see us coming." Kurogiri explained.

"Got it!" I said, though I was a little bummed that I wasn't allowed to kill him.

"Good." said the mist villain "You start tomorrow."


"Hey, Hawks, look over here!"

"Hawks, can you tell us about..."

"Hawks, over here!"

"Can you sign my notebook, Hawks?"

"Marry me, Hawks!!"

^That last one was me lol

I used my quirk to mimic camera flashes to blend in better with the paparazzi, but I made sure they weren't bright enough to blind anybody. My face was obscured by a plain black mask, as apposed to my usual grinning mask, and a pair of sunglasses.

Hawks' head turned towards the crowd. Despite the hoard of people trying to get his attention, I could have sworn he looked straight at me. My heart skipped a beat when our eyes locked.

I panicked, thinking he had recognized me, but as soon as the moment had started, it ended and Hawks was smiling at a nearby news reporter.

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued my mission to blend in and observe.

I watched Hawks' every move as he waved to the crowd of fans and reporters.

He took a notebook from the hands of a little fangirl and signed it with a red feather pen.

I noticed a few red feathers fly out of his wings and gently nudge the crowd aside, creating a path through the middle of it where he could walk through.

I even saw a few of the crazier fans lunge desperately for the feathers before Hawks summoned them back into his wings.

While most of the paparazzi and fans dispersed after he left, I followed him stealthily from a distance.

It wasn't very exciting to be honest. He walked around for a while, gave autographs to fans, bought some fried chicken.

It was a few hours until something interesting finally happened- a fight between Hawks and a villain.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for my fellow villain as Hawks quickly defeated him but at the same time I learned a lot about Hawks' fighting style and moves.

The crowd that had gathered to watch the fight cheered as the hero emerged victorious.

Hawks waved to them and soon the police arrived to take the villain away. I slipped away into a dark alley and back to the LOV hideout to report what I had learned.


"Good job, Paparazzi." said Shigaraki "Tomorrow you can go again, but this time I want you to confront him. You can learn a lot more about Hawks just be holding a conversation with him."

"Got it!" I agreed, before grabbing a box of Cheez-its and plopping down on the couch next to Himiko.

She was watching one if the many Scream movies with a bored look on her face.

"I could have done better that that!" she commented as one of the characters was stabbed.

"Yeah, he didn't even clean his knife!" I added.

She reached over and grabbed a handful of Cheez-its.

"Did Hawks do anything interesting?" Himiko asked, munching on the crackers.

"Not really." I shrugged "Just signed some autographs and fought an amateur villain."

Himiko turned her attention back to the TV screen and smiled at the bloody scene displayed there.

My thoughts drifted back to earlier today, when me and Hawks had made eye contact. I shivered at the realization of how close I had been to ruining my whole mission.

I settled deeper into the couch cushion and watched the movie with Himiko, though I couldn't shake the strange feeling I'd had since seeing Hawks...





We all know Hawks wears eyeliner, right?
But does he!??



K thanks for letting me rant.

Bye bye love you 💗


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