Shinso x reader

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Imagine someone saying this^ to you=
Instant butterflies 🦋🦋🦋

(this has nothing to do with the oneshot, I just wanted to share my simpy thought)

My hot emo bae Miyamura^^^^^^^❤️❤️❤️❤️


No one's POV:

You noticed a boy sitting by himself during lunch. He picked at his tray of food, looking bored.

Without hesitation, you said 'See you later!' to your large group of friends and went to sit with him. It went against your friendly extrovert nature to let someone sit by themselves.

"Hi'ya!" you said cheerfully, sitting down across from him.

He looked up at you with tired lavender eyes.

"My name's Y/N L/N! What's your name?" you asked with a bright smile.

"Shinso." he muttered, looking back down at his bowl of rice.

"Neat! So, you got a quirk?" you asked, trying to make conversation.

Shinso looked suspiciously back up at you as if trying to decide whether or this was some sort of trick.

"Yeah." he answered simply.

You waited for him to elaborate. When he didn't, you said:

"Cool! Mine's called 'Flora' but I like to call it 'Flower Power'! I can grow any kind of plant! Pretty cool, huh? What about yours?"

You waited patiently for his answer, unfazed by the glare he sent you.

"Haven't you heard? I have a villainous quirk. A dangerous quirk. That's why no one will sit with me. I can brain wash people and make them do whatever I want." he said at last.

He looked at you expectantly as if waiting for you to get up and leave him because of what he told you. But you did quite the opposite:

"That is SO cool!! You could capture so many villains with that quirk!! And powerful, too! I think your quirk is amazing, Shinso!" you gushed to the purple haired boy.

"" he asked and his expression brightened slightly.

"Of course! There's no such thing as a villainous quirk! If you wanted to be one, I think you'd make a great hero!"

"Actually... I've always wanted to be a pro hero." admitted Shinso, seeming to get a little bit more comfortable with you.

"That's awesome! I bet you could get into any hero course you wanted to!"

You and Shinso chatted (you talked to him and he occasionally answered) for the rest of your lunch break.

Ever since then you made it your duty to become Shinso's best friend. You sat by him every day at lunch and soon he became more relaxed around you.

Over time, you managed to become his best friend. You became inseparable until the two of you graduated middle school.



Hitoshi turned around right before you crashed into him.

"Y-Y/N..." he choked out, suffocated by your tight hug.

"I heard you got into UA!! I'm so proud of you!!" you squealed, finally unwrapping your arms from around him and stepping back to give him a bright smile.

"Yeah, but... it's only General studies." he muttered, looking down "We had to fight robots for the practical exam and my quirk only works on people so... I failed."

"Shut up." you snapped and he looked up at you, lavender eyes wide "You did an amazing job. Getting into UA is impressive, even if you aren't in the hero course yet! I just know that they'll transfer you after they see how incredible you are!"

"Thanks, Y/N." he said, giving you a small grateful smile.

"No prob, Hitoshi! Now let's go to a cat café to celebrate the beginning of our summer break!" you cheered.

"That's a great idea." agreed Hitoshi, watching you jump around in excitement.

"C'mon, Hitoshiiii, I wanna pet the kitties!"

You grabbed your best friend's hand and pulled him along, not noticing the blush that was forming on his cheeks...


"What if you make you bunch of new friends and forget about me?" you sniffed.

"I... seriously doubt that will happen."

You and Hitoshi were saying your goodbyes. It was the end of your summer holiday and you and Hitoshi were going to different highschools. You had spent the whole summer hanging out and going to cat cafés with him but now you would barely ever get to see him.

You had even developed a crush on the boy and felt like now was your only chance to tell him.

But what if he rejects you it ruins your friendship?

You pushed those thoughts away and turned back towards your best friend.

"Promise me we'll remain friends no matter what." you said.

"Um, ok, I guess. I promise." said Hitoshi looking slightly confused.

"Good. I'm really gonna miss you, you know." you told him.

"Yeah, I'll... miss you too."

You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to do.

"I have a present for you." you told him.

"Really? What?" he asked.

Before you had time to second guess yourself, you stood on your tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Blushing, you pulled away.

"S-sorry! I.. should have a-asked!" you said nervously, watching him for a reaction.

He seemed stunned for a moment before he blushed and said quietly:

"You missed."


To your surprise, he leaned down and pressed his lips onto yours. You happily returned the kiss and after a moment you broke apart, both blushing furiously.

"Wow." you breathed "That was amazing."

Hitoshi chuckled quietly, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I should probably get going... My train leaves in ten minutes..."

"Yeah." you said sadly.

You hugged him goodbye one last time and he left. You wondered when the next time you would see him would be...


You waited impatiently at the train station for your boyfriend. It was the beginning of the summer vacation and you hadn't seen Hitoshi in weeks.

You went on a few dates on the weekend, but ever since he transfered over to the hero course, he's been too busy with training to hang out.

Finally, his train arrived. You eagerly searched the crowd of people exiting the train for anyone with purple hair.

He wasn't hard to spot, and as soon as you did find him, you ran up to him. You crashed into him, imidiatly wrapping him up in one of your suffocating hugs.

"Oh, hey, Y/N." he greeted, returning your hug.

You froze, arms still tightly wrapped around his torso.

"Holly crap..." you muttered, slowly leaning back "Hitoshi, what happened to you!?"

"What do you mean?" he asked uncomprehendingly.

"You've got a friggin six pack is what I mean!" you exclaimed, feeling his hard chest and muscly arms "Looks like someone's been training hard!"

He blushed and looked away as you commented on his new muscles.

"Come on, let's go already." he muttered.

You giggled and grabbed onto his hand.

The two of you left the train station hand in hand, happy to finally be reunited.



This one is different because it's like a few mini oneshots about how you and Shinso met and got together. I hope everyone enjoyed it!

As I said in the last chapter, I will be taking a short break now. But requests are still open and welcome!

I love you and don't forget to love yourself ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🐸🐸🐸😘😘😘

~i want pancakes

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